
Sun Life Financial
Last activity: 3 Jul 2024 10:30 EDT
Configuring SystemName in Custom PDC report
I'm creating a custom report in PDC and want to pass the current Systemname which is selected in the top right "System" dropdown dynamically in the report filter condition, instead of hardcoding systemname in report.
Is there a way to achieve this in PDC for custom reports? I noticed the OOTB CPU report is taking the systemname dynamically.
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 12 Jul 2024 10:53 EDT

Maantic Inc
You can create a CC ticket and provide the type as information you need and process forward.

Sun Life Financial
Hi, Anyone has any insight on this?

Maantic Inc
I'm not aware of any way its possible. Its best if you raise a ticket with Pega GCS.

Sun Life Financial
@SohamM95, Are you asking to create a Pega INC for this? My understanding is that the queries are not supported through the INCs and hence raised a query here.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 12 Jul 2024 10:53 EDT

Maantic Inc
You can create a CC ticket and provide the type as information you need and process forward.

Pegasystems Inc.
@HimabinduJ1784 as Soham mentioned in PDC the ability to dynamically pass the current Systemname in the report filter condition for custom reports is not directly supported.
The Systemname is used internally by PDC for its out-of-the-box reports, but this functionality is not exposed for custom reports. However, you can create custom reports based on the available metrics and alerts in PDC. For more specific customization, it's recommended to reach out to the PDC team for guidance.
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Ask the Expert - Pega Predictive Diagnostic Cloud with Andy Werden [2019 Editi

Sun Life Financial
Hi @MarijeSchillern,
Thanks for responding. Could you please let me know the process to reach out to the PDC team.
Updated: 3 Jul 2024 10:30 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
@HimabinduJ1784 please see the resources on the PSC Landing page.
via the MSP you can log a (cloud) ticket relevant to your environment.