
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 20 Mar 2017 12:40 EDT
Ask the Expert - Reporting with Mike Inman and Trevor Behlman
Join Trevor Behlman and Mike Inman in this month's Ask the Expert session on Reporting!
Meet Mike: Mike is a Software Engineer for Reporting UI and data visualization. He joined Pega in 2012 has been the tech lead of the Reporting UI team Casino Royale for the past year. During his time here, he’s worked on the Reporting experience, Chart control, Dashboards, and general UI work.
Meet Trevor: Trevor started at Pega in 2015 working on the Skin rule under a User Experience team before joining the Casino Royale scrum team a year ago. As a member of this team he has worked on Pega's Reporting experience, Chart control, Dashboards, and general UI work.
Message from Mike and Trevor: Hello! We’re looking forward to answering all your questions around reporting, data visualization and/or dashboarding. In the past year some of the work we’ve done has been around rebuilding the reporting experience in Express and we’d love to hear your questions/feedback around it. We want to help enable you to build reports/data visualizations that help your users take action. We’d love to hear if you have any questions to help you do so!
Ask the Expert Rules
- Follow the Product Support Community's Community Rules of Engagement
- This is not a Live Chat - Mike & Trevor will reply to your questions over the course of this two-week event
- Questions should be clearly and succinctly expressed
- Questions should be of interest to many others in the audience
- Have fun!
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In Pega no matter how complex the data model, all of the data for a case or work item is stored in a single field. This means that business analysts and developers are able to dynamically change their data model or add new pieces of information to a business process without having to involve DBAs in making database changes.
We have the following requirement in BIX
1.We need to get the data into our Data Warehouse
2.BI team want a Pega data model so they can design and map the solution in the DW
3.Pega data model is dynamic and might change
Since the Pega application team and the DW/BI Team are separate and since the Pega data model is dynamic , we need to understand the lessons learnt in handling / managing this effectively.
Can you please post any information / documents regarding the challenges, tips, lessons learnt on the above. ?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Binod,
Correct me if you think I'm wrong but this seems more like a process issue. What is separating the DW/BI team from the Application team? Does the Application team know what they are impacting when they change the data model?
Internally we have a similar issue to yours when it comes to making schema changes (such as exposing a column in a Rule- class). A basic example for us if we want to add a property to a class and have it exposed in the database, we create a user story for another team who will then work with us to make sure the correct scripts are generated and guide us on getting it applied to our dev system. It's not exactly the same case you're encountering but some kind of process like this could help with tracking these types of changes that impact others.

Hi Inman,
Thank you for your response. Yes you are right . This is more of a process related question on how best we could do this, how the changes are managed between the teams. I was looking for any recommendations for this.

Maantic Inc
Hi Mike/Trevor, One of the business common requirement in dashboard projects is exporting chart display and corresponding data together in different document format like PDF, Excel, and Word. etc..
Currently pega doesn't have any OOTB.
Even if you technical research each component chart using fusion libraries and PDF using PD4XL libraries. but not able to club all the third party components.
Do you have any idea about it
pega building any components in future upgrade?
Using current libraries, are we able to achieve it?
Harini Gande RAMANA Bellamkonda

Pegasystems Inc.
This is something we've been investigating for awhile and still working out all the requirements so we can meet them when we do have a solution. I don't know when it would be introduced though since priorities are always changing. I have forwarded along your feedback though to try to further drive it along.
We have a solution that works with FusionCharts (which is what we're using for Report Definitions) but for a catch-all, you could take a look at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14552112/html-to-pdf-with-node-js but it wouldn't be an easy implementation.

Maantic Inc
Hi Mike/Trevor,
To Summary view and list view, parameters passed dynamically.
When pass values like "abc","xyz", it is accepting only "abc". Expected it should accept both values. ("abc","xyz")
select * from table where column in ("abc","xyz")
It is working fine in RD, problem only with summary view and list view.
Do you have any idea about it?

Pegasystems Inc.
I'm not seeing this same issue for list views/summary views (I checked on 7.1.9). You might want to open up a Support Request so someone can investigate your use case more deeply though.

Maantic Inc
Thank you Mike. We are facing issue in verison 7.1.6 and 7.2.1 (7.2.1 region have migrated rules from 6.1 version )

Pegasystems Inc.
We deprecated ListViews in 7.2.
For your use case, can you switch to a grid with a datapage (or report definition)?

Maantic Inc
Rendering chart from repeating grid data or HTML table data #Suggestion
Today, to display table and chart, we are calling two different RDs and sometimes it land in performance issues.
Fusion chart has capability build chart from HTML table or XML or JSON format. if you have this facility in pega, we are able eliminate a RD call for chart and will improve the reporting performance.

Pegasystems Inc.
Have you tried using the Chart Control? With it, you could source the grid and the chart by the same pagelist so they only execute the report once.
Having the data source being a table in the dom is interesting. I'm not sure it's something we'll implement though since it has limited use.

Maantic Inc
Thank you Mike. I am currently working in version 7.1.6 so I not aware about.
Checked the help in version 7.2, it is doable.

Maantic Inc
From validation approach in dashboards
Which one is the best validation approach in reporting form search criteria
Calling validate rule for each field
simple JavaScript
anything else ?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi, John!
On the client, be sure to use the right controls for your inputs. Pega's out-of-the-box controls offer configurable client side validation so that the user can be prevented from entering or at least notified of invalid input before the data reaches the server.
However, not all validation should be done on the client. While client-side validation will improve user experience, you should still re-validate the input on the server both as a security precaution and to avoid processing the invalid input and introducing a performance issue. For example, a malicious user could attempt to submit data for a form outside of the browser. If the form data is not appropriately validated on the server or processing is not halted after validation failure, the server could execute costly processes based on the bad input.
On the server, we recommend using a Validate rule to validate the page holding the form information, and existing Edit Validate rules to validate the format of those values where applicable. If the form is not contained by a flow action, you may need to invoke your Validate rule manually in an Activity using the Obj-Validate Activity method.

Cvp Corporation
Hi Mike/Trevor,
is it possible to add Association's Page Properties to the report when you customize the properties list to display?
why two different grids for the end user and developer? It works for the developers not from the manager portal.
This issue exists in 7.2.2.
can you please confirm what i said is correct, thanks.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Rajeev,
It is possible and I see your open Support Request for the issue. I took a look and believe I found the issue. The code was forked when the Customized Property list was added and so the original hotfix delivered to you only fixed the case when the Association class property's weren't custom so it only caught half the use cases. I've talked to the Engineer currently working on your issue (he sits 5 feet from me) and he will be working on getting it packaged up once it passes through our testing/approval process.
Assuming you're talking about the Data Explorer, we show different versions for a developer and manager because at the time the thought process was some developers did use the Report Editor to create reports and that they would want the full list of properties. If we were to go back, I'm not so sure we would make the same decision.
For 7.2.2 you can overwrite this behavior by saving a copy of pyReport_ShowCustomProperties and have it return true always.

Cvp Corporation
Thank You Mike for your response.

Maantic Inc
#Paging data load
When configure repeating grid source is RD, system gets the records from database based on paging values.
When configure repeating grid source is datapage or property - system get all the records from database, it is not considering paging value configured, similar issue happens when user call RD in activity.

Pegasystems Inc.
When a grid is sourced by a data page and it doesn't know what the data page is sourced by. So when the data page executes the report definition, it ends up executing it with paging disabled. Is this causing you any issues?

Maantic Inc
Yes, it is

Hi Mike/Trevor,
I a, new to pega marketing. I am trying to install the pega software. Is it really mandatory to install VM for installing pega. As I have windows 10 OS, again after installing VM, if I have to put the OS windows 10. Do we really need to install VM. Please do suggest
This comment has been branched out as a new node and the new thread can be followed here

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Vimal,
Welcome to the Product Support Community and thank you for posting your query! This discussion is on Reporting and I see that your question is on installation of Pega Marketing. In order to get your question more visibility, we have created a new post for you - Is it mandatory to install VM for installing Pega Marketing?
Please update the new post to continue the discussion!
Thank you,

Pegasystems Inc.
What exactly we are looking for:-
An OOTB report which pulls out the list of successful and unsuccessful login attempts.
Reason for OOTB report:-
Considering the quick turnaround time, we want something that is readily available in the tool and can be used in Prod environment.
Writing code and promoting it to production isn’t possible within the given time frame.
What exactly we are looking for:-
An OOTB report which pulls out the list of successful and unsuccessful login attempts.
Reason for OOTB report:-
Considering the quick turnaround time, we want something that is readily available in the tool and can be used in Prod environment.
Writing code and promoting it to production isn’t possible within the given time frame.
What we are considering as an option :-
Navigate in the following manner -> Organization & Security -> Security Policies.
We are using the “Display Audit Log” as an option. Please refer to the button highlighted in attached picture named Screen_Shot_1.
But this returns all the unsuccessful attempts while trying to login. It runs this underlying rule Log-SecurityAudit.pzSecurityAuditTrial.
On the same landing page, if we turn on the highlighted setting to Advanced as highlighted in attached picture named Screen_Shot_2, as per Pega Help article it should be able to give us both successful and unsuccessful login attempts.
But the problem is choosing that option and clicking on submit will enable other options, which we don’t want to do as it will impact users in prod.
So can we get some help around these two options
- Bypass other settings on that landing page and just choose Audit Log Level option as Advanced.
- Or point us to the underlying rule that will be run when we select Audit Log Level option as Advanced. Then we can run that rule to generate a report.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Nishant,
We don't really know enough to give you a concrete answer on what you can do to log successful logins without enabling the other options. I saw your other post in Product Support tagged with Security and I think that will be the best place to get some help at the moment.

Elevance Health
Hi Mike/Trevor,
I am looking at Indexing the PageList Property for Reporting purpose. Done with exposing the Property in DB table. Now what are the possibilities of getting a particular Index in Report Definition. For example, I need 3rd Index value in the Report no matter how many times it Indexes. Tried looking at pxIndexCount. However, it has random values.
Please do suggest.

Pegasystems Inc.
There isn't a property that has that information in the Index OOTB. You will need to add a property to the Index to store that information and add it as a filter to your report.

Elevance Health
Thanks for the reply Mike.
So I need to create a property and make sure that every time when the Declare Index fires and writes a new row, the property needs to be incremented by 1. Am I Right?

Pegasystems Inc.
I haven't attempted this exact case but I think this will work. You can also retrieve the index of the page in the list via .pxListSubscript instead of incrementing.

Elevance Health
Cool. Will try that scenario.
Thanks Mike. Happy Weekend!

Quest Diagnostics
I have a report definition that has 25 columns and it runs very slow sometimes timing out. I only have about 3000 cases and as more cases are created the report can barely run. I am considering optimizing the properties for reporting but that would mean I would be optimizing approx. 21 properties from the blob to the database. Currently, we are running the report as a scheduled job. What are my options to improve performance for the report?

Pegasystems Inc.
Optimizing the properties would probably be one of the best ways to improve performance. Are you filtering on any unoptimized properties? Optimizing those would be the higher priority if you're worried about exposing all of them. You can also create a database index for any properties/columns you're filtering on to improve the performance.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi All,
Thank you for the great session! Special thanks to our Experts, Mike and Trevor for being fantastic. We will be closing this discussion. Any questions, Write a new post!
Thank you!