
Last activity: 10 Aug 2016 8:26 EDT
Regarding Mobile offline submitted applications
We would like to know about Mobile offline submitted applications in ML8 version (Pega 7.1.8 Custom Mobile app)
Steps that we followed:
1. Login in to the application when internet is available and submit one work item
2. Go to offline mode and submit another application with out internet connection
3. Offline submitted application not at all synced to server due to some connectivity / internet issues even when you come to online
4. At this time we un installed the LEAN application, and re downloaded.
Question here is?
will we be having the work item that was submitted earlier in offline mode? or will we miss the work item? Also, Confirm the behavior of Local storage, Sync queue and error logs?
Please confirm the behavior of Pega 7.1.8 in this case.
***Updated by Moderator: Vidyaranjan. Removed user added Ask the Expert tag. Apologies for confusion, shouldn't have been an end-user option***
***Updated by Moderator: Marissa to add Group Tag SR Exists***
Included SR-A89395