attaching email and its attachment with an existing work object
Hi, I have a business scenario where a case has already been created and customer is in formed to send some pictures of the product. When the customer replies back the email with picture attachment, I am able to parse the case ID from the subject line but I am unable to attach the email as well as its attachment with the work object. I am opening the case with Case ID in the pyWorkPage and then using pyworkPage as a step page I am looping for each element in the value list pyAttachmentPage.pyAttachNames and calling the OOTB activity AddAttachmentFromMail. When I am running the service email rule stand alone with all the email details ( from, to, subject, message/body) and tracing it I am getting error in tracer "The reference pyAttachmentPage is not valid. Reason: this step has no step page and attempts to use a relative reference for the Repeat string list property" . Can anybody help of this. Also does this activity (AddAttachmentFromMail) apart from attaching the file contains in the email attach the email correspondence ( ie customer reply message) with the work item?
Hi, I have a business scenario where a case has already been created and customer is in formed to send some pictures of the product. When the customer replies back the email with picture attachment, I am able to parse the case ID from the subject line but I am unable to attach the email as well as its attachment with the work object. I am opening the case with Case ID in the pyWorkPage and then using pyworkPage as a step page I am looping for each element in the value list pyAttachmentPage.pyAttachNames and calling the OOTB activity AddAttachmentFromMail. When I am running the service email rule stand alone with all the email details ( from, to, subject, message/body) and tracing it I am getting error in tracer "The reference pyAttachmentPage is not valid. Reason: this step has no step page and attempts to use a relative reference for the Repeat string list property" . Can anybody help of this. Also does this activity (AddAttachmentFromMail) apart from attaching the file contains in the email attach the email correspondence ( ie customer reply message) with the work item?