
Last activity: 1 Aug 2019 3:34 EDT
Attachments in correspondence
In case type we sent an Email with correspondence contained attachments from current work object with concrete category (For example: 'TmpCategory').
Then this correspondence attached to this work object.
On the next step when we delete from this work object attachments with category 'TmpCategory' or change this category, this attachments also disappear in correspondence.
How to make that attached correspondence with attachments was like sent in email correspondence (without attachment changes)
in other words how make cast of sent correspondence. Or how to attach copy of email with correspondence 'tempname.eml' with sent attachments?
Steps to Reproduce
1. Send email with correspondece contained attachments of conrete category using activity SendSimpleEmail.
2. Delete all attachments with this category from work object attachments or change their category.
3. Open attached correspondence.
4. Correspondence's attachments disappear.
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