
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 10 Feb 2016 17:54 EST
7.1.9 How to pass parameters from main report to sub report
According to prhelp document it is possible to pass parameters from main report to sub report.
Subreport parameters |
If the subreport has input parameters, select the Auto-populate parameter values from the main report box, if you want the subreport parameters to have the same values as the corresponding parameters in the main report. This assumes that these parameters exist in both reports. Otherwise, specify values for the parameters of the subreport. |
However, I couldn't make it happen on my local PE. Am I missing something here?
According to prhelp document it is possible to pass parameters from main report to sub report.
Subreport parameters |
If the subreport has input parameters, select the Auto-populate parameter values from the main report box, if you want the subreport parameters to have the same values as the corresponding parameters in the main report. This assumes that these parameters exist in both reports. Otherwise, specify values for the parameters of the subreport. |
However, I couldn't make it happen on my local PE. Am I missing something here?
Below is the SQL which is found in the clipboard page, "pyReportContentPage".
SELECT "PC0".pxhistoryforreference AS "pxHistoryForReference" ,
"PC0".pxtimecreated AS "pxTimeCreated" ,
"PC0".pyperformer AS "pyPerformer" ,
"PC0".pymemo AS "pyMemo" ,
"OP".SRCOL3 AS "pyAccessGroupAdditional"
FROM personaledition.pr_history_data "PC0"
(SELECT "OP".pyuseridentifier AS "srcol1" ,
"OP".pyusername AS "srcol2" ,
"AG".pyaccessgroupadditional AS "srcol3" ,
"OP".pzinskey AS "pzinskey"
FROM personaledition.pr_operators "OP"
INNER JOIN personaledition.pr_index_operators "AG"
ON ( ( "OP".pzinskey = "AG".pxinsindexedkey )
AND "AG".pxobjclass = ?
AND "OP".pxobjclass = ? )
WHERE "AG".pxindexpurpose = ?
-- AND AG.pyaccessgroupadditional = ? <-- If the parameter had been passed to the sub report, then sub query should have included this filtering condition which is missing.
) "OP" ON ( ( "OP".SRCOL1 = "PC0".pyperformer )
AND "PC0".pxobjclass = ? )
WHERE ( "OP".SRCOL3 = ? )
pyPreparedValues(1) AdditionalAccessGroup
pyPreparedValues(2) Index-Operator
pyPreparedValues(3) Data-Admin-Operator-ID
pyPreparedValues(4) SR:Administrators
pyPreparedValues(5) History-Data-Admin-Operator-ID