Lloyds banking Group
Last activity: 28 Dec 2016 11:42 EST
PDN access refused
My Colleagues in my client network are not able to access PDN. On my investigation, following seems to be the problem.
Our team with limited Internet access were able to access PDN so far. Our client has a standard list of websites that we can be accessed within its network. Since this week, Our team with limited internet access are not able to access PDN from our network as the network firewall refuses connection to the PDN log on screen.
It appears to me Pega seems to have revamped its SSO Authentication for accessing PDN. When User tries to log on, PDN redirects user to ‘’ and lets user enter his/her credential there. On successful validation, PDN redirects the User to appropriate locations within PDN.
Can you confirm my assertion ?
Can't the redirection happen without a new URL ?
If you confirm - this is the way forward, I can then take this to my Security team to seek access for the Redirect URL.