
Last activity: 17 Feb 2021 10:12 EST
Restrict Case creation on add task when user want to create case second time.
Hi All,
I have a requirement like, we have interaction intent task on click of Add Task the user selecting Test case to create a case now user created a case, now again on same page user click on add task on second time we dont want to show the Test case option again. please help how to handle this scenario.?
please find attachmenet
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Sadhanag,
We are fetching the results from D_Interaction_driver page and displaying the Intent tasks under AddTask.
If you don't want to display the task once it is launched , you should not add that task to the page and page should get reloaded again.
In "CPMGetIntentTaskByCategory" activity at 10.3 step we are copying the intent task results to D_Interaction_Driver datapage based upon two when condition as shown in the below.
To achieve your requirement, either you can add one more when condition to check whether the service case is present in D_CPMServiceCaseRecents[D_CPMPortalContext.pyID] and you need to reload the datapage D_Interaction_Driver (by referring the page in the activity) so that it will be loaded again and the intent task will be removed from the datapage.
Hi Sadhanag,
We are fetching the results from D_Interaction_driver page and displaying the Intent tasks under AddTask.
If you don't want to display the task once it is launched , you should not add that task to the page and page should get reloaded again.
In "CPMGetIntentTaskByCategory" activity at 10.3 step we are copying the intent task results to D_Interaction_Driver datapage based upon two when condition as shown in the below.
To achieve your requirement, either you can add one more when condition to check whether the service case is present in D_CPMServiceCaseRecents[D_CPMPortalContext.pyID] and you need to reload the datapage D_Interaction_Driver (by referring the page in the activity) so that it will be loaded again and the intent task will be removed from the datapage.
You can set the ShowinList property value to false for the corresponding intent task after the intent is launched.We are checking this property value at first when condition of 10.3 step,so if the value is false it won't get copied to the D_Interaction_Driver and after this the page must be reloaded.

Pegasystems Inc.
You can configure the disable condition on Label in CPMDisplayTaskInMenu section based on your requirement i.e. you can check the is the case is already created or not by looking to pxResults of D_CPMServiceCaseRecents[D_CPMPortalContext.pyID].

Thanks praveen,
I tried this approve and its not working because the interaction is not getting refreshed on second on click of add task.
please suggest any other approach.

Let me provide more details,
suppose When Insurance case is created from an Interaction, and again if user click on add task user is able to create one more case from the same interaction case.
my requirement is to if already case is created then user should not create another case and if they click on add task the insurance case option should not be available for user to create case.
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Sadhanag,
We are fetching the results from D_Interaction_driver page and displaying the Intent tasks under AddTask.
If you don't want to display the task once it is launched , you should not add that task to the page and page should get reloaded again.
In "CPMGetIntentTaskByCategory" activity at 10.3 step we are copying the intent task results to D_Interaction_Driver datapage based upon two when condition as shown in the below.
To achieve your requirement, either you can add one more when condition to check whether the service case is present in D_CPMServiceCaseRecents[D_CPMPortalContext.pyID] and you need to reload the datapage D_Interaction_Driver (by referring the page in the activity) so that it will be loaded again and the intent task will be removed from the datapage.
Hi Sadhanag,
We are fetching the results from D_Interaction_driver page and displaying the Intent tasks under AddTask.
If you don't want to display the task once it is launched , you should not add that task to the page and page should get reloaded again.
In "CPMGetIntentTaskByCategory" activity at 10.3 step we are copying the intent task results to D_Interaction_Driver datapage based upon two when condition as shown in the below.
To achieve your requirement, either you can add one more when condition to check whether the service case is present in D_CPMServiceCaseRecents[D_CPMPortalContext.pyID] and you need to reload the datapage D_Interaction_Driver (by referring the page in the activity) so that it will be loaded again and the intent task will be removed from the datapage.
You can set the ShowinList property value to false for the corresponding intent task after the intent is launched.We are checking this property value at first when condition of 10.3 step,so if the value is false it won't get copied to the D_Interaction_Driver and after this the page must be reloaded.

Thanks for your responce chinn2
finally its working now, i have added pre loading activity on section where the CPM interaction menu are displaying.
The activity logic checking the D_interaction_driver page if the case is already created then i am doing the property remove,