
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 22 May 2015 9:48 EDT
Quiz question on Creating a Dynamic User Interface lesson
I would really appreciate if somebody could explain the right answer for the following question:
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Pegasystems Inc.
A radio button gives you a list of empty choices. An end user is expected to select his or her choice. The trigger action when making a choice is the end user clicking the radio button. So Click is the most appropriate choice here.
Bill Rathert

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Bill,
Thanks for you reply. However the question is asking which are valid, rather than more appropriate or suitable in a given context.
My understanding here is that Change or Hover are also valid and if I'm wrong I'd like to really understand why.
Also look at it in this way, a Click event on a radio button does not necessarily imply a Change event if that radio button was previously selected.

Pegasystems Inc.
We can wait and see what other people have to say.You could use Change and Hover, but they are not the best choices for a Radio Button.

Pegasystems Inc.
I still don't see how Click is better than Change, independently of what better means. My understanding here is that a Click event does not always imply a Change event on a radio button. It would on a check box. Based on that Change should be better than Click.

Pegasystems Inc.
Not that I have any more of a definitive answer than my esteemed colleague Bill, but it seems this question should not have survived as long as it has. Juan, you may be the first person in 18 months who actually read the question ;)
I will confirm with the original author of this question, but the lesson content leads me to believe this question is about building conditions that trigger UI actions such as making certain parts of the UI visible, refreshing other parts of the UI, etc.
These conditions are basically expressions of facts - when this is equal to that - and can leverage two keywords: Changes and AddDelete. In fact, the transcript of the demo mentions this very keyword: Changes.
The Help file has good info on this: https://community.pega.com/sites/default/files/help_v717/procomhelpmain.htm
I will look into this and post back my confirmed findings. If it is as I suspect, we will also update the question so it is more clear.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Eddie,
Thanks for digging into this.

Pegasystems Inc.
Any update on this?

Pegasystems Inc.

Pegasystems Inc.
The answers make it appear that we're looking for valid events. The answers are all common events but the question specifically uses "keyword" instead of event.
Change is not a valid event on a radio button when building Actions. It is not available in the "Other events" column ... only Focus is available. However, both Click and Hover are available as "Mouse events" in the first column and Enter Key is listed under "Keyboard events".
Therefore, we're probably not looking at events ... maybe looking at keywords that can be used when assembling When Rules or complex Actions .... but how does one reference the Radio Button control. Let's say we used something like this. Would you then be able to say this.Click on a radio button and not any of the others like this.Change and this.Hover. That would make only Click valid!

Pegasystems Inc.

Pegasystems Inc.
I stand corrected. I hope this doesn't distract from the discussion and keep us from getting an answer to your original question. I didn't notice the wizard removes events already added ... which I had done in my testing.
As Eddie stated ... the lesson is about building conditions and I hope our answer is found in that area ... not around valid and invalid "events".

Pegasystems Inc.
I find that Change event is indeed available for radio buttons - see the screen capture above.
Changes keyword (please note Changes, not Change), does seem to be available when defining Refresh conditions for UI elements such as Section or Layout, but not for Cells, such as Radio Buttons.
That seems to leave us only with the option to consider which Event is better suited to handle Actions and, at least in my opinion, Change is better than Click.

Pegasystems Inc.
Also, please note Change is in the sentence Build For Change.
This should settle the matter.

Pegasystems Inc.
"Change Pa" is also an anagram for "H Pega Can"

Pegasystems Inc.
Good point.

Pegasystems Inc.
I apologize for not getting back to this sooner, although it does seem to have turned out to be a good thing as it gave y'all a chance to have the same exercise in mental gymnastics as we did.
I spoke with the author of this question, and we do seem to have lost track of what we call the rationale; this is the testing point (what we want you to prove you know.)
Our discussion was along the same lines - "Which event is more logical?" "Which event is better suited, or more appropriate?" - but all of those failed because we don't want to test opinions. So, given that all of the answers are "valid" events, we moved on to thinking it was about refresh conditions. But, given that refresh conditions have nothing to do with controls, that discussion was immediately over.
We will pull this question and replace it with something more meaningful.

Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks Eddie. Please let us know once it is replaced.

Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks Eddie. The exercise got us deep in reading help pages and PDN posts ... which is always helpful to students.