Standalone Pega Bix (7.3) fails to extract records and gives error "No valid extract rules found." in logs.
Bix extract log shows the following and fails to extract records even though class and extract rule exists.
Have seen that a Case Type is defined for this class. Extraction works fine for other classes.
Is there any additional configuration needed.
16:42:27,062 [uk3lpeg002.cmc.local] (access.DatabaseUtilsCommonImpl) INFO - Bypassing CMC-Ops-CRM-Work-CustomerUpgrade (does not exist)
16:42:27,063 [uk3lpeg002.cmc.local] ( internal.access.ExtractImpl) INFO - Processing extract rule with insKey :RULE-ADMIN-EXTRACT CMC-OPS-CRM-WORK-CUSTOMERUPGRADE CUSTOMERUPGRADETEST #20210107T145625.140 GMT
16:42:27,075 [uk3lpeg002.cmc.local] ( internal.access.ExtractImpl) ERROR - No valid extract rules found
16:42:27,186 [uk3lpeg002.cmc.local] ( internal.util.MoveLog) INFO - #Instances this thread updated: 0
16:42:27,186 [uk3lpeg002.cmc.local] ( internal.util.MoveLog) INFO - CPU Time (this thread): 0.0 seconds