Agent runtime configuration
What happens when an agent runs continuously for 10 hours.....when will it go to sleep and when does it wake up?
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What happens when an agent runs continuously for 10 hours.....when will it go to sleep and when does it wake up?
Hi, I am not sure why the agent would run for continuous 10hours, is the processing complex or the records mentioned are high and so it is running for that long? If it runs, yes ideally it should go for sleep after that processing for the stipulated / mentioned time. It would start processing after the wakeup. The sleep and wakeup times are based on the configuration / specification made in the agent rule.
Hi CHaitra,
Yes the agent is processing because of the huge data. Do you mean that the agent sleeps after processing of the data i.e, 10 hours and wakes up again at the scheduled time?
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