
Last activity: 1 Jun 2017 5:18 EDT
How to restrict pop-up window to be opened if user trying to open same window
We have a requirement to open a pop-up window and if user click on link it will open a pop-up window and if user tries to open the same pop-up window by clicking on the same link then it should not open, alerting to the user that "already one pop-up window opened" or replace with same pop-up window. Please reply immediately if you have any solution on this.
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Carelon Global Solutions India LLP

Hi Praveen,
Actually we have put one link on the UI, User will go to that and click on that link, then it will launch harness using pop-up window. If user again clicks on the same link then the pop-up window should not open because its already opened by the user.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello yerubandisatyag,
Thanks for posting your query in PSC :)
From the description, I think you are not using modal dialog. If you were, then the user will not be able to click on the link again unless the modal dialog is closed(assuming the link is provided in the parent page).
Is your use case similar to the UI Gallery sample for link? Refer Designer Studio>> User Interface >> UI Gallery >> Link >> click the link 'Pega Developer Network'.
Are you using open url in window action?

We are launching harness by using pop-up window.
Ex: If user tries to open same harness by clicking on the same link, it should not open if its already opened by the user.
Shibesh Mishra

Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks for the response.
Could you share the screenshot of the configuration made.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Yerubandisatya,
I tried the configuration in Pega 7.2.2 as per attached document to launch harness in a popup via a link. I see the popup does not open multiple (popup) windows.
Could you let us know the Pega version used at your end. Also, share screenshot to verify the configuration made at your end.

Hi Rincy,
The Pega version we are using is 7.1.7

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Yerubandisatyag,
Thanks for sharing the document. I modified my sample as per the document; however, I do not see the reported behavior in IE or Chrome. Harness opens in the same popup window.
Could you share more details on the Page(AppraiserSearch), Harness(LaunchAppraiserSearch) and Run activity(action configured above the Harness).

Hi Rincy,
Is this related to what we have declared in the launch harness? I dont think so because its just behavior of pop-up window, even if we declare or not it will open right? I was thinking that we need to use java script. If u have any solution through java script, please send it. Can we capture events count using java script?

Blue Rose Technologies GmbH
Is the behaviour same in IE and chrome browser ?

This is in IE

Hi YerubandiSatyag,
I am able to reproduce the issue in-house in Pega 7.1.7 as well as latest version Pega 7.2.2, This is not specifict to any browser. However, there is no alternative option in Pega to disable the link and re-enable the link on close of pop-up window (As there will be no scope to store cache variables in OperUrlWindow API and revalidate them on next click). As an alternative, you can use the Modal dialog or Custom javascript function.
As observed the same scenario for RD, when configured RD to link, pop-up windows getting repainted instead of opening the new window.
You can raise an SR, to know it can be addressed as an enhancement in future releases from the product management team.
Best regards,

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Yerubandisatyag,
I have verified the behavior in hotfix environment and here, since the issue is not reported, request you to provide hotfix inventory. Can you try using OOTB harness say Review or NewSample or PrintView and let us know the outcome.