
Nestle GLOBE
Last activity: 14 Oct 2018 13:51 EDT
Interrogate IE web download popup coming from window application
Hello All,
I am not able to interrogate the fweb IE up which is coming from window application. Could you please help me on this.
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Pegasystems Inc.
There isn't a lot of detail here. Can you provide a screenshot or additional detail? Maybe steps on recreating the same on our end so we can assist?
Maybe this helps? -

Nestle GLOBE
Please find the steps what I am doing
Step1--I have SAP Windows application where I need to put some Transaction code with the help of Pega. Say for EXAMPLE I put A.. I can interrogate this part.
Step2- When I put the transaction code in sap(windows application) and click on execute button a webpage open which I unable to interrogate. Could you please help me how can I interrogate the web page.

Pegasystems Inc.
Ok, you have two possibilities. First, if the IE process is a child of the SAP application, then you can utilize the HookChildProcesses property on the Windows Adapter. Otherwise, you'll need to use MonitorAll on a separate Web Adapter and interrogate it with that adapter.

Nestle GLOBE
SAP Application---Parent and ----IE is child of sap application.
HookChildProcesses property on the Windows Adapter is set True but it doesn't work. Kindly find the attached screen shot and help me to resolve.
Brooke Halloran

Nestle GLOBE
SAP Application---Parent and ----Internet Explorer is child of sap application.
HookChildProcesses property on the Windows Adapter is set True but it doesn't work. Kindly find the attached screen shot and help me to resolve.

Pegasystems Inc.
It may not be a child process. You can verify by using Process Explorer. This Microsoft tool gives you a look at the hierarchy of the processes.
Did you try the second option that I suggested as well?

Nestle GLOBE

Cognizant Technology Solutions India PVT Ltd
Hi Sushanta,
There is a script for downloading files from web window popup that we can't interrogate. As per my knowledge, you could use that script. it could solve your problem.