
Last activity: 16 Nov 2015 16:25 EST
Validation errors in pop-up harness are wiped off if the user focus on the portal that launched the pop-up
PRPC Version: 717. Link in a portal launches a harness in a pop-up window. User can input data and click buttons to see some results in same pop-up. If we have any validation errors, they are displayed in pop-up window itself on page level. But when the user takes the focus on to the main portal and then comes back to the pop-up which is already opened, error section disappears (simply validation errors in pop-up harness are wiped off if the user focus on the portal that launched the pop-up). Even in clipboard the errors are removed.
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Here is a detailed version of this issue:
Validation errors in pop-up harness are wiped off, if the focus is shifted to the portal that launched the pop-up and then back to minimized pop-up window.
1. On click of a link in portal, we execute an activity and then launch harness in pop-up window
2. Pop-up displays a harness where user can do a quick search on application functionality.
3. Let's say if mandatory fields are left blank during search, form-level errors appear in pop-up (same is noticed in clipboard as well)
4. While the pop-up stays open, when I just click on the main portal window (to shift the focus from pop-up to main portal) and then open the minimized pop-up, form-level errors are cleared automatically (I believe some kind of refresh is happening)
Any idea on what's causing this issue?
Background: The very first time this is implemented in 7.1.7, form-level errors were not displayed in pop-up and to fix this, I've added the following to UserWorkForm HTML Fragment:
/* @Handler
@protected Rollback element updates caused by popups launched from tabs.
@return $void$
pega.u.d.rollBackElementUpdate = function(){
var winObj =;
if(winObj && winObj.document && winObj.document.getElementById('workarea')){
Here is a detailed version of this issue:
Validation errors in pop-up harness are wiped off, if the focus is shifted to the portal that launched the pop-up and then back to minimized pop-up window.
1. On click of a link in portal, we execute an activity and then launch harness in pop-up window
2. Pop-up displays a harness where user can do a quick search on application functionality.
3. Let's say if mandatory fields are left blank during search, form-level errors appear in pop-up (same is noticed in clipboard as well)
4. While the pop-up stays open, when I just click on the main portal window (to shift the focus from pop-up to main portal) and then open the minimized pop-up, form-level errors are cleared automatically (I believe some kind of refresh is happening)
Any idea on what's causing this issue?
Background: The very first time this is implemented in 7.1.7, form-level errors were not displayed in pop-up and to fix this, I've added the following to UserWorkForm HTML Fragment:
/* @Handler
@protected Rollback element updates caused by popups launched from tabs.
@return $void$
pega.u.d.rollBackElementUpdate = function(){
var winObj =;
if(winObj && winObj.document && winObj.document.getElementById('workarea')){
var oSafeURL = SafeURL_createFromURL(pega.u.d.url);
} }

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Govardhan,
Does the value stays after you move out of the window or the value is also removed from the form?

Thanks for your reply Veer. Yes, values stay. Only error messages are cleared off.

Hello Govardhan,
We were able to see the issue replicated at our end following the same instaruction you have provided.
What we see is after we click on the main harness and then click back on the pop-up harness, reload section is getting called. We are further analyzing this at our end and update you. at this point we are not sure if this is an expected behavior or not.

Thanks Jeena. Yeah I've noticed that pzGetTrackerChanges activity (of @baseclass) gets triggered when the focus is back on the pop-up.