Last activity: 26 Sep 2016 21:28 EDT
Regarding Mobile Local storage (Under settings tab)- Offline scenarios
When can we use Clear Storage options in Mobile settings tab?
We are seeing some issues where some of the work items are not at all syncing to server. This may be due to connection issues or some assignment errors.
For these kind of sync failures can we use Clear Storage options? What exactly it does? Will it sync all the failure work items to server again?
Note: We are using ML8 (Pega 7.1.8) for Mobile Offline.
Scenario: Lets say user is syncing all the offline work items to server by coming to online mode. It has been connected to one of the application server and synced some of the screens as we are using screen flow (say 3 screens out of 7 screens). After 3 screens syncing all the app servers of the production application went down. So in this scenario User is going to miss remaining 4 screens properties? Will it be synced it again? Is there any way to sync them?
Please advice as our production application users are facing this issue. for some of the work items users are not able to sync to server at all.
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to add Categories; add SR details***
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Blue Rose Technologies GmbH
Basically we do a replay of all the action done in the offline mode whenever sync happens. This is called store and forward stage. Now to answer your question, if the sync is failing due to production issues or network issues, then those actions will be replayed again and work objects that are created offline will be reconciled as and when the production server comes back or when the device is again connected to the network.
Clear storage options will actually trigger full sync which will repackage all the rules and the data again from the application. This has to be done if there is any changes done on the application front with respect to the rules.
Thanks for your reply. But some of our sales agents (end users), offline work items not at all syncing to server even though they have good intenet connection. How can we identify this major sync issue as they are not at all syncing to server. User has provided error logs and attaching here for the same. Its being 5-7 days and offline apps still struck in his device. Is there anyway otherway to identify sync issues in ML8 version.
Please advice here to resolve this priority issue.
Blue Rose Technologies GmbH
So basically agents are able to create work items offline but they are unable to sync back when they come online ? Is this the issue you are reporting ?
Yes. Agents are able to create work items and those are submitted in Mobile offline. But when they come to online work items are not syncing to server.
We can see one commin error in error logs that has been provided by our users
Client store synchronization failed with error 3: Store and forward failure. Failed: No error message provided by the server
We have many errors like this in logs and 8 work items are struck in users device. User has a strong internet connection to sync to the server.
Please advice to resolve this issue.
Any one can help on this scenario? Please let me know if SR needed for this. Thanks!
Blue Rose Technologies GmbH
Seems like an issue with the work object reconcilation. Basically store and forward has to be monitored and debugged for items created offline. That way we will be able to pin point the exact issue at server side. I believe an SR would be necessary for this item.
Thanks Satish!
Can I set pzStoreAndForwardProcessItems activity logger level setting to Debug to analyze the sync issues that we are facing now in our Production environment. And what are all the store and forward activities that need to be monitored to idenity this sync issues and their logger level?
Also, we have a SR for this to Pega team- SR-A85802 to analyze more. Our team provided necessary mobile client logs to idenify the root cause.
More monitoring will really help us!
Appreciate your help here.
Hi Satish,
is there anyway otherway to manually sync to server from Mobile Device. Health Insurance enrollment applications are struck in Sales Agent's devices which is leading to complaince issue for our company. Please advice here!
Thank you!
Blue Rose Technologies GmbH
The manual sync can be triggered by clicking the sync icon in the upper right corner.
Blue Rose Technologies GmbH
There is one other thing you could try. Basically if there is any server side validation errors, the work objects will not be commited(at server side) and that particular action will not move along the action queue(at client side). One way to work around this phenomenon is by relaxing the server side validation. This way the offline work objects which are stuck in intermediary state could pass through.
Blue Rose Technologies GmbH
If you have the access to offline storage items, you can actually check the action queue. This will give us a perspective as to which action is causing problem. You can even notice if there is any error message assosiated to the page JSON.