
Unable to pass harness name as a parameter in assignment shape in 7.1.9 ( upgraded from 5.5)
My Application was recently migrated from pega 5.5 to 7.1.9. In one assignment shape, under advanced assignment properties, harness name was given as a clipboard property.
This was working fine in 5.5. But in 7.1.9, system is throwing the below error..
Action that failed "propertyname" In flow "flowName" For class "classname"
Error message Failed to find instance "classname.propertyname"; of type Rule-HTML-Harness.
it showed a cache miss in tracer.
System is not accepting the value in the clipboard propery.Instead it is considering the propery name as harness name.
When hardcoded with correct harness name, it is working fine. How can i pass the harness name as a parameter to this assignment
I have tried the below.
a) Created a parameter in the flow and passed it as harness name
b) Passed it as clipboard property
c) passed as @Default.value(clipboardpropertyname)
But it did not help.
Can any of you suggest some other way to do this.
***Updated by moderator: Marissa to update categories***