Last activity: 4 Jun 2024 8:09 EDT
Expiring Certificate Notification is not working
My requirement is to get Email notification when the SSL certificate is going to expiry, for that i have enabled the " Expiring Certification notification ". wizard from the
Configure->System->Settings->Expiring Certificate Notifications.
Enabled the Job Scheduler -- pyCertificateExpirationNotification
Added the SSL certificate to the Platform Trutstore ---pxAddCertificatesToPlatformTrutstore
Email Account test connectivity is also good
But still could not be able to receive the Email to the provided email Address.
To implement the above i Used the below PEGA official document for the reference:
Expiring certificate notifications | Pega Managing X.509 certificates | Pega
***Edited by Moderator Rupashree S. to add Capability tags***