Last activity: 6 Oct 2016 13:00 EDT
Access to PDN Reports
Hi ,
I need to create a separate set of reports that can be accessed by only a certain group of users.
How do I accomplish this?
Smitha R
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to add Categories***
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Accepted Solution
Incessant Technologies
I am not sure if it is the recommended approach,but you can save as the shortcuts created for standard reports and save as into shared categories.In this way you can restrict reports to only the users in the access groups.
Incessant Technologies
Hi smitha,
If the certain set of users who can access the report are within a access group,then you can do the following
1) create a category in report browser and give the type as shared.It will ask for a access group.
2)Now add the report in that category.Only the users in that access group will be able to access the reports.
Thank you,
Thank you.
Also , the reports will be created and Developers and accessed by another set of users .
I am able to create a category and the Access Group is able to access this category. However , how do I add reports to this category ?
Can the developer add reports to this category when he is creating the reports? I am not able to find such an option.
Thank you for your help.
Smitha R
Incessant Technologies
You can add reports using AddReport Button on report browser. You cannot directly add it into shared category.
First click the AddReport Button and add the report to private category. By default a shortcut rule will be created along with the report definition.
You can save as that shortcut rule into shared category .Now when you open Report browser you can see the report under shared category you created.
You can delete the shortcut rule in the private category if u dont want it.
Thank you Srijith , That works for me.
One last question. Is there a way for me to hide/not show the standard reports (that are already existing in the system). The idea is that this set of users should only have access to a few reports which are shared to them .
Smitha R
Accepted Solution
Incessant Technologies
I am not sure if it is the recommended approach,but you can save as the shortcuts created for standard reports and save as into shared categories.In this way you can restrict reports to only the users in the access groups.
Thank you Srijith.