
Last activity: 11 Jun 2019 2:07 EDT
Agent configuration for Disaster recovery
We are preparing for simulated disaster recovery exercise and realized that handling agents add a lot of manual steps.
We have about 9 Pega servers in production. All of them are multi node setups, mostly compromising of 4 nodes each.
Now each server host multiple applications, almost all of them have couple of agents configured per application. Few are advanced which are supposed to be enable to run only one node.
While preparing DR run book. We have been told that going to each node and then starting or stopping each agent is way too much of manually work and will eat up a lot of precious time.
Wanted to see if there are any guidelines or ways to reduce manual steps involved.
Imagine having to Stop/Start about 50-100 agents on different nodes, that too in a DR kind of situation.
Appreciate any inputs in this regards.
***Edited by Moderator: Lochan to update platform capability tags***