Last activity: 18 Mar 2015 14:47 EDT
Creating a Dynamic User Interface
I have to recreate table "Position" ==> New name Position3 (D_Position3 and D_PositionList3).
I cannot execute Step 9 of the solution "Creating a Dynamic User Interface", it's like D_Position3 is not recognized by system.
When I run the process, I'm able to change the position but the view isn't refreshed (seems to link to the previou D_Position instead of D_Position3)
I create another section to try by another way without any success.
Could you help me to find the issue pls ? Thx
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Pegasystems Inc.
There are a few other UI components to confirm you have synced with the new data pages.
1) Exercise: Populate Dropdown from a Data Page (pg 96). Make sure you referring to the right data page (see step 4)
2) Exercise: Populate a Data Page in an Embedded Section (pg 99). Make sure the embedded section has the updated page context (see steps 4 &5 on pg 101).
3) Finally, in the Dynamic UI exercise, make sure you have updated the data page reference as mentioned on page 6.
I don't find the issue.
Could you reset the exercise just before the creation of the table "Create a new data table" pls ? Thx
Pegasystems Inc.
I am assuming you are using the online exercise environment?
We don't have any way to "roll back" an cloud-based virtual machine to some previous state - Pega Academy would not know when you are at any given exercise in the course.
You can have the exercise environment reset, but you would lose all of your work as the system would be restored to its original "new" state. If this is what you want to do, send an email to [email protected] asking to have your exercise environment reset.
Are you sure you don't want to try to troubleshoot this some more?
I am stuck at this step with a similar symptom. I have gone back over the exercises suggested and verified according to the exercise guide and did not find any discrepancies. I get to step 9 (pg 112) and for Page Context I enter "Use data page" and move to the next field and press the down arrow and D_Position is not an available option. (The default values here were "Use Clipboard page" and .Position)
The list I can choose from begins with D_PortalContext and ends with D_TopCasePerformers and has a few py, px, pz data pages in between that make the full list.
On the Pages and Classes tab for the section: Candidate * SelectNewPosition, I see page name .Position with a class of SAE-HRServices-Data-Position and mode is blank.
Pretty stuck here, since I've been back through the solutions PDFs a few times. What else could I be missing?
I never found the issue.
I continue the training without to solve it.
I finished "architect essential I" without issue, we don't use anymore this part of this exercice.
Sorry, I cannot help you.
I never found the issue.
I continue the training without to solve it.
I finished "architect essential I" without issue, we don't use anymore this part of this exercice.
Sorry, I cannot help you.
I went all the way back to the beginning and checked all of my work against the exercise guide. For some reason I had two options under Action in the process detail screen for the Qualify step. One was [flow action] with Configure Form grayed out and right below that was the Select New Position which had no "configure form" option but had a "Open Section" link. I"m not sure how that got in that state, but that didn't actually seem to be the issue, even though I couldn't add the Position property as a data page during a "Configure Form" dialogue.
I repeated this exercise without the "Configure Form" step, but just using the section rule and in Layout Properties for the section SelectNewPosition_Position (page 112) for page context, once I chose Use Data Page, D_Position was still not an option for the smart prompt. I typed it in anyway and the rule saves and appears to work.
So the instruction for Step 9 on page 112 reads "...select D_Position..." and I could not select. I had to type it in. This is confusing...maybe it would have worked earlier? But I can't remember if I tried that or not. So I still don't really know IF I had an error and if I did, where it was.
I worked on resolving the issues in this step for a full day. I usually have better response from the forum team.
Pegasystems Inc.
First let me extend apologies on behalf of the forum team for the delay in getting a response to you. Our team is working to improve our response time to PDN and Pega Academy forum posts.
I tested this issue myself on the same PVS that can be downloaded from the Pega Academy SAE-I site and can confirm that you need to type in the data page name D_Position in this field. The student guide indeed says "select" it, and I too would assume that means to use SmartPrompt.
I've noted the issue and will report it.
Kind regards,
Bob Lloyd
Pega Academy Self-study Support Team
Pegasystems Inc.
First, I am assuming you are using the online exercise environmnet?
The reason I ask is because I am using the local vm (what we call the PVS), and I can access the data page from the smart-prompt list. However, it is further down in that list than you might expect - notice the scroll bar location.
Enter the first few characters of the data page name and then press the down arrow on your keyboard. That smart-prompt will position the list to the first matching occurence; in this case D_ParamSignatures. I highlighted D_PositionList so you could spot it more easily.
Pegasystems Inc.
looks like Bob and I hit "Post" at pretty much the same time. fwiw, I do see the data page in the list.
So, I'm curious about why Bob can reproduce this but Eddie gets the full list. My list is short. I tried it with typing nothing in, and starting with D_P and got the same short list each time. No scroll bar. I think I figured out at least one difference that may help track this down.
I am in the online exercise environment. I am using IE. I am logged in as LeadArchitect. I am following the instructions in the guide. For Screen Candidate (pages 100-101) I can create the PositionDetails section as described, using the section include dialog and for Data Page, I do get my position and position list as the two that appear using smart prompt.
So, I'm curious about why Bob can reproduce this but Eddie gets the full list. My list is short. I tried it with typing nothing in, and starting with D_P and got the same short list each time. No scroll bar. I think I figured out at least one difference that may help track this down.
I am in the online exercise environment. I am using IE. I am logged in as LeadArchitect. I am following the instructions in the guide. For Screen Candidate (pages 100-101) I can create the PositionDetails section as described, using the section include dialog and for Data Page, I do get my position and position list as the two that appear using smart prompt.
So, fast forward to "Creating a Dynamic User Interface" starting on 108. I follow the instructions, except that "configure form" is not an option by now (Steps 2 and 3) so I "skip" to step 5: open the section rule so now I am editing the record: SAE-HRServices-Work-Candidate • SelectNewPosition
I can complete steps 6 and 7 as described and get my two data pages to choose from in the Data Page smart prompt field in Cell Properties for PositionAppliedFor.
So I follow the instructions for step 8: clicking view properties for the included section: SAE-HRServices-Data-Position.SelectNewPosition_Position and I get the Layout Properties dialog. I select "Use data page" in the Page context drop down, then move to the next field and use smart prompt. I see the following options (only):
As mentioned, I can type in D_Position and it passes edits when i click ok and save. I test it and see that this works as expected in the application.
Eddie, one difference I notice in your screen shot is that you are in a Cell Properties dialog. I am not seeing this issue in Cell Properties. I am seeing it in Layout Properties (Step 9) and I think the issue is actually with this modal dialog. Here's why...
If I try to "add" this section in using "+Layout" -> Section, I get the Section Include dialog. I change the page context to use a Data Page, I change the class to be SAE-HRServices-Data-Position and in the Data Page smart prompt field, I get my two data pages for Position, D_Position and D_PositionList as my only choices. I save my record.
If I THEN go view properties for this Section Include (Step 8), the smart prompt for the Data Page does not give me the same results that it did during the Section Include dialog, I get the list as described above, and not the data pages saved to my SAE-HRServices-Data-Position object.
So I think this is a bug in the Layout Properties modal when rendered from "View Properties of Section Include" (but it works when rendered from "Layout->Add Section"). So if people are following the guide to the letter they might get confused, as I did. I hope this helps.
Pegasystems Inc.
This does help and I would concur that the exercise does not perform well as written. When following the exercise as written, I too had the exact same list as you. When I type in D_Position, the rule saves and it works. We've noted the issue, but for now, that is our workaround.
By the way, here's a screenshot of my findings, and suggested workaround:
That's excellent, Bob...I couldn't figure out how to get a screenshot into the Forums :)
I'm nearly positive it's a bug, since Layout Properties is performing differently depending on which path it is invoked from. That doesn't seem correct. Workarounds in the training materials are helpful while it gets resolved!
Thanks for your attention to this.
Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks Dean.
I just learned how to add images to the forum posts myself. The trick is uploading your image to the Forums server first. Here's how to upload the image to the server:
- Click the "Image" icon in the toolbar at the top of the Comment text area
- Whe the 'Image Properties' dialog appears, click 'Browse Server'
- A new browser window will appear and after a second or two you'll see an 'Upload' button in the upper left hand corner. Click 'Upload', then browse for your file, Click 'Upload' button in small dialog to complete the upload.
- Once uploaded, your image will be listed on the right in dark blue, double-click your selection, say OK, and your image is now attached.
Hope this helps,
Bob Lloyd
Pega Academy Self-study Team
Very helpful! Thanks again.