Pega 25.X should think of Access Provisioning Mechanism feature integrated with Pega platform
Hi All,
Pega should think of having additional access provisioning feature in admin studio. like a simple workflow which will take approvals from thrid party products from different channels like email , chat etc.. Currently there is no approval mechanism for operator creation in pega and its not coupled with non-pega user systems. Most of the approval mechanism w.r.t operators will be outside pega. Pega needs to add some features in platform as well as integration with third party workflows or communications to make seemless operator creations as well as bulk operator creations.
Unnecessarily most companies are wasting time in building UI for capturing data for user creations. it should be a simple import in pega.. and from admin studio the outside workflow should be driven..
This feature will exeternalise user creation to non pega users.. even manager or system admins should able to create from there favourite UI forms.