
Erste Digital
Last activity: 13 May 2020 8:18 EDT
Getting Campaign name on Data Flow
We have customized Pega OOTB data flow CustomerData and inserted one data transform within that to set few parameters for the customers. We need to capture the CampaignName within that data transform which is invoking the data flow at runtime. I have found that on pyworkPage, pyLabel contails the campaign name for campaign id thread.I have run the data transform standalone on Campaign thread, Campaign Name is set correctly on that. But whenever we are running the campaign from marketing portal, Campaign name is not set. I assume as data flow run can't be captured or debugged on thread level like other rules, it's not able to hold the parameter which contains the campaign name. Can you please suggest any alternate way in which we can get the runtime Campaign name within data flow? Thanks in Advance.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****