
Last activity: 22 May 2017 11:44 EDT
Pega MObile Offline- Online Case and Offline Enabled Case Support in 7.2.2
HI ,
Need Design help with Pega 7.2.2, We have a requirement that
1) Case can Start either in offline or online and In Stage 1 -> first 2 screens has to support both in offline & online.
2) After the 2 screens we have 3 rd screen which should be always in online and then other stages(2,3 and 4) will be always only online ( screens means we added Screen flow).
3) Update profile and Worklist has to fetch latest data always.
4) Also Seeing that in 7.2.2 Refresh section and calling Data Transform rules are not calling
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to add SR details***