What are the work list and work basket ? How push routing and pull routing are performed ?
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What are the work list and work basket ? How push routing and pull routing are performed ?
A work list is the list of tasks for an individual user. A work basket is a task list for a group of users. A router rule will send the work to the appropriate person (work list) or group of people (work basket).
In many business processes, tasks to be performed by human workers are stored in central in-baskets or electronic equivalents of in-baskets. A supervisor reviews the tasks and assigns them to a worker on her team, or workers select an item to work on when they become idle. This approach is called "pulling" work.
In other settings, work is sent directly to workers based on their availability or other criteria such as skills, regions, or customer account number. This is called "pushing" work.
Hi i can't understand this...could you please explain it . And what is central in-baskets
I guess in-basket is like in-box. Just to emphasis the basket receive tasks in.
There are 2 concepts here:
Worklist and workbasket
Push routing and pull routing
Do not hesitate to PDN search for routing
OK got it .Then what is workpool ?
It is a mechanism to create a relationship for an end user to move between applications. You should think of WorkPool as Application. SAE-HRServices-Work represents the Application/ClassGroup or WorkPool. Your Cases or Work are contained in the ClassGroup or part of that WorkPool. A user with access to multiple applications is able to change to a different WorkPool, which will change the focus of the Cases he or she can start to those contained in that WorkPool.
Bill Rathert
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