Pega Knowledge Buddy Data Sources Ingestion
We are trying to implement Pega Knowledge buddy in Labs environment. We have created the buddy, data source(using regular Pega Knowledge) and ingested the same.
For all the request(question API) we are getting the response as "I don't know" from Knowledge buddy.
On further analysis we got the below error in the logs.
Can someone help us understand the issue here.
com.pega.platform.genai.vectorindex.VectorIndexException: Received status 500 from 'queryChunks' for query [User Consent Management] and search options: SearchOptions{k=5, minDistance=0.7, limitToTopChunkPerObject=false, attributesToRetrieve=[roles, dataSource], filterAttributes=Attributes{attributes={roles=Attribute{name=roles, values=[KnowledgeBuddy:Admin, KnowledgeBuddy:Public], type=string, operator=in}, dataSource=Attribute{name=dataSource, values=[knowledge_KC-2086, Knowledge_KC-2086, Knowledge_KC-2085, Knowledge_KCP-5161], type=string, operator=in}}}}. Error: {"code":500,"message":"error while querying chunks: ERROR: relation \"i_pega_knowledge_embeddings\" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)"} |