
Last activity: 15 Dec 2015 16:47 EST
How Email service to use an email attachment as a work object attachment
Hi ,
The " Email-Based work processing" feature is being used in our application . Now system is able to reply to the user with a case id whenever user reports the problem via email .
Also Manager is able to perform the assignment actions(Approve/Reject) through an email ,and case id is processed as expected.
Here requirement is ,user may send a separate email notification by keep case id in email subject along with attachments ,and those inbound email attachment files save with case id that mentioned in email subject.
Looks like service email activity "pyCreateAndManageWorkFromEmail" is take care of email attachment feature as well,but i'm unable to make correct subject pattern for email request.
Please suggest me if work around to feature.
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
pyCreateAndManageWorkFromEmail, as the name suggests, was primarily designed for new case creation and performing assignment actions on a case. When work object ID is present in the subject line, it assumes that the email is to perform an action and the action details are encoded in the subject line. When the work object ID is absent in the subject line, it treats this email as a request to create a new case. For your use case, you may have to customize this activity if you are not performing an assignment action on the work object ID mentioned in the subject line.

Pegasystems Inc.
>>> Here requirement is ,user may send a separate email notification by keep case id in email subject along with attachments ,and those inbound email attachment files save with case id that mentioned in email subject.
- I think - the same email should be used without changing the subject for further communications.
could you also please share your observations if user responded on the same email without changing the subject line....

Thanks Phani for response, It isn't working if user respond on the same email thread with altering the subject.
In our scenario, case can be created manually by admin and share it with user ,Hence user can initiate email request by keeping case id in subject line along with attachments and all attachments have to be linked to case.

Can you please elaborate on "i'm unable to make correct subject pattern for email request"?

should we follow any pattern for email subject to process email request ?
the use case is , Email listener should attach the files that are coming from inbound email to work object that mentioned in subject line of inbound email.

Pegasystems Inc.
Are you following the standard out-of-the-box email-based work object processing feature using pyCreateAndManageWorkFromEmail activity, and are you performing an assignment action using email or just sending attachments with work object ID in the subject line?

Thanks Praneeth for your response,
Yes, we've followed standard OOTB email based work object processing.
Our system is creating the cases for the inbound emails requests that comes from users, reply to the user same with case id.
Managers are performing an assignment action via email as well.
Above two features of email processing are being worked fine.
The issue here is ,unable to link the Inbound attachments to the case that is mentioned in the subject line.

Pegasystems Inc.

App is running on 7.1.9 version itself .
I found couple of observation ,I got the below outbound failure notification to the inbound request..
The system was unable to process item XX-119 via email. Invalid action was found in the request email. You can retry responding via email, along with the required input data.
Thank you.
XML of primary page has been logged.
Thanks & Regards,
Attachments: RuleWarning.docx
<pySubject>Email Approval status for XX-119</pySubject>
<pyFromDisplayName>Brahmam Eswar</pyFromDisplayName>
<pyTo>[email protected]</pyTo>
App is running on 7.1.9 version itself .
I found couple of observation ,I got the below outbound failure notification to the inbound request..
The system was unable to process item XX-119 via email. Invalid action was found in the request email. You can retry responding via email, along with the required input data.
Thank you.
XML of primary page has been logged.
Thanks & Regards,
Attachments: RuleWarning.docx
<pySubject>Email Approval status for XX-119</pySubject>
<pyFromDisplayName>Brahmam Eswar</pyFromDisplayName>
<pyTo>[email protected]</pyTo>
<pyFrom>[email protected]</pyFrom>
During processing inbound request ,The following steps of pyCreateAndManageWorkFromEmail were executed .
Running step 1_circum0
2015-12-15 21:09:40,049 [ EMAIL-Thread-40] [ STANDARD] [ ] [AppReq:01.01.01] (nageWorkFromEmail.Work_.Action) DEBUG EMAIL.AppReqEmailListener.Listener|from([email protected])|sub(XX-119)|Email|AppReqPkg|MyOrg-MyDIV-Work-MyUnit|CreatepyStartCase|ABB289241D4950382775FE3C563BC5257 User1 - Running step 2_circum0
2015-12-15 21:09:40,053 [ EMAIL-Thread-40] [ STANDARD] [ ] [AppReq:01.01.01] (nageWorkFromEmail.Work_.Action) DEBUG EMAIL.AppReqEmailListener.Listener|from([email protected])|sub(XX-119)|Email|AppReqPkg|MyOrg-MyDIV-Work-MyUnit|CreatepyStartCase|ABB289241D4950382775FE3C563BC5257 User1 - Running step 3_circum0
2015-12-15 21:09:40,053 [ EMAIL-Thread-40] [ STANDARD] [ ] [AppReq:01.01.01] (nageWorkFromEmail.Work_.Action) DEBUG EMAIL.AppReqEmailListener.Listener|from([email protected])|sub(XX-119)|Email|AppReqPkg|MyOrg-MyDIV-Work-MyUnit|CreatepyStartCase|ABB289241D4950382775FE3C563BC5257 User1 - Running step 4_circum0
2015-12-15 21:09:40,054 [ EMAIL-Thread-40] [ STANDARD] [ ] [AppReq:01.01.01] (nageWorkFromEmail.Work_.Action) DEBUG EMAIL.AppReqEmailListener.Listener|from([email protected])|sub(XX-119)|Email|AppReqPkg|MyOrg-MyDIV-Work-MyUnit|CreatepyStartCase|ABB289241D4950382775FE3C563BC5257 User1 - Running step 12_circum0
2015-12-15 21:09:40,054 [ EMAIL-Thread-40] [ STANDARD] [ ] [AppReq:01.01.01] (nageWorkFromEmail.Work_.Action) DEBUG EMAIL.AppReqEmailListener.Listener|from([email protected])|sub(XX-119)|Email|AppReqPkg|MyOrg-MyDIV-Work-MyUnit|CreatepyStartCase|ABB289241D4950382775FE3C563BC5257 User1 - Running step 13_circum0
2015-12-15 21:09:40,056 [ EMAIL-Thread-40] [ STANDARD] [ ] [AppReq:01.01.01] (nageWorkFromEmail.Work_.Action) DEBUG EMAIL.AppReqEmailListener.Listener|from([email protected])|sub(XX-119)|Email|AppReqPkg|MyOrg-MyDIV-Work-MyUnit|CreatepyStartCase|ABB289241D4950382775FE3C563BC5257 User1 - Running step 14_circum0
2015-12-15 21:09:40,056 [ EMAIL-Thread-40] [ STANDARD] [ ] [AppReq:01.01.01] (nageWorkFromEmail.Work_.Action) DEBUG EMAIL.AppReqEmailListener.Listener|from([email protected])|sub(XX-119)|Email|AppReqPkg|MyOrg-MyDIV-Work-MyUnit|CreatepyStartCase|ABB289241D4950382775FE3C563BC5257 User1 - Running step 15_circum0
2015-12-15 21:09:40,069 [ EMAIL-Thread-40] [ STANDARD] [ ] [AppReq:01.01.01] (nageWorkFromEmail.Work_.Action) DEBUG EMAIL.AppReqEmailListener.Listener|from([email protected])|sub(XX-119)|Email|AppReqPkg|MyOrg-MyDIV-Work-MyUnit|CreatepyStartCase|ABB289241D4950382775FE3C563BC5257 User1 - Running step 28_circum0
2015-12-15 21:09:40,069 [ EMAIL-Thread-40] [ STANDARD] [ ] [AppReq:01.01.01] (nageWorkFromEmail.Work_.Action) DEBUG EMAIL.AppReqEmailListener.Listener|from([email protected])|sub(XX-119)|Email|AppReqPkg|MyOrg-MyDIV-Work-MyUnit|CreatepyStartCase|ABB289241D4950382775FE3C563BC5257 User1 - Running step 29_circum0
2015-12-15 21:09:45,171 [ EMAIL-Thread-40] [ STANDARD] [ ] [AppReq:01.01.01] (nageWorkFromEmail.Work_.Action) DEBUG EMAIL.AppReqEmailListener.Listener|from([email protected])|sub(XX-119)|Email|AppReqPkg|MyOrg-MyDIV-Work-MyUnit|CreatepyStartCase|ABB289241D4950382775FE3C563BC5257 User1 - Running step 43_circum0
2015-12-15 21:09:45,172 [ EMAIL-Thread-40] [ STANDARD] [ ] [AppReq:01.01.01] (nageWorkFromEmail.Work_.Action) DEBUG EMAIL.AppReqEmailListener.Listener|from([email protected])|sub(XX-119)|Email|AppReqPkg|MyOrg-MyDIV-Work-MyUnit|CreatepyStartCase|ABB289241D4950382775FE3C563BC5257 User1 - Running step 44_circum0
2015-12-15 21:09:45,172 [ EMAIL-Thread-40] [ STANDARD] [ ] [AppReq:01.01.01] (nageWorkFromEmail.Work_.Action) ERROR EMAIL.AppReqEmailListener.Listener|from([email protected])|sub(XX-119)|Email|AppReqPkg|MyOrg-MyDIV-Work-MyUnit|CreatepyStartCase|ABB289241D4950382775FE3C563BC5257 User1 - Work object processing of <XX-119> through email failed. Reason: Invalid action was found in the request email.
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
pyCreateAndManageWorkFromEmail, as the name suggests, was primarily designed for new case creation and performing assignment actions on a case. When work object ID is present in the subject line, it assumes that the email is to perform an action and the action details are encoded in the subject line. When the work object ID is absent in the subject line, it treats this email as a request to create a new case. For your use case, you may have to customize this activity if you are not performing an assignment action on the work object ID mentioned in the subject line.

Yes..Absolutely correct .Thanks for your confirmation.
pyCreateAndManageWorkFromEmail needs to be customized for use case.

Pegasystems Inc.
Regarding the second SA that you link to, I have forwarded your comment (seeking clarification of the RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY) to the SA Author.
You should get a reply soon. I also suggested that the SA be reopened and revised to add the precise information.
Thanks for your patience.