
Red Alpha, LLC
Last activity: 11 Nov 2024 10:00 EST
Rename Pulse label in Constellation
I've searched through prior questions and can't seem to find the specific answer, so figured I would ask here. In Pega Inifinity '24 with Constellation, how do we change the label of the Pulse widget? The name "Pulse" means something very specific to my customer and we cannot have it displayed anywhere in our Pega applications, so our team is looking to update any displays of this label. We've been able to update the tab name on case details, but the widget itself still says Pulse. Likewise, on the application home/landing pages any Pulse widgets still have the Pulse label.
In Cosmos UI for Pega Platform 8.* this was a very straightforward thing to update. But we're struggling to find where/how to do this with Constellation, so any suggestions are welcome. Thank you!
Emma Pyzynski Nathan Malenfant Scott Rachlinski Tess Porter Jonathan Black and 1 More -
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 11 Nov 2024 10:00 EST

Red Alpha, LLC
Hi Vishal,
Yes in my previously accepted answer, we did as you described and simply created a React widget with props that allow a dev to replace occurrences of one string on the screen with another (as this is all front end display),
However, since then I have found a more reliable, scalable and Pega based solution. The instructions are below: 1) In Dev Studio, check out for Private Edit the When rule pxEnableC11nDev. Update the value to true and save. This will allow you to see the JSON that comprises the Constellation Views.
2) Then using App Explorer in Dev Studio, find the instances of your rules of type Rule-UI-View. Open you chosen View rule.
3) On the View rule (should be in JSON format), check out for edit and tick the checkbox near the top to enable "Mark as custom". This will enable editing on the JSON.
4) In the pxViewMetadata area, scroll down to find your Pulse tab/label. You should see a line that looks like -
"label": "@L Pulse",
You can edit the word Pulse to whatever term you would like to use instead of Pulse, like below -
"label": "@L Message Board",
5) Save your rule edits. I also then uncheck the "Mark as custom" checkbox and Save again. Check-in the rule if necessary, then examine the updates to your view in App Studio or User Portal

Pegasystems Inc.
"In Pega Infinity '24 with Constellation, changing the label of the Pulse widget involves configuring the display of feed sources. To update the label of the Pulse widget, you need to follow these steps:
1. **Navigate to Dev Studio**: In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click on 'App'.
2. **Access Rule-Pulse**: Enter 'Rule-Pulse' in the text field and open the Rule-Pulse Rule.
3. **Edit Pulse Instances**: On the list of Pulse Rule instances, open the instance for which you want to edit the feed sources. For example, to edit how Pulse displays in your application dashboard, open 'pyDashboardFeed'. To edit how Pulse displays in Cases, open 'pyCaseFeed'.
4. **Configure Display**: To change the label, you might need to modify the properties that define the title and other display elements of the Pulse widget. This can involve setting the title as a property or a field value that references the new label you want to use.\n\nFor more detailed steps, you can refer to the documentation on configuring the display of feed sources and Pulse feed sources for Constellation
Constellation, follow these steps:
- Open the Home Page Configuration.
- Locate the Pulse Widget.
- Edit the Widget Settings.
- Change the Label.
- Save the Changes.
This should help you update the Pulse label across your application.
"In Pega Infinity '24 with Constellation, changing the label of the Pulse widget involves configuring the display of feed sources. To update the label of the Pulse widget, you need to follow these steps:
1. **Navigate to Dev Studio**: In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click on 'App'.
2. **Access Rule-Pulse**: Enter 'Rule-Pulse' in the text field and open the Rule-Pulse Rule.
3. **Edit Pulse Instances**: On the list of Pulse Rule instances, open the instance for which you want to edit the feed sources. For example, to edit how Pulse displays in your application dashboard, open 'pyDashboardFeed'. To edit how Pulse displays in Cases, open 'pyCaseFeed'.
4. **Configure Display**: To change the label, you might need to modify the properties that define the title and other display elements of the Pulse widget. This can involve setting the title as a property or a field value that references the new label you want to use.\n\nFor more detailed steps, you can refer to the documentation on configuring the display of feed sources and Pulse feed sources for Constellation
Constellation, follow these steps:
- Open the Home Page Configuration.
- Locate the Pulse Widget.
- Edit the Widget Settings.
- Change the Label.
- Save the Changes.
This should help you update the Pulse label across your application.
⚠ This is a GenAI-powered tool. All generated answers require validation against the provided references.
Change "Pulse" label in my portal
I want to change the UI text "Pulse" in the Pulse gadget to other words like "Com
Configuring the display of feed sources
Configuring Pulse feed sources for Constellation

Pegasystems Inc.
Changing the OOTB component labels is not allowed in Constellation design system. We can only edit the label of the tab as you mentioned.

Red Alpha, LLC
@Aditi Mehta Thank you - this is what I have been fearing. It frustrates me that we are allowed this partial configuration, while other areas are so hardcoded in the product. I feel like there HAS to be a way. Maybe we have to over complicate things and create an entirely new widget that looks and performs exactly like the OOTB one, but with our own label?

Pegasystems Inc.
Did you explore the potential solutions suggested by @MarijeSchillern? If those solutions are not working as expected, I agree to implement a new widget because we can't override the widgets in the implementation layer.

Pegasystems Inc.
The solution suggested by @MarijeSchillern can only change the label for the tab. Also any overrides to Views in Constellation is not recommended and can cause upgrade issues. Creating a new widget just for the label change can be an additional overhead.
Updated: 11 Nov 2024 10:00 EST

Red Alpha, LLC
Yes, like @Aditi Mehta mentioned, it only updates the label on the tab and not within the widget itself. We ended up having to create our own React Component to accomplish this simple rename task and we have to ensure we include that everywhere Pulse would normally exist. It's not ideal but it's the solution for now.

Hi Ramesh - How did you do it?
Did you download Pega's web-components-sdk repository and made changes?
If yes can you please share the commands for the same?
Kind Regards,
Accepted Solution
Updated: 11 Nov 2024 10:00 EST

Red Alpha, LLC
Hi Vishal,
Yes in my previously accepted answer, we did as you described and simply created a React widget with props that allow a dev to replace occurrences of one string on the screen with another (as this is all front end display),
However, since then I have found a more reliable, scalable and Pega based solution. The instructions are below: 1) In Dev Studio, check out for Private Edit the When rule pxEnableC11nDev. Update the value to true and save. This will allow you to see the JSON that comprises the Constellation Views.
2) Then using App Explorer in Dev Studio, find the instances of your rules of type Rule-UI-View. Open you chosen View rule.
3) On the View rule (should be in JSON format), check out for edit and tick the checkbox near the top to enable "Mark as custom". This will enable editing on the JSON.
4) In the pxViewMetadata area, scroll down to find your Pulse tab/label. You should see a line that looks like -
"label": "@L Pulse",
You can edit the word Pulse to whatever term you would like to use instead of Pulse, like below -
"label": "@L Message Board",
5) Save your rule edits. I also then uncheck the "Mark as custom" checkbox and Save again. Check-in the rule if necessary, then examine the updates to your view in App Studio or User Portal