
Bank Of Nova Scotia
Last activity: 25 May 2018 6:08 EDT
FCM cases are being opened in a popup window when tried to edit
My application is built on Pega CRM 7.21 on Pega 7.2, we are using FCM to display the list of cases in a grid from different applications, and user can open any case and edit them.
On click of an item in the grid, we are opening the case in a new tab in review mode using OpenWorkByHandle OOTB action from a js. Once the case is opened in review mode, user has an action to edit the case, on click of Edit we are calling “pega.desktop.openAssignment” with skipConflictCheck param as true, to open the case in Perform mode.
But, the case is being opened in a popup window as editable instead replacing the old tab. The old tab is remains to read-only copy of the case.
Please share any suggestions to resolve this issue, thanks in advance.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update categories***