
Sunlife Financials
Sunlife Financials
Sunlife Financials
Posted: Feb 28, 2020
Last activity: Feb 28, 2020
Last activity: 28 Feb 2020 9:09 EST
Section included in correspondence rule for sending Email, Agent is searching it in wrong class when running activity with agent
I created a section (non-auto generated) and included in the correspondence rule, when the agent is triggering the activity I'm not able to see the section included in the body of the email. When I'm running the activity manually it's working fine. (Tested in the case of Auto generated section, it's not working as well). When I traced the agent I found out error msg as Failed to find instance @baseclass.Rulename of type Rule-HTML-Section. I have not created the section in @baseclass it is in some other class and Correspondence and Activity are also in that class, I don't know why agent is searching in @baseclass. Please help me regarding this
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