Pega Infinity™ includes an industry-standard patch release process to simplify and maintain high-quality releases. Several cumulative patches are released a year for each release stream. The Resolved Issues page contains information about client-reported issues that have been addressed for the specific release.
For a complete set of the Resolved Issues for this release, download the PDF attachment at the bottom of this page. (Note that you must be logged in to access the attachment.)
Low-code Application Development
Special Note | E-98032 | "No actions" counts included for Decisioning | An update has been made to more accurately measure Session counts and Decision counts when the decision results in no action. As a result, an increase in metrics may be seen as Session and Decision count totals will now include these "no action" counts. | |
Special Note | 891720 | PEGA00167 alert added to identify UDF activity | Relying on Java UDFs to extract one or more BLOB columns to be used for reports or application queries can negatively affect application performance, especially with large database tables or multiple, simultaneous BLOB column extractions which can occur on large, complex applications. Issues such as database out-of-memory errors or queue processors failing to process records may be seen and affect all nodes in cluster, impairing recovery. Beginning in Pega Platform version 8.6, Pega deprecated usage of the Java user-defined functions (UDFs) due to their severe performance impact. In a future release of Pega Platform, Pega will no longer support Java UDFs for on-premises deployments. Pega Platform deployments do not require Java UDFs and in most cases, Pega does NOT recommend the installation of Java UDFs. In order to assist with this transition, the PEGA00167 alert has been added to notify if any report or any use case is using UDF. |
Case Management
23.1.4 Patch Resolved Issues for Case Management
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-B18764 INC-261181 |
875351 810259 |
Designer Studio portal launch speed improved | Launching a portal from Designer Studio was very slow. This was caused by using a rule resolved report definition which was trying to get all application logos using pzLoadApplicationLogo activity, and has been addressed with an update which will switch the application context and open the binary file record, then switch to the correct application context and use efficient data page handling to fetch the application logo details. | Case Management |
INC-B23963 | 875856 | Added file upload handling for user with quote mark in name | When a user with a single quote in their name (eg Joe O'Sullivan) attached files to a case, those files were not able to be previewed or opened. This has been resolved with an update to the pyAttachmentFeedDescription and pyWorkAttachmentIcon controls which will modify the UploadedBy value to replace the single quote. | Case Management |
INC-B24617 | 880581 | Corrected handling for auto-processed SLA queue item | When the DSS UseSLAQueueProcessor was set to true, an assignment configured with "Allow auto Process" and SLA defined was moved to the broken queue instead of being removed when the assignment was auto-processed. This has been resolved by updating the logic in the flowfua_task_assignment function. | Case Management |
INC-B29165 | 880856 | Improved accessibility for "Where am I" icon | The "Where am I" icon has been updated with a title attribute for accessibility by creating a field value for pyCaption which is mapped to the title in pyAssignmentsLabel for "Display Flow Location". | Case Management |
INC-B29572 | 881418 | Case status flag updated with alt text | To improve accessibility, alternative text has been added to the case status flag. | Case Management |
INC-B30601 | 895713 | File upload supports up to 2GB | Attempting to attach a file larger than 1 GB using the local action pzManageRecentContent in the pyCaseRelatedContent section in case attachments resulted in a "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" error. This has been resolved by updating the pzUploadAttachmentToDocument activity to support uploading files of up to 2GB. | Case Management |
INC-B31136 | 882358 | Improved stage progress color contrast for accessibility | To improve accessibility, the green used to indicate the active state of the stage progress section in pyDisplayStages has been modified from # 179595 to # 127F7F to meet color contrast ratio standards. | Case Management |
INC-B31250 | 886817 | Added handling for annotating subflow | When attempting to add an annotation in a sub-flow in App Studio or Dev Studio, the error "Server response error, no update data returned." was shown in a popup. This has been resolved by adding the pyShapeType "Data-MO-Annotation-Comment" field value in the Pega-ProcessArchitect rule set to avoid the error. | Case Management |
INC-B33313 | 892784 | Added handling for bulk transfer header checkbox being unselected | After launching the Case Manager portal and launching bulk actions from the Operator icon, checking and unchecking the header checkbox after the transfer was completed generated an IndexOutOfBounds exception. This has been resolved with an update to check whether the PageIndex already exists. | Case Management |
INC-B33358 | 889930 | Updated handling for wait configuration | The Assignment page was not correctly set after reaching a wait configuration with a dependency. This has been resolved by updating the function in the pyContinueAfterWaitPre data transform to PageExistsWithClass and ensuring the necessary parameters are passed. | Case Management |
INC-B34651 | 885093 | Null check added for empty BulkProcessTransferFlowAction | Bulk actions failed with an error if the BulkProcessTransferFlowAction application setting was empty for the environment level. This has been resolved by adding additional error handling. | Case Management |
INC-B3548 | 858168 | Corrected hint text for case lock | When using a parent and child cases structure in Constellation, if a case was locked (user 1 started an assignment in one of child case) and a second user attempted to start an assignment in another child case that belongs to same parent case but which was not opened by user 1, the error "Flow_CoverLockFail THK-XXXX [user name]" was displayed instead of the expected lock error message. This has been corrected by updating workUnlock to show the message as expected. | Case Management |
INC-B36450 | 888668 | Updated accessibility for BulkActionsWrapper | In sections pzBulkAdd, pzBulkUpdate and pyBulkProcessingSearch, the headers were being added as a standalone label instead of being adding as a header on a wrapper layout. This has been resolved by adding the header title value to the sections to improve the accessibility. | Case Management |
INC-B36579 | 894552 | Updated search panel security | Cross-site scripting protections have been added to the search panel. | Case Management |
INC-B37071 | 893572 | Added support for Pulse notes archived to secondary storage | When long text was submitted to a Pulse message, the full message was not visible on the archived case. This was traced to the Data-WorkAttach-Note record not getting saved into secondary storage, and has been resolved by adding logic to copy the Data-Attach-Note instance of a case. | Case Management |
INC-B38750 INC-B12718 |
896967 880598 |
PerformReindexing accepts parameters to limit scope | In order to facilitate reindexing on sites with a large amount of archived data, pzPerformReindexing has been updated to accept the parameters archivedZipFilePath, startResolvedDate, and endResolvedDate to constrain the targeted archived data to be reindexed. | Case Management |
INC-B40273 | 893599 | SendEmail security updated | Cross-site scripting filters have been added to the SendEmail control. | Case Management |
INC-B40474 | 893087 | Corrected pxProcesses page handling for change stage automation | When a change stage was used in the flow process as a shape, the action was not marking the task/assignment as done. Using change stage from the Action button as a case-wide action worked as expected. Investigation showed that while performing the change stage with a "Change to a specific stage" automation step, the pxProcesses page used by the pxStageHistory page was being removed from the pyWorkPage for that stage. This has been corrected. | Case Management |
INC-B45983 | 899026 | Attaching with FilePath control works with SessionTimer | When the toggle pxSessionTimer was enabled, attempting to attach any content using the pxFilePath control was not working. This has been resolved with the addition of a null check for RefreshSection in Section node in pxFileUpload Control. | Case Management |
Cloud Services
23.1.4 Resolved Issues for Cloud Services
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-B12861 | 877519 | Corrected values for PEGA0117 alerts | PEGA0117 alerts were showing incorrect values, causing alerts to be triggered with a time well above the threshold that did not match the total time. This was traced to the calculateMetrics method in, and has been resolved by setting the total request time to the current duration instead of the cumulative value of the total request time. | Cloud Services |
INC-B26562 | 883277 | Support added for double-quoting Postgres GRANTs with special characters | Errors were seen when importing a new table on a system with a base and admin user configuration where the base user name required quoting to handle special characters. This has been resolved by adding support for quoting the user identifier when generating GRANTs with Postgres. | Cloud Services |
INC-B33933 | 885036 | prpcUtils updated to use explicit schema properties | The error 'Could not fetch code set versions from database' was generated while running the prpcUtils. This has been resolved by using explicit schema properties in generated instead of schema-qualifying the table name property. | Cloud Services |
Conversational Channels
23.1.4 Resolved Issues for Conversational Channels
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-B14761 | 884221 | Updated CaseMappingActions handling of hidden content | When using a local action to call pzCreateLinkedCase, the case was created but a blank overlay was seen that persisted until there was a click outside of the section. This has been resolved with by updating the pzCaseMappingActions section hidden content with none function. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B18492 | 872118 | Time to live attribute added for Pega Digital Messaging Token | The expiry attribute was missing in the digital messaging token generated in for outbound APIs. This has been resolved by adding a time to live token for the JWT authentication method. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B22367 | 878551 | Timestamp correctly localized on email conversations | The timezone configured in the operator localization section was not being honored in the email manager Constellation portal and was being rendered in GMT. This has been corrected by updating pxLoadEmailThreads to ensure the timestamps are localized on the server side. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B26569 | 880140 | Resolved Email Triage cases show correct SLA details | After the email triage cases were resolved in Constellation, the SLA details showed dummy values. This was caused by the resolved case having both Goal and Deadline values as null in D_pxTriageCaseMetadata, so the CaseSummary widget displayed the date difference computed from 1970. This was a missed use case for resolved cases that has now been addressed. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B27145 | 879727 | Training recording from email made consistent | The training data was not recorded as expected if a CSR responded to an email by using the reply button instead of the suggested replies. This was due to a difference in handling: the pyReplyTemplateID was set on pyWorkPage if the template button was clicked, but selecting a template in composer used a different rule which did not set the template ID value on pyWorkPage so it was not present on the primary page. In both cases, the template value result is subsequently set on the ReplyMetadata page in pypopulateReplyMetadata, and this issue has been resolved with an update to use the this page in the 'when' rule in step 2 to submit the feedback on reply. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B31710 | 886247 | Corrected br tag replacement handling | In some instances when br tags were removed (pxExtractLatestReplyFromBase64), the plain text was presented without spaces between the words. This has been corrected with an update across elements in pzTextToPropertyMapping and pyParseReplyMail to replace br tags with new line when text with br tags is sent for NLP analysis. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B33097 | 894387 | "Run visibility condition on client" unchecked for PostEmailContentV2 | The UI and icons of an email triage pane changed automatically if the case was left open. This was caused by an auto-refresh of section by the SystemHealthIndicator evaluating all of the visibility conditions present in the current AJAX container (IFrame). During that validation by the change tracker, the conditions were returning false and affecting the icons and their visibility. This has been resolved by unchecking the "Run visibility condition on client" in the section pyPostEmailContentV2, which is part of the work being done to remove client-side visibility conditions and switch to server side checks. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B37192 | 888267 | Added handling for History Index race condition | Incorrect To/CC recipients were populated on the reply window. This was traced to a race condition related to the History Indexes, and has been resolved with an update to set the correct history index in this situation so emails are properly threaded and recipient details are shown accurately. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B42444 | 893759 | Handling added for unexpected attachment filepaths | In some scenarios, the email content section of a case was unexpectedly empty. The error "PRRuntimeException Paths may not navigate out of the scope of their definition" was logged. This was caused by the email containing an attachment that indicated a filepath starting with ../ (two dots instead of one), usually for inline attachments such as logos in email signatures. To resolve this, pyPreProcessTriageWork has been updated to remove unnecessary characters from inline attachments before attaching the email. | Conversational Channels |
Data Integration
23.1.4 Resolved Issues for Data Integration
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-B10053 | 894545 | Corrected ruleInsKey parameter handling for Admin studio | The rule cache API was not working when invoked from Admin studio. This was traced to the parameter value of ruleInsKey not being populated, and has been resolved by updating the rule ins key variable to camel case. | Data Integration |
INC-B13020 | 894220 | Updated retry handling for file listener | After enabling Ignore Duplicate Files and Attempt Recovery for the file listener, the file listener was not correctly retrying up to the maximum number of attempts set. Investigation showed the first failure resulted in the .err file being created which was then queued for retry. However, in the second retry the file listener skipped processing the file and renamed it as a .dup file, which then caused the system to consider it a duplicate file and stop the retries. This has been resolved with an update with additional checks to reprocess unprocessed files instead of marking them as duplicate. | Data Integration |
INC-B14829 | 882021 | Added handling for MSSQL pxupdatedatetime rounding | While acquiring lock on the work object, Obj-Refresh-And-Lock was not working as expected and refreshed the current pyWorkPage because it was considered stale. Investigation showed this was caused by a mismatch in the pxUpdateDateTime comparison between the step page and the database, which was traced to the rounding used by MicrosoftSQL changing values ending in 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 to use the digit 7. To address this, Obj-Refresh-and-Lock has been updated to assure that the contents of the step page are current and a lock is appropriately held on the corresponding object. If the object is locked and the lock has not expired, this method has no effect. If the object is not locked, this method acquires a lock and if necessary replaces the step page contents with the current value of an object instance. | Data Integration |
INC-B16409 | 885358 | Added re-read to correct retry failing due to clipboard corruption | After encountering a "Connection Reset" error that was interrupting the file read, the retry configured on the File listener was also failing consistently with the error "Failed with MapToParseException, Reason: reference must contain property name". This was traced to a clipboard corruption, and has been resolved with an update which will read the CSV headers again in case of error handling and recovery. | Data Integration |
INC-B18991 INC-B19006 |
888033 884152 |
BLOB reindex added to clear lingering orphan data | Issues were seen with unexpectedly large database consumption, including sporadic runtime exceptions related to StorageStreamCommonImpl. Investigation showed a large segment of the database was occupied by a work table associated with pzPVStream and DirectStreamEncoder, and that space was not being released even when the objects were removed and a resave was performed. To address this, an update has been added which will forcefully reindex the BLOB during encoding to ensure the orphan data is correctly cleared. | Data Integration |
INC-B22959 | 887466 | Added handling for \"-\" in decimal field | If a number control with decimal property had a validation in the flow action, running the case and inserting a "-"(minus) symbol in the field generated an error on submit. This has been resolved by adding handling in pega_validators.js with logic/expression in the function "numeric_isDecimal()" for the scenario where only "-"(minus) is given as input for a number control. | Data Integration |
INC-B23270 | 886292 | Support added for abstract property generation | When using the connector and metadata wizard to generate classes properties and parseXML rules for use in a large new XSD with abstract properties, properties were not getting generated from the XSD when abstract=true. This has been resolved by adding support for generating the properties with abstract. | Data Integration |
INC-B23640 | 877788 | Filter for queryable data page uses correct context | After creating a queryable data page and allowing filtering on any column and then creating a field value for that column data in baseclass and the datapage's class, the localized value was picked from baseclass. If the datapage was made non-queryable, the localized value was picked from the correct context. This has been corrected with an update to use the proper class instead of Embed-FilterColumnValues for resolving the field value. | Data Integration |
INC-B24110 | 880346 | Query Runner Excel export updated | After running Query Runner with successful results and clicking Export to Excel, the generated download file was not able to be opened due to site policies which do not support the Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Worksheet (*.xls) format. To resolve this, the activity pzexportexcel in Query Runner has been updated to use the updated Excel format of .xlsx for export. | Data Integration |
INC-B26326 | 880427 | Date handling updated for en_HK locale with Java 11 | After upgrading to Oracle Java 11, an exception in date format was seen on start up. This has been resolved by adding the en_HK.xml file to support the en_HK locale. | Data Integration |
INC-B28508 | 879321 | Updated OpenAPI Export parameters for Service-REST | The generated OpenAPI specification for a Service-REST rule was incorrectly generating the field allowEmptyValue for all parameter types. This has been resolved with an update to restrict allowEmptyValue to true only for query parameters and not for path/header parameters. | Data Integration |
INC-B29513 | 893169 | Performance improvement for data_views | When using the v2 data_view/{data_view} API, the request was sent with Includetotalcount:true and Returntotalresultcount:true, causing it to fetch all of the data instead of fetching data based on the pagination. This has been corrected to improve performance. | Data Integration |
INC-B31997 | 887731 | OpenArchivedWorkObject updated to enable opening archived parent of current case | In the Pega Smart Dispute framework, the case overview section of a dispute case refers the data from pyWorkCover (claim case). When the child case was archived and and the archived case was opened, the pyWorkCover was not populated and some fields were blank. In order to address this, a place holder activity has been added to the activity pzOpenArchivedWorkObject to open the parent case of the current case. | Data Integration |
INC-B32312 | 885796 | Accessibility improved for pyMapFieldsInner | Helper text has been added to all default fields the MapFieldsInner section for improved accessibility. | Data Integration |
INC-B32313 | 885758 | Removed unnecessary checkmark on MapFieldsLegend | The image being used to display the checkmark in MapFieldsLegend near the CSV import line did not contain alternate text and was causing issues on automated scans and screen readers. This image has been removed as it is not necessary and was impeding accessibility. | Data Integration |
INC-B32717 | 886205 | Archival pacing available to reduce database impact | In some system configurations, the InMemory Pipeline mode of case archival may exceed the available input/output (I/O) operations per second, resulting in socket timeouts during column population jobs. To address this, a sleepduration parameter has been added to pyPegaArchivalUsingPipeline. The SleepDuration parameter is configured in milliseconds, and applies a delay between each cycle of archival process. One cycle of archival is considered as archiving limitperpolicy DSS(default value : 1000) cases per case type which are configured for archival in the case type setting screen. | Data Integration |
INC-B32764 | 889903 | Connect-FTP handling added for multibyte code filename | An update has been made to support transferring files with names that include multibyte code such as Japanese characters on an IIS FTPS server using Connect-FTP. These changes are dependent upon the DSS "ftp/enableUTF8Encoding" which must be set to true for this use. | Data Integration |
INC-B35491 | 887788 | Email Listener updated for MSGraph subfolders | Email listener was not working for multi-level subfolders such as Inbox/Sub-Folder1/Sub-Folder2 when using MSGraph, and decrypted mail content wasn't visible in the work-channel object. Support for these has now been added. | Data Integration |
INC-B35352 INC-B42455 INC-B43016 INC-B48049 |
887069 893763 893914 898294 |
Handling added for rule resolution race condition | The Next Best Action (NBA) outbound run failed with the error "IllegalArgumentException: DataFlow page has errors over overwrites applied: .pyModelProcess.pyShapes(Destination). pyRuleName: BatchOutPR4004 does not exist or is not a valid entry for this ruleset and its prerequisites". Investigation traced this to a race condition: the instance cache is dependent on the system pulse for invalidation, and if any rule is created after the instance cache initialization and the system pulse is missed or the rule is created before the system pulse module is loaded, then the event cache is not updated and there is a "hitnotfound" error for the rule. This has been resolved with an update to handle the race condition for the rule resolution. | Data Integration |
INC-B35624 | 887622 | Webservices libraries updated | The webservices-rt and webservices-api libraries have been updated to the most recent versions. | Data Integration |
INC-B35895 | 885640 | Data reference field selection correctly persisted for embedded data | When using a table with a modal edit option that utilized a search and select design pattern, the add function worked as expected, but the search field and associated properties that were filled in from the selection were not retained and caused an update to function as an add instead. Investigation showed the system was not appending the needed dataRelationShip Context to the path to store the value, and this has been resolved with an update to ensure propName is passing the correct value for updateFieldValue in listActions. | Data Integration |
INC-B36970 | 892360 | Corrected bulk test case execution | Test cases run from the action button on the test case ruleform executed as expected, but running the test cases in bulk was failing. This was an unintended side effect of work done to the getSimulationActivity to correct access context and maintain case lock during Connect REST invocations, and has been resolved by updating the logic used to conditionally fetch the simulation page in getsimulationActivity. | Data Integration |
INC-B37040 | 892043 | Corrected decryption of embedded properties | After update, case search was failing with the error "An internal error occurred while fetching the results using data view. Please contact administrator." Investigation showed when there was a combination of pagelist and a property with the syntax ".AddressList().City", the decryption of the mixed use case syntax was not handled from data page API end. This has been corrected by updating the decryption of the embedded page and pagelists for lookup and list endpoints. | Data Integration |
INC-B39329 INC-B24423 |
896485 874869 |
Updated AllFlow access group privileges | Attempting to export segment details resulted in the error "PRRuntimeException: Error: You lack access required to execute @baseclass.pxExportDataUsingRDPage". This was due to missing privileges for the AllFlows access group and has been corrected. | Data Integration |
INC-B40947 | 896315 | Purge process performance improvements | In order to improve the performance of the purge process for large development environments with many applications and branches, the option has been added to remove the date criteria for the ruleset index table, the purge query has been refactored to remove AppCentric cached data, and the purge query for AppCentric data has been split into 3 parts to avoid timeouts. | Data Integration |
INC-B41302 | 895161 | Security updated for responses | Cross-site scripting (XSS) security has been updated for service request responses. | Data Integration |
INC-B41646 | 896454 | Date format consistent after export for long property names | When trying to export a data type in the application, some of the date columns were exported in 'yyyymmdd' format while others were in 'mm/dd/yyyy' format. This issue was traced to the name of the property exceeding 32 characters: this length meant it was being converted into a hash value and then being returned as a general format due to not having required formatting attached. While there was a workaround of using property names under 32 characters, this has been resolved by updating the logic to find the property type first before changing the property name to the hash value. | Data Integration |
INC-B42029 | 897918 | PerformXSLT updated | After upgrading from Pega 7 to Infinity '23, the PerformXSLT function was not working. This was traced to work which removed a vulnerable library previously used in the function, and has been resolved by updating the TransformerFactory implementation. | Data Integration |
INC-B42844 | 895126 | Corrected file extension after attachment migration | The file extension was missing after running the attachment migration tool. This has been corrected by modifying the pzGetAttchmentContent actvity to add the extension type. | Data Integration |
INC-B9397 | 860969 | TLS updated | The ConnectREST APIs of Pega-Int-PAT were pointing to TLSv1.0, which has been deprecated. This pointer has been updated to TLSv1.2. | Data Integration |
Decision Management
23.1.4 Resolved Issues for Decision Management
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-A13819 | 892564 | Updated handling for adaptive model rule changes | Out of memory issues were seen when saving an adaptive model rule that had a large number of models under it. This was caused by all factories being loaded and the new configuration applied when there was an update, which also intermittently resulted in a race condition with the update. To resolve this, factories are no longer updated by the thread that changes the configuration. Instead, a force update is triggered for the model associated with the configuration which will be handled by the server nodes. | Decision Management |
INC-B13172 | 888506 | Added Dev Studio check for Model landing page before loading strategy rules | While implementing post upgrade steps after moving from Pega 8.5 to Pega Infinity 24.1, error messages about strategy related components appeared, indicating "Error in Obj-Open database.BadClassDefinitionException: Attempting to access a rule with a bad defined-on class: Trying to open rule "SMS" of class "Rule-Decision-Strategy", but no defined-on class (pyClassName) was specified." This has been resolved by adding a check for the Model landing page activity before loading when opening from Dev Studio. | Decision Management |
INC-B16167 | 882251 | External stream delivery and request timeouts made configurable | External stream delivery and request timeouts made configurable In order to assist with analyzing Kafka timeouts, the stream delivery timeout and request timeout have been made configurable values to support a "fast fail" mechanism. The delivery timeout default is 2 minutes, and the request timeout default is 30 seconds. Delivery Timeout: services/stream/producer/delivery/timeout Request Timeout: services/stream/request/timeout Conditions: Delivery Timeout Value Range (in ms) = 5000 to 120000; Request Timeout Value Range (in ms) = 1000 to 30000; At least One Try Possible = Delivery Timeout > Request Timeout |
Decision Management |
INC-B19169 | 878946 | PreviousComponent property handling updated for Strategy | After customizing the strategy for an interaction using a setProperty with pyPreviousComponent in the strategy to get the name of the model, the pre-previousComponent name(filter name) was unexpectedly returned as the output if an API call was made through the NBA container. This was traced to property optimization occurring at different times for different processes, and has been resolved by updating the logic handling for the default property notification propagation according to which component should expose default properties when they are used in the logic of a given component. | Decision Management |
INC-B20765 | 871845 | Legacy strategy execution profile updated | The legacy Pega strategy execution profile feature was not working as expected after update. This has been resolved by updating the parameter handling so the report correctly includes total strategy execution time and a strategy/component breakdown. In addition, an update has been made to improve visibility by adding parents for strategies up to two levels and number of calls for all components and strategies. "Strategy Parent” and “Number of Calls” will also be included in the report available for download after running the non-GOS strategy. | Decision Management |
INC-B22142 | 878571 | Removed reference to deprecated WhenTabListener | Opening/saving a "when" rule in Revision Management generated the error "DebugInfoForRuleNotFound". Investigation showed this was due to RevisionRuleFormLayout and pyRMRuleFormLayoutDE referencing the the deprecated and removed section pzWhenTabListener in the RuleFormLayout. This issue has been resolved by removing the stale references. | Decision Management |
INC-B22734 | 881670 | New version of a case will be detected on the dataflow canvas | After setting a dataflow to Output data to a specific case type and locking the ruleset, creating a new open one and then modifying the selected case and saving it resulted in the selected case type being removed from dropdown in the UI. This was caused by the dataflow shape holding the handle of the flow rule. Locking a ruleset and then editing the case in the Case Wizard created a new version of the flow rule in the higher ruleset version which the system perceived as a different rule instance with a different handle. The dropdown in UI is populated with only the latest version of each case, so the property was set to a value that was not available on the dropdown because the handle of the old rule instance was selected and the dropdown only contained the handle of the newer version. This resulted in it showing as empty in the UI. To correct this, a preloading activity has been added to the shape configuration section which will detect if a new version of the case has been created and update the handle if necessary. | Decision Management |
INC-B23051 | 888849 | DecisionProfiler tool supports single-node | Attempting to enable and access the Decision Profiler tool on a sandbox system resulted in an exception. Investigation showed that when run on a single-node system, the collection with the list of nodes was an immutable SingletonList leading to an UnsupportedOperationException from pzLoadProfiler while attempting to filter out non-active nodes. To resolve this issue, an update has been made to support Decision Profiler in stand-alone mode for a single node cluster. | Decision Management |
INC-B23097 INC-B40284 |
881567 892526 |
Improvements in TakeExecMonSnapshot execution | The dataflow pzTakeExecMonSnapshot was causing node termination during the snapshot process of symbolic predictors in environments with 130k+ unique symbols. To resolve this, the distribution table will store the top 200 symbols for each symbolic predictor, and count any symbols beyond 200 as 'others'. The efficiency if the merge process has also been optimized by updating the handling of symbolic predictor aggregation. | Decision Management |
INC-B23275 | 886174 | Logging added for diagnosing operator "unable to authenticate" error | Diagnostic logging has been added to capture data flow run ID to aid in diagnosing issues where a data flow run reports that an operator is incompatible while it executes the DetectPartitionChange data flow pulse task consistently. | Decision Management |
INC-B23318 | 878184 | Link markdown not supported in Pulse | Security has been updated for Pulse, and markdown is no longer supported for link formatting. | Decision Management |
INC-B26125 | 885262 | Updated chat intent model handling for missing language | During a live chat, sending an emoji from the CSR to the user resulted in a null pointer exception being printed in the logs and an alert triggered in the PDC. The issue occurred when intent model was selected in text analyzer, and was caused by the intent cache loader returning a non-null object with model bytes as null due to not being able to parse the language. This has been resolved by modifying the intent cache loader to return null when language is not present. | Decision Management |
INC-B28701 | 879965 | Resolved DDS dataflow deadlock | A dataflow deadlock was seen when shutting down DDS. Issues were also seen where one pod was not running the Decision Funnel Simulation dataflow as expected. This was traced to the ‘DSM init service: DDS.Default’ thread holding the lock, preventing the DDSClient class initialization from completing. This has been resolved by preventing the DDS service from initializing during the DDS Client classes initialization. | Decision Management |
INC-B29173 | 882508 | Corrected custom date-time format handling for Pulse CreateDatetime | The pxCreateDatetime in the Pulse feed was displaying the month value in place of the minute value. This was traced to the pxCreateDateTime in pyFeedSubtitle having "custom date-time format" set to 'MMM dd, yyyy h:MM a'. As the minute place has the format in upper case "MM", this caused it to use the month value. To correct this, the "custom date-time format" has been updated to 'MMM dd, yyyy h:mm a' to display minutes correctly. | Decision Management |
INC-B29637 INC-B29154 INC-B29045 |
880659 881774 881778 |
Improvements to Kafka Producer Metrics on Cloud | Kafka producer metrics have been improved, producer latency metrics have been introduced, and the Kafka client version for KAAS clusters has been updated. | Decision Management |
INC-B30540 | 885732 | Questionnaire views correctly handled by localization wizard | When using a questionnaire case-type with one question page and one question with rules saved in the ruleset version included in the FomsSales application, the Excel sheet produced by the Localization wizard did not contain any field keys related to those question pages and question rules. This has been resolved by modifying the getQuestionnaireMetaData parameters for view meta-data generation and adding steps to publish localization for the question page views. | Decision Management |
INC-B30596 | 882885 | Corrected memory issue with Summary Browse operation | After update, opening the Interaction History summaries in the Customer Decision Hub caused an out of memory error. This was traced to the implementation of persistence layers for the summary dataset which resulted in the browse operation loading all records into memory at once, and has been corrected. | Decision Management |
INC-B31735 | 882988 | DSS added to toggle Interaction History backfill | The DSS "cep/aggregation_service/backfill_enabled" has been introduced to control enabling or disabling the backfill run. By default the backfill processing is enabled. | Decision Management |
INC-B31818 | 889381 | Addressed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for API mapped to GOS | Invoking an API which was mapped to a globally optimized strategy (GOS) resulted in an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException error. Triggering the GetDecision API which is mapped to Trigger NBA strategy worked as expected. To address this, the DecisionTable serialization process has been modified in the GOS mode and more detailed log messages will be provided in case a similar issue occurs. | Decision Management |
INC-B33286 INC-B36057 INC-B42760 |
886058 891468 894400 |
Updated GOS database handling for Postgres and Oracle | The error "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: A null or empty handle has been specified in the database 'open by handle' method" was generated when flushing the aggregated strategy execution profiles to the database. This has been resolved by replacing the hardcoded pzinskey column property name with the property name variable so it is consistent regardless of database type, and an alias has been added for the selected column so that the case of the key and returned column name match. | Decision Management |
INC-B33469 | 884534 | Properties on embedded page available as Kafka Dataset keys | Support has been added for creating Kafka key values from properties sourced from an embedded page. | Decision Management |
INC-B33517 | 885496 | User ID and updated message added to queue processor diagnostics | A queue processor and its associated dataflow were stopping unexpectedly with the error "context.PRQueueException: Enqueue to queue processor Process_SPLC failed : Unable to find the queue processor instance in memory". It is normally difficult to determine the origin of the stop runs task; with this update, user ID information will be added to stop/start/restart/update/reprocess run task life cycle events and it will be possible to log trace the stacktrace. The message generated will also be differentiated when the stop action is performed by the data flow run config updater. | Decision Management |
INC-B33634 | 885342 | Check added for AI decision connector in CaseType wizard | After enabling the "Create data model using spreadsheet" option and uploading an Excel sheet with properties to be created, the wizard parsed the data and displayed it on the Wizard UI correctly, but clicking "Create" only created the CaseType along with AI suggested fields and the uploaded fields from Excel were not created. This was traced to the preconditions of the D_pzNewCaseTypeDetails.pyCaseFlow=="AI" function of the pzCreateDataModel activity being always evaluated as true, causing the activity execution to jump ahead. To resolve this, a check has been added for the AI decision "True" connector. | Decision Management |
INC-B34199 | 885071 | Updated load handling for data partitions | Attempting to browse / query / clear Visual Business Director (VBD) data sets after loading a partition without data blocks was failing with the error "IllegalStateException:Failed to load data for partition". Further access attempts failed as the partition was regarded as being still loading. This has been resolved with an update which will ensure partition task completion on load, and a partition with no data will also be removed from the Collection Container's partitions map. | Decision Management |
INC-B34437 | 886170 | File data set now distinguishes between empty values and values not present in files | When importing data to a customer table where each import partially updated the customer record, attempting to update and remove a value by setting it to null was not working as expected. In this scenario, the update being imported contained an empty value for that column. However, the file data set did not distinguish between empty values and values not present in files, leading to the value not being correctly updated to remove the information already stored. To resolve this, the file data set will now set an empty value in the clipboard page if an empty value exists in the provided CSV file. If there is no column mapped to a property, that property value will still not be set. | Decision Management |
INC-B34437 | 893192 | DSS added to control conversion of empty values during handling | After update, an empty value that was created in the clipboard page if an empty value existed in the provided CSV file was instead being converted to 0 rather than remaining as empty. This was traced to the JSON serialization which can write empty values as empty string by default. To control this behavior, the DSS dsm/serialization/disableConvertingEmptyValuesToDefaults has been added with owner ruleset Pega-DecisionEngine. The default value is set to true. | Decision Management |
INC-B37106 | 889988 | Removed 10k records limit in GetListOfValidOperators and GetQuestionList | The Operators and Questions list was not displaying if there were more than 10k records. This has been resolved by updating the GetListOfValidOperators and GetQuestionList report definitions to change the value of the maximum number of rows to retrieve field to 0 in the Data Access tab. | Decision Management |
INC-B38375 | 889855 | GetNextWork-related activities for Revision Management moved from Work- class to RevisionManagement-Work class | Intermittent issues with opening and populating items using "Get Next Work" were seen when using the Client Lifecycle Management (CLM) application. This was traced to locally added access Rulesets causing the GetNextWork activity to be overridden in the Work- class of the Pega-DecisionManager Ruleset when Revision Management was not being used. To resolve this, these GetNextWork-related activities have been moved from the Work- class to the RevisionManagement-Work class as this activity in Pega-DecisionManager ruleset is only needed for Revision Management-specific scenario. The Work Pool of Revision Management access groups has been updated to RevisionManagement-Work so the GetNextWork functionality works as before for Revision Management users. When not using Revision Management, the GetNextWork activity will be picked up from the Pega-ProcessEngine Ruleset. | Decision Management |
INC-B40512 | 892370 | Improved multithreading synchronization for database tables | When trying to read more than 25K records from a table with BLOB content, the dataset was reading duplicate records and causing the data flow to process more records than present in source table. This occurred when the destination component was an activity in the data flow and took more than one second per item to process the record and which was combined with many small database partitions which caused multiple threads to be created. To avoid reading duplicate records, an update has been made to database multithreading synchronization. | Decision Management |
INC-B41055 | 894897 | SSAFactory preconditions updated | Following work to make the DecisionTable more consistent, additional updates have been made to enhance the information in the SSAFactory preconditions. | Decision Management |
INC-B41277 | 880449 | Meta files correctly created during hive migration | After migration to hive structure (using Embed-DataSet-File-Repository-Replay.pyRunMigrationToHiveStructure), folders did not contain the expected .directory/, .last-date, and .last-key files, and additional last-date-[number of partition] files were seen. This has been resolved. | Decision Management |
INC-B46092 | 894132 | Corrected duplicate properties in groupBy summary dataset definition | An issue was seen where removing properties from the pyInteractionHistoryConfiguration data transform resulted in the summary dataset containing duplicate GroupBy properties. This occurred in cases where the iteration ran over two sets using 'index' and not a concrete property name (purpose), and the number of elements in second set was the same or lower than in first set. The data set aggregation handling for Interaction History has been modified to correct the duplication. | Decision Management |
Low-Code Application Development
23.1.4 Resolved Issues for Low-Code Application Development
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-B10692 | 893500 | UIKit version updated in Usage Validation Utility (UVU) | Applications built on CustomerService 8 in Pega Infinity '23 or '24 were generating guardrail errors. This was caused by a difference in the UIKit versions: the Usage Validation Utility (UVU) component used in Pega Platform was built on UIKit 13.01 whereas PegaCRMBase 8 is built on UIKit 15.01. This has been resolved by upgrading the UIKit for PegaUVU to 15.01, and the pyInstanceList has been modified to add more columns. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B19196 | 880161 | Blank value handling updated for export to Excel | Generating an Excel file using pxGenerateExcelFile activity where one column needs to be set blank led to random static values being added in the generated Excel file. This has been resolved by updating the GenerateExcel file to handle empty properties or properties with blank values. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B22726 | 880054 | Cache-Control updated | A cache-control: no-store response header for "application/json" has been added for Constellation DX API endpoints. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B24335 | 881707 | Case ID not shown in Recent section when case is not created | When case creation was restricted by flow privileges, a non-privileged user attempting to create a case received the error "Unable to authorize flow execution RULE-OBJ-FLOW XXORG-DOC-WORK CREATEFORM_DEFAULT" on the screen, but the case ID was shown in the Recents section. Clicking on that case ID resulted in the error "Empty Work Item Handle". This has been corrected so that in this scenario the case is not shown in Recents. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B26277 | 877126 | Generated rule assembly will be discarded if exception encountered | If the connection was lost to an external database during rules assembly, the cache would become corrupted. After the connection was reestablished, the database cache updated properly but the node memory cache retained the corrupted class. This has been resolved with an update which will discard the generated assembly completely if a database exception is generated during assembly, and the exception will be logged. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B29056 | 884718 | Screenflow name handling updated for multiflow navigation | When using a flow with multiple screenflows, clicking on the back button in the case screen to go back to previous screens in another screenflow caused the screenflow name to disappear. This has been resolved by updating the flow name with the subflow name when navigating back to the subflow from the main flow. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B32655 | 883830 | Job scheduler automation added for Usage Insights reports | The Usage Insight job scheduler has been added to the Usage Validation Utility (UVU) to automate running regularly scheduled reports using the System Runtime Context. For more information, see the documentation for Usage Insights. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B36301 | 894493 | Resolved Case Usage agent disabled | The Push Resolved Case Usage Data AES Remote agent (agent activity - PushCaseEventDetails) was throwing numerous exceptions and alerts in the logs due to connection timeouts. This is a resource intensive query which slowed down other SQL executions and was recommended to be deprecated due to performance impact. With this update, Resolved Case Usage agent has been disabled in PegaAESRemote. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B43438 | 895595 | Improved server response security | Security has been updated for the response from the server when an update is made to a user object. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B44711 | 896011 | Corrected datetime handing during validation | Failed records were generated when clicking the “Validate Integrity” button in the Condition Builder. This was traced to the datetime property on the UI being changed from “Last 30/90 days” to “Is empty/Is not empty” but the change was not reflected in the clipboard. This has been corrected. | Low-Code App Development |
23.1.4 Resolved Issues for Mobile
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-B18304 | 875937 | Modified dirty state handling for Datetime UI control drop-down list | When a datetime control in display mode was used on mobile device, navigating to a drop down and then navigating away without making any changes resulted in a dirty state popup. The issue was visible only in the Mobile web browser in the Mobile application and only for the Mobile native control property of type TimeOfDay; using the Pega control for TimeOfDay did not display this behavior. To address this, an update has been made to only add the data-initialValue attribute when type is "hidden". | Mobile |
INC-B20796 | 879404 | Dropdowns corrected for Android tablet in Desktop view | Dropdown rendered correctly on mobile and on a tablet browser, but did not display the correct results on an Android tablet using Desktop view.This has been resolved by adjusting the event loop to better handle the execution necessary. | Mobile |
INC-B23982 | 884739 | Corrected AM localization for Taiwan | In the offline mobile app used on Taiwanese language devices, inputting AM 4:40 displayed as 凌晨 04:30 until save, when it was correctly displayed as 上午 04:30. This has been corrected by updating pzpega_ui_formatDateTime to add a specific condition for the locale "zh_TW". | Mobile |
INC-B24829 | 885257 | Added handling for iOS autocomplete called from local action | When using an iOS device, an autocomplete control triggered within a local action froze when sourced with a data page (structure: list) which was itself sourced with a data transform which called another data page that sourced itself with a REST connector. This has been resolved with a check for a delay in opening the result popup container. | Mobile |
INC-B33256 | 890380 | Setfocus updated for iOS | Setfocus to target property was not setting the focus correctly on text input fields for iOS. This was traced to iOS devices not supporting setTimeout, and has been resolved by adding the condition to explicitly execute for iOS. | Mobile |
INC-B38030 | 889448 | Phone control supports dirty form handling | The dirty check handler has been added for the Phone control. | Mobile |
INC-B43931 | 895188 | Mobility header supports disabled caching | An update has been made to disable caching in headers for pzGetMobileLogsConfiguration. | Mobile |
Project Delivery
23.1.4 Resolved Issues for Project Delivery
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-B17331 INC-B15644 INC-B15439 INC-B14808 INC-B14305 |
868734 | Documentation Improvements for BIX Extract Design | The documentation for dividing Business Intelligence Extract (BIX) operations into smaller parts to speed up the extraction process has been updated to clarify the process and necessary steps. | Project Delivery |
INC-A29934 | 855717 | Inline image documentation updated for external applications | The documentation for configuring a Rich Text Editor control has been updated to specify that using Base64 encoding is necessary when interacting with external applications to display the images inline to the text. For internal use, the image uploader remains the preferred option because of security and data storage capabilities. | Project Delivery |
INC-B17244 | 867178 | Documentation updated for updating an expired identity provider certificate | The documentation for updating an expired identity provider certificate in a SAML Authentication Service has been updated to clarify that if the XML contains both old and new certificates, it may be necessary to manually select the correct certificate from the Certificate Alias dropdown. | Project Delivery |
INC-B20179 | 884025 | Offline mobile app documentation updated for offline mode | The documentation for local actions offline mode has been updated to remove references to hiding the default buttons of a flow action. This is not a supported configuration for the offline mobile app. | Project Delivery |
INC-B25813 | 881784 | Custom cipher creation documentation updated | The documentation for creating a custom cipher has been updated to clarify that compiling the Java will require the prprivate-exec.jar, prpublic.jar, and prenginext.jar files. |
Project Delivery |
INC-B29347 | 884365 | Documentation updated for customization of mobile login | The documentation for configuring the browser requestor has been updated to note that customizing mobile login screens requires updating the OAuth 2.0 service package to use the unauthenticated Access Group. | Project Delivery |
INC-B32153 | 889228 | Circumstanced rule skimming documentation updated | The documentation for creating a rule specialized by circumstance and for rule skimming for higher ruleset versions has been updated to clarify that the existing "Base Rule" check box status is ignored when skimming and the rules are moved from lower to higher ruleset versions regardless of the "Base Rule" setting and circumstancing. When skimming circumstanced rules, the "Base Rule" check box in the rule availability dialog box must be explicitly selected for a newly skimmed rule to be recognized as a base rule during rule resolution. | Project Delivery |
INC-B32984 | 882659 | Documentation updated for indexing class data | The "Indexing class data" documentation has been updated to clarify that a manual re-index of the search indexes should be performed from the Search landing page after a database restoration. | Project Delivery |
23.1.4 Resolved Issues for Reporting
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-B10224 INC-B27412 INC-B31085 INC-B23839 INC-B25678 INC-B30445 |
884807 | Dev Studio search updated for SRS | In order to facilitate the changeover from embedded ElasticSearch to SRS, a new set of search capabilities has been introduced: ENGINE_WORK_ID_SEARCH_GADGET - allows for workid search in Dev Studio's search gadget ENGINE_RULE_SEARCH_GADGET - allows for rule search in Dev Studio's search gadget ENGINE_DATA_SEARCH_GADGET - allows for data search in Dev Studio's search gadget In case of archival indexing, the getIndexName method for the PegaIndexManager API has been updated to allow the SearchHelper class to handle both SRS and embedded Elasticsearch. |
Reporting |
INC-B1263 | 851261 | Corrected IAM authentication handling for Amazon OpenSearch connection | When running the helm chart to deploy the Search and Reporting Service (SRS) by connecting to Amazon OpenSearch (running ES 7.10) with awsIAM configured as the authentication method, the SRS pod failed to start and generated the error "RuntimeException: Unable to load credentials from any of the providers in the chain." This was an issue with the provided helm charts, and has been resolved with the release of search-n-reporting-service-aws:1.32.2 . | Reporting |
INC-B1412 | 851156 | Row focus maintained on close of report | Opening the last report from a list in an optimized table and then closing the report caused focus to shift to the first row of the list. This has been resolved by adding set focus in the pzRBShortcutsGrid7 and pyRecentReportsWidgetRow sections. | Reporting |
INC-B1827 | 884770 | Added null property handling for AccessPolicyCondition | After update and migrating to the SRS service, case search was not working for the end user portal. Investigation showed that if the embedded properties in the AccessPolicyCondition were verified for IS_Null condition, a java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException error was generated. Handling has been added for this scenario. | Reporting |
INC-B20878 INC-B7434 |
883092 885953 |
Updated SASIncrementalIndexer management | After enabling the Search and Reporting Service on Pega Cloud, an intermittent InvalidParameterException was generated during batch case creation using a background job scheduler process, some RuleNotFoundExceptions were generated during case processing with ResumeFlow by queue processor, and attempting to map data to the .ResponsePage property would occasionally result in an "unsupported mode: Unknown" error when performing a REST call to another application. This has been resolved with the addition of Thread Modification Helpers to manage incremental flow efficiently for the thread APIs. | Reporting |
INC-B22966 | 887329 | Added Chart control handling for empty parameter | When an empty parameter was used in a Chart, the property name was displayed instead of a null value. This has been resolved by updating the conditions for passing the report parameters in the Chart controls. | Reporting |
INC-B23876 | 880898 | Corrected missing privilege for scheduled reports | After upgrade, a scheduled report failed with the error "InsufficientPrivileges:RuleExecutionDenied RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY SYSTEM-QUEUE-SCHEDULEDTASK PZSCHEDULEDTASKPROCESSOR". This was due to a missing privilege name and has been resolved. | Reporting |
INC-B25029 | 880059 | Corrected DisplayReport filter alignment | After configuring a header at the top of the portal in Theme-Cosmos, accessing any report using the DisplayReport harness and clicking on the Filter icon resulted in a spacing issue where the height of the header was being added to the top attribute. This has been resolved by updating the CSS in pyReportEditorStyling. | Reporting |
INC-B26442 | 884863 | Documentation updated for BIX Get All Properties option | The documentation for enabling the BIX ruleset has been updated to clarify expected results related to using the BIX "Get All Properties" checkbox. When using this option with an extraction rule defined on a class that contains a blob, an extraction rule defined on a class with XML output type BIX will extract all the properties that are present in the specified class's pzpvstream. However, if the extraction rule is defined on a blobless class, BIX will only add the key columns and exposed columns like committedDatetime and pxObjClass. | Reporting |
INC-B30751 | 890800 | Null check added for retrievereportdata | A null pointer exception was generated when attempting to apply a filter on the "Requests" tab when the configuration included a data page sourced from a report definition. This was due to missing handling for a null parameter in pxretrievereportdata when a data page is involved, and has been resolved by adding a check. | Reporting |
INC-B34693 | 887737 | Scheduled insight export to Excel matches manual insight export | When an insight was scheduled, the generated Excel was limited to 5000 rows. If the insight was run manually and exported to Excel, all rows were exported. This has been resolved by updating the 'when' rule from using pyServiceActivity=="pzDataExplorerExport to instead use Param.UseRuntimeDefinition=="true". | Reporting |
INC-B35340 | 888914 | Report Filtering working for drag/drop column reordering | Report filtering was not working as expected in the Dashboard if a column from the table was dragged and dropped. This has been resolved by unchecking the "Allow invocation from browser" checkbox in the pzDropNewFilterFromColumn activity. | Reporting |
INC-B36431 | 887262 | Corrected blank value handling in PDF | When a section contained a read-only control with a blank value, the generated PDF showed the blank value as "no value" when UseCompactStylesforPDF was set as TRUE. This has been resolved by updating the CSS. | Reporting |
INC-B36538 | 887751 | Accessibility improved for viewing filtered reports | When viewing filtered reports, keyboard users were not able to focus on the filtered labels, and the CSS for focus on the Select button was not correct. This has been resolved by updating the styles to get the correct focus effects when traversing through tabs. | Reporting |
INC-B38690 | 892130 | Added category report sorting for CMReportBrowser7 | The sorting of reports and of categories AtoZ or ZtoA worked as expected when using the default browser pyReportBrowser, but sorting was not working when using a harness with pyCMReportBrowser7. This has been corrected by adding a condition in the pzReportListSort which sets the legacyRB value as true for the pyCMReportBrowser7 harness. | Reporting |
INC-B41112 INC-B47368 |
892906 897374 |
Corrected focus issue on Category type | When using the dropdown within the "Create new Category" modal, focus shifted unexpectedly to previous field after selecting an option from the Category type drop-down list. This has been resolved by updating pznewcategory7 so that when an option is selected from the Category type drop-down list, focus remains on the combo box until Tab is used. | Reporting |
23.1.4 Resolved Issues for Security
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-A29650 | 848168 | Pega MFA Screen session expiry redirect updated | At session expiry, the Pega multi-factor authentication screen redirected to a screen showing all authentication services instead of the default authentication service. This involved an uncommon scenario where multi-factor authentication (MFA) was enabled and the default authentication service was mapped to the app, and has been resolved by redirecting to the default authentication service associated with the application during a node crash scenario or when the application has Interactive login configuration selected. | Security |
INC-B20727 | 872671 | Check added for incorrectly formed CORS endpoints | After constructing a new REST API and adding an endpoint to a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) policy to restrict access for the endpoint to certain domains, the restriction was not working as expected and allowed all domains. Investigation showed the endpoint as supplied in the CORS policy dropdown was incorrect: the endpoint should begin with "api" but did not. This has been resolved by modifying the logic to append /api for REST APIs with a service version. | Security |
INC-B21044 | 884160 | Additional logging added for security issues | To aid in diagnosing SEC0017 errors, additional logging has been added identify the underlying activities or streams. | Security |
INC-B26841 | 876616 | Operator modification creates history record | No audit record was being added to the history when operators were enabled or disabled via the "Organization and Security: Operator Access" landing page. This was traced to the pxUpdateDateTime and pxUpdateOperator properties not being properly updated from this page, and has been resolved by adding the necessary logic. | Security |
INC-B29444 | 887692 | Updated redirect for post access-group timeout | Using SSO OIDC for access group timeouts was working for some groups, but for others the portal was intermittently freezing after timeout. To address this, the false flag has been updated to aTimedOut so there will be a redirect back to the logoff screen once the user clicks on the screen post access-group timeout. | Security |
INC-B31047 | 883915 | Updated Constellation certificate | The PegaAATTS keystore for Constellation has been updated with a new certificate in advance of expiration. | Security |
INC-B33773 | 891156 | PRConfig available for Java check | A PRConfig with setting security/blockJavaInjection has been made available. If present, this configuration will be honored over the existing DASS security/enableJavaInjectionMitigation. Additional logic has also been added to trigger a security alert when the checkForJavaCodeInjection method is called and Java Injection is allowed in the system. | Security |
INC-B33917 | 883934 | DSS added to refresh the access token | Some downstream calls were failing with a "Token expired" error during PING token validation. To resolve this, the DSS "security/token/refreshEarlyBefore" has been added. This is used to refresh the access token early to avoid expiry by the time it reaches the server, and can be set to add 0-60 seconds. | Security |
INC-B34725 | 889185 | MFA submission button repaired | After update, the MFA screen "Submit" button was not working. This was an unintended side effect of work done for accessibility and has been corrected. | Security |
INC-B35148 | 894515 | Server path not disclosed in upload error message | The error message in the UI generated by an exception during file upload will not include the server path. | Security |
INC-B35150 | 893273 | Security updated for multiselect control | Cross-site scripting filters have been updated for the Capsule function in control_multiselect.js. | Security |
INC-B38494 | 895514 | AddCalendar updated with DSS to use operator timezone | By default, the date/time calculations of the addCalendar function are dependent on the server timezone. This may cause validations to fail across different implementation applications if the Cloud server is in a different timezone than the operator. To resolve this, a DSS is available to set the function to calculate date/time based on the operator timezone. Owning Ruleset: Pega-Engine Setting: datetime/addcalendar/version Value: 2 |
Security |
INC-B38494 | 896688 | Timezone updated for en_NZ | When the locale was set to en_NZ, the time returned was GMT+13 when NZDT/NZST was expected. This has been resolved by adding the New Zealand timezone in the en_NZ locale XML. | Security |
INC-B39506 | 891412 | Switch application popup correctly closed | After creating two different authentication services for two applications using SSO, logging into one and clicking on the second application from the switch application option launched the second application in a new tab but the popup to login remained active in the first window. This has been resolved by adding an event close in the pzSwitchAppDispayLoginScreen section. | Security |
INC-B39594 | 898972 | Security updated for Dev Studio section titles | Cross-site scripting protections have been updated for the section title in Dev Studio. | Security |
INC-B40295 | 894422 | Cache-control sent in mobile app response headers | The pzGetUserinfo activity has been modified to send the "Cache-Control" header as a response for the oauthclients/v1/userinfo/json REST call. | Security |
INC-B41084 | 897086 | Security updated for binary files | Cross-site scripting protections have been updated for SVG files. | Security |
INC-B45214 | 898229 | Corrected SchemePRAuthBasicLogOff to correctly redirect | Web-Session-Return was not being correctly triggered when logging off from a PRAuth – Basic Auth session. The pzSchemePRAuthBasicLogOff function has been updated to correct this. | Security |
System Administration
23.1.4 Resolved Issues for System Administration
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-B26274 | 879841 | Hazelcast updated | Hazelcast has been updated to version 5.4.1. | System Administration |
INC-B28716 | 894663 | Added logging for chat queue diagnostics | Extra diagnostic loggers have been added for subscribe and unsubscribe call to assist with diagnosing issues where the the global and queue-specific max number of conversations for chat operators is intermittently not being honored. | System Administration |
INC-B30013 | 883931 | Handling updated for MessageContent exception logging | In order to ensure pzMessageContent does not include potentially sensitive information when a queue processor queue throws an exception, an update has been made to sanitize the XML and JSON before sending to the log. | System Administration |
INC-B33533 | 884545 | Settings added to assist in controlling Kafka writes and retries | Node unavailability during Kafka's log roll over process caused threads trying to write to Kafka to eventually pile up, impacting response times for API calls. In order to better handle Kafka writes and retries, two additional DSS settings have been added to function in a circuit breaker pattern. If the system is not able push the 100 consecutive messages to Kafka, then there will be a 5 second pause, and these values are configurable. SettingPurpose: queueprocessor/dataset/circuitBreaker/threshold/timeoutSecond default value: 5 (seconds) SettingPurpose: queueprocessor/dataset/circuitBreaker/threshold/failedMessages default value : 100 OwningRuleset: Pega-Engine |
System Administration |
INC-B36052 | 887713 | Corrected property handling in Rule Assembly | A large number of Rule Assembly alerts were being generated which were affecting performance and stability. Investigation showed the assembly was slow for stream rules on the first access to pods after startup, and this has been addressed by adding pzAssemblePreProcess to trigger section reassembly. | System Administration |
INC-B39157 | 891910 | Improved performance for semantic tab layout | Performance issues were seen when enabling semantic tab layout. This has been resolved by adding a safe check for pageName. | System Administration |
INC-B41124 | 891452 | Diagnostic logging added for OpenMobileChannel | Additional logging has been made available for database exceptions at openMobileChannel in order to facilitate diagnosing intermittent issues with connecting to the synchronization service when processing an offline case or when attempting to log in. | System Administration |
INC-B41777 | 893295 | FieldValue conclusion logging added | Diagnostic loggers have been added to assist with diagnosing issues related to loading FieldValue conclusions. | System Administration |
INC-B43196 | 898042 | Updated clearing of orphaned batch requestors | An excessive number of batch requestors were causing performance issues and exceeding the node limit. Investigation showed the requestor were not being properly cleared, and an update has been added to return orphan batch requestors. | System Administration |
INC-B50059 | 900695 | Updated handling for fallback to long poll connections | After disabling websocket so the server falls back to long poll when sending messages, the browser received an excessive number of requests from the server sending the event VERIFY_DISCONNECTED_REQUESTOR. This was traced to previous modification work done on the PresenceSessionStateTrackerDaemon to handle websocket throttling, and has been resolved with a check which will disable the PresenceSessionStateTrackerDaemon function ‘verifyDisconnectRequestors’ if long poll is enabled. | System Administration |
INC-B6930 | 883236 | Request messages trimmed for Robotic Desktop Automation (RDA) | After successful subscription to messaging service, the automation request message was not getting delivered to runtime. This was caused by the messaging service having a limit of 16KB for the messages published, so the automation request was not getting delivered if it exceeded that size. To address this, an update has been made which will take the automation data captured from the HTML div which includes all the relevant properties present in the class and filter out empty key-value pairs to reduce the automation request message size. | System Administration |
User Experience
23.1.4 Resolved Issues for User Experience
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-226187 | 894027 | Corrected display row numbers in table layout | When the width of content was changed to Pixels(Fixed) from Fill(100%) in the table layout, the row numbers displayed by checking "Display row numbers" were not properly displayed. This has been resolved by correcting the padding for grid when using a fixed width in pixels. | User Experience |
INC-A24088 | 843699 | Layout group menu icon visible after relocation | After changing the layout group menu icon position from right(default) to left, the menu icon was not shown on the section in Theme-Cosmos. This has been resolved by adding padding-left to the CSS so the icon has some room to be visible. | User Experience |
INC-A27587 | 846347 | Updated harness focus for drag and drop in repeating dynamic layout | Work done to ensure the proper harness context when using drag and drop in a repeating dynamic layout has been updated to ensure the harness focus is set correctly. | User Experience |
INC-A9276 | 822786 | Backspace announced in pxMultiSelect control with JAWS 2022 | After making a selection in the pxMultiSelect control, entering new text and using the Backspace button silently deleted the previously selected option without JAWS notifying the user about the selection or the deletion. This was caused by the Backspace happening before the highlight, and has been resolved by adding the necessary condition in the deleteByTokenSelection function. | User Experience |
INC-B10108 INC-B28149 |
880166 893595 |
Updated parent thread handling for refresh | After creating an activity inside an appointment, attempting to open the activity after refresh generated an intermittent “A processing error has occurred” or "Failed to load harness" error. This was traced to the inclusion of the "Refresh Current Harness" action on tabs, which created a new state without passing the parent thread and clearing the previous state. It is unexpected for the previous state to be retained, and this has been resolved with an update to ensure the parent thread is passed correctly for clearing the state. | User Experience |
INC-B13031 | 877823 | Updated check for readonly data page | After creating an optimized table with row reordering where the data page was queryable, an extra data page call was triggered without an implicit parameter. The second call did not happen if "allow row reordering" was not checked. The extra call was traced to the data page being loaded to check if that's readonly or not for the purpose of the row reordering, and this has been resolved with an update which will load the data page to determine readonly status if the grid is not queryable. | User Experience |
INC-B13110 | 866019 | Improved accessibility for filter checkboxes | Accessible labels have been added to the list of checkbox values in the filter modal of the optimized table to assist with context for applying the filters. | User Experience |
INC-B13177 | 877795 | Corrected locking for confirm harness | After submitting an assignment and routing the next assignment to Workbasket, refreshing the browser from the review screen caused a lock to unexpectedly be re-acquired on the work object. This was traced to the aceprimary_0 empty DOM not being removed in the confirm harness, and has been resolved with an update which will exclude acquiring a lock when it is a confirm harness. | User Experience |
INC-B15294 INC-B10447 |
879808 866846 |
Corrected and improved accessibility for My Worklist | The following layout and accessibility issues have been corrected for My Worklist: In the user portal, the dashboard Menu option is included in the worklist when navigating from the default view to user defined views. The tab order header button to expand the list of options has been reordered to match the visual options and receive focus before the table toolbar buttons. The overlay has been given an explicit level 2 visible heading. | User Experience |
INC-B18778 | 882110 | Localization updated to remove "[]" in email subject string | The newer Pega-Social field value pyAddUserMentionedPostEmailSubject has 2 parameters, which did not match the number of parameters in the Japanese Language pack field value(3 parameters). As a result, "[]" was unexpectedly shown in the mail subject. This has been corrected by setting the additional field value pyAddUserMentionedPostEmailSubject to 2 parameters as the localized field value. | User Experience |
INC-B19025 INC-B36801 |
880563 888872 |
Handling updated for TemplateInputBox property creation | After upgrade, attempting to save an instance into an existing external table(no BLOB) generated the error message "Cannot save instance of class XXXXX-Data-Address; it belongs to fully exposed table PEGADATA.YYY_ADDRESS in database PegaDATA, but the instance has properties which do not correspond to columns: pyTemplateInputBox". This was traced to the presence of a button in the section. Buttons generally add code to get the clipboard reference of getProperty for pyTemplateInputBox, and would create the property if it was not found. To ensure this property is not created for button / image / link actionable controls where there is no need of any editable properties, the handling for pyTemplateInputBox property creation has been updated. | User Experience |
INC-B22618 INC-B24417 |
887542 880201 |
Chart Control Actions menu handling updated | After update, opening subsequent charts on a dashboard with multiple chart controls did not dismiss previously opened menus for other charts. This was traced to a blank referral attribute in the linking page window object related to the deprecated Adobe Flash player, and all references to this in the chart-related files have been removed. To resolve the related menu issue, the handling of the showReportRCMenu function in pzPega_chart_actionmenu has been updated to ensure the open menu is closed as expected when the next menu is selected. | User Experience |
INC-B22714 | 877716 | Corrected AM/PM handling for localized values | When using the Taiwanese locale (zh_TW), the calendar was showing times as AM(上午) when it should have shown PM(下午). Investigation showed the toDate() function in the moment.js library was unable to identify the AM/PM with localized text and converted the hours into 12 hour format, such as a date time value of '2024/7/1 下午4:15:22' returned as "Mon Jul 01 2024 04:15:00" where the hour was calculated as "4" instead of "16". This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B23294 | 881698 | Markup allowed for dynamic layout title field | Support has been added for markup language in the field value of a dynamic layout title. | User Experience |
INC-B23804 | 882061 | Corrected lost focus for submission button | Focus on the button was lost after submitting the modal dialog when using the Apple Safari or Mozilla Firefox browsers. The focus was not lost when using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. This was traced to a check in the pega_ui_modaldialog js file for function _processActionModalOnlineHandler which used an "if" condition for the reload which was applied only for Google Chrome. This check has been removed, as the button needs to be set as reload element for all of the browsers to bring the focus back after closing the modal. | User Experience |
INC-B23853 | 882292 | Case notification close updated to handle both AJAX and non-AJAX containers | When using the Theme-Cosmos application, the pyCaseMainPageNotification section was not closing when clicking on the 'X' icon. The GO button needed to be clicked from the worklist in order to continue to complete the stages. This has been resolved by updating the action from refresh section to openworkbyhandle to support both AJAX container and non-AJAX container behavior. | User Experience |
INC-B24327 | 880638 | Corrected repeating dynamic layout title appearing on buttons | When using a repeating dynamic layout with inner sections, the title of the repeating layout or containing dynamic layout was being added to the cancel and submit buttons. This was traced to the fieldset being used within the application, and has been resolved by adding role='presentation' in the fieldset tag of the webwb_pzpega_ui_template_form file. | User Experience |
INC-B24571 | 883650 | Updated text accessibility in case utilities pane | The text below the task / attachment pyAttachmentFeedDescription section in the case utility panel was being skipped and not being read out by the screen reader. This was due to the role="tab" automatically switching NVDA from "browse mode" (where keyboard events are sent to NVDA) to "forms mode" (where keyboard events are sent to the application). This has been corrected so the text will be read. | User Experience |
INC-B24698 | 879975 | Corrected missing date validation error | If the date field was the first field in the assignment form in UX and an incorrect date was entered, the form was re-rendered after the failed validation to show an error banner, but the error message for the date field was missing. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B25268 | 884953 | Additional Text tab correctly displays localized custom data pages | Localized custom data pages and their properties were not appearing in the Additional Text tab when using Constellation. This was traced to the localization handling for the D_pyAvailableCaseStages activity, and has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B25508 | 879561 | Focus in Rich Text Editor persists after refresh | After setting up a modal dialog containing both a textarea and a Rich Text Editor where the text area had an onChange event to trigger a section refresh, inputting text and clicking on the Rich Text Area triggered the refresh but the cursor shifted back to the textarea. This was caused by a loss of focus due to the Rich Text Editor click event not being captured like other controls, and has been resolved by ensuring that if the onchange event is triggered by clicking on the RichText Area, the focus will correctly go to the Rich Text Area. | User Experience |
INC-B25848 | 891543 | LOAD_View updated to display actions | AvailableActions were missing from Redux when using LOAD_VIEW. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B26373 | 891094 | Corrected redundant ruleset branches impacting performance | Opening a case type was running a check for a list data page and causing new list views to be created in new rulesets, impacting performance. This has been resolved by improving the overall performance of the pzGetSelectedCaseTypeDetails activity responsible for loading casetype from the AppStudio overview page, and removing unnecessary calls that traverse class structure and create data list data pages. | User Experience |
INC-B26646 | 881869 | Search filters cleared properly | In a multi-step form, if a record was selected and viewed and "Next" was clicked, using "Previous" to go back to the search screen for a new search resulted in the existing filters not being visible on the UI but those filters were applied to the new search. This was an issue with the stale values being stored, and has been resolved with an update to clear the messages from redux in the context passed in the payload as well as clearing the error messages for the workarea context. | User Experience |
INC-B27023 | 881257 | Layout group arrows working in review harness | Expanding a table row and clicking on the layout group navigation arrows worked as expected in the perform harness, but clicking on an arrow generated a console error when using the review harness. Investigation showed the error was caused by child div being passed the parent data-repeat-id value, and has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B27071 | 881495 | Corrected filter popover context handling | When using Theme-Cosmos with a non-optimized grid, a console error was generated by clicking to open a filter popover and then clicking on the dashboard from the left navigation bar without closing the filter. Clicking on the filter icon again caused the loading icon to appear and the page became unresponsive. This has been resolved by setting the correct context while closing the filter popover. | User Experience |
INC-B27090 | 881077 | Clear messages API context expanded | When the redux action "CLEAR_MESSAGES" was triggered with the context as "app/primary_1/workarea_1" from PCore.getMessageManager.clearMessages(), the error messages were cleared in the parent context "app/primary_1" but not "app/primary_1/workarea_1". This has been updated to clear the messages from workarea context as well. | User Experience |
INC-B27152 INC-B20251 INC-B20254 INC-B34964 |
878842 879704 879701 887452 |
Layout header displayed properly | After update, layout headers and titles were not rendering as expected in the end user portal, and HTML code was visible. This was an unintended side effect of cross-site scripting filters, and has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B27550 | 879625 | Corrected autoscroll on spacebar click action | Navigating to the Task Notes disclosure button and activating it using the spacebar performed the action along with unexpectedly scrolling the page. This was caused by a missing event.prevent default and has been resolved with an update to the accessibility to prevent an autoscroll when activating a spacebar click. | User Experience |
INC-B28040 | 884640 | Focus shifts to required control in non-optimized table | When a control was placed inside a non-optimized table column and set to required, focus did not go to the control that required a value when the form is submitted, but instead stayed on the submit button. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B28045 | 891227 | Corrected delete handling for embedded modal | When a case-wide local action was configured with an editable table for embedded list data, making changes to the embedded list (add/edit records) within it and then attempting to cancel and discard the local action modal dialog was failing with a "Delete failed" error. Investigation showed the remove container item was only deleting the element from the data and not removing the container data itself. This has been resolved with an update to add a target for the submitEmbeddedModal action. | User Experience |
INC-B28123 | 879815 | Recent Work control updated for accessibility | To improve accessibility, the pyRecentWorkContent section has been updated with role type "Link". |
User Experience |
INC-B28212 | 897163 | Corrected "Create new case type" wizard for Constellation | In some scenarios where there is an Application A and Application B is built on Application A, using the "create new case type" wizard when all rulesets are locked and branch development is on could cause the rule "SAPortal" to be created in an unexpected ruleset branch such as PegaCRM-SFA without the correct context. This was traced to the handling of the Param.BranchID being passed to pxUpdateRecord in pzAddCaseTypeToPortals, which is invoked whenever a new case type is added in order to update the Constellation portal so the new case type is visible in its "Create" menu. This has been corrected by updating pzAddCaseTypeToPortals. | User Experience |
INC-B28487 | 881448 | Corrected client-side validation performed on hidden fields | Client-side validation was firing on elements that were not visible in the Constellation UI or which were configured as not required, generating the error "Correct all fields containing errors" and a browser alert "Please correct all flagged fields before submitting the form!". This has been corrected with an update to not consider client side validations for hidden fields. | User Experience |
INC-B28537 | 880230 | Submit handler updated for multistep form | Searching for a product in a dropdown and using the Enter button to submit the choice was causing the browser to refresh unexpectedly. This browser refresh behavior was also seen when creating a case and pressing the Enter key for the create modal. Investigation showed that the issue occurred when only one datareference dropdown was present, and was not seen when multiple controls were present in the view. To resolve this, a submit handler has been added for a multistep form containing only one datareference. | User Experience |
INC-B28654 | 883507 | Updated handling for error on tab switching | If a validation error occurred, clicking another case tab displayed an error message on the top banner at the same time as the "loading" indicator. This was due to the deferred loading on the tabs, and has been addressed by updating the handing for the tab error message. | User Experience |
INC-B28733 | 886969 | Corrected accessibility for calendar close button X icon | The NVDA screen reader was announcing the "X" special character as "times" in the calendar pop-up close window. This was caused by a missing title attribute for the close icon, and the CSS has been updated to correct this. | User Experience |
INC-B29053 | 881170 | Fullname populated correctly for Constellation stakeholder | When using the Edit and Delete options for the Stakeholder widget in Constellation, the pyFullName property was not fully populated unless PyEmail was also included in the payload even if pyFirstname and pyLastName contained values. This has been resolved by updating the logic. | User Experience |
INC-B29164 | 880313 | Corrected accessibility for tablist menu | When using a repeating dynamic layout, the left and right arrow appear as well as an expand icon to list all of the tabs if there are more tabs than screen space available. This used a anchor tag contained in a div with the correct attributes, however the anchor tag itself was missing attributes and had a tabIndex = -1 so it did not receive focus. This has been corrected by removing the anchor tag and replacing it with a span with aria-hidden so screen readers and scanners can correctly access the area. | User Experience |
INC-B29708 | 884427 | Specific Date Range filter corrected for optimized table | After selecting the "A specific Date range" option in the popup filter dropdown for a date column in an optimized grid, the filter became blank once a date was selected from the calendar popup. This was an unintended side effect of work done to improve performance for filtering, and has been resolved by correcting the trigger of the onGridFilterClose function in the pzPega_ui_templatizedgrid js. | User Experience |
INC-B30368 | 881848 | Updated date field control for Search and Select | Date field value handling has been updated to correctly clear the values from Search and Select when "Clear" is clicked, and to preserve other portions of the value when correcting mm or dd. | User Experience |
INC-B30533 | 884362 | Corrected blank tooltip for channel header | When the Channel Header was selected as the channel name in Constellation, hovering over the application logo showed a blank tooltip. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B30586 | 884342 | Updated save button with case-wide action condition | Flow actions with transient data that is not saved anywhere contained a save button when appearing in the action area for functions such as transfer assignment and change stage. In some cases clicking the save button caused the data to be lost. This was traced to the harness handling, and has been resolved by adding the !pzisCasewideaction condition to the save button so the button will not be available for case-wide actions such as edit details, change stage, etc. | User Experience |
INC-B30602 INC-B39641 |
884269 896305 |
Search box displays suggestions after error | When autocomplete was configured with a non-queryable datapage, it was not possible to clear a value after selecting it, and no options were displayed after an error was encountered. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B31175 | 886371 | Updated accessibility visibility handling for autocomplete carrot dropdown | After creating an Autocomplete and checking the "Display as combo box (field and button)" in presentation, the focus moved to the caret icon which did not contain any accessible text. To improve the accessible experience, pzpega_ui_template_autocomplete.js" has been updated to implement the aria-hidden="true" attribute for this icon. | User Experience |
INC-B31300 | 896047 | Updated accessibility for repeating dynamic layout div | In order to improve accessibility, the role ='region' markup has been removed from the repeating dynamic layout template. | User Experience |
INC-B32127 | 884589 | Busy indicator displays during modal submit | After update, the busy indicator was not being displayed during the modal submit even if the interaction was waiting at the server side for too long. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B32311 | 886986 | pzModalHelp icon made accessible | A field value title attribute has been added to the help icon of the modal header to improve accessibility. | User Experience |
INC-B32315 | 884173 | Improved accessibility for progress indicator | An aria-label has been added to the progress indicator control to describe what the purpose of the element is. | User Experience |
INC-B32329 | 886147 | Updated handling for dirty popup validation | The dirty check popup was appearing even when no changes were made in the UI. Investigation showed this was caused by a CKEditor condition mismatch due to the Rich Text Editor text being encoded, and has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B33012 | 887653 | Corrected error when changing App Studio theme color | After update, attempting to change the theme color in App Studio was failing with the error "pega.openUrlInModal.showModalDialog - error when calling callbackfunction: 'dataCtlJSON is not defined". This was an unintended side effect of work done related to showing a validation message on the UI, and has been resolved by adding a safe check for the data-ctl attribute. | User Experience |
INC-B33065 | 890119 | Navigation Menu announced parent child expand/collapse | To improve accessibility, the necessary aria-label attributes have been added in the slideToNextLevel function in pzpega_control_menu to announce parent child expand/collapse in the navigation menu. | User Experience |
INC-B33712 | 890897 | Corrected portal thread handling for delegated rules | After creating and launching a delegated rules traditional landing page from the Constellation portal, clicking the "Edit" button for a delegated rule resulted in a SECU0019 error preventing the open of the delegated rule. This was traced to the doUIAction activity incorrectly populating the pxPortal parameter for the pxThread page, causing BAC to fail. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B33742 | 886979 | Updated accessibility for non-optimized pagination | To improve accessibility, an aria-label has been added to pzGridActivePage for pagination 1-Y in a non-optimized table. | User Experience |
INC-B33841 | 898808 | Localization added for validation messages defined with parameters | The localized version of validation messages defined with parameters was not being displayed. This has been resolved by enhancing the LocaleUtils#getLocalValue() API to resolve error messages with parameters. | User Experience |
INC-B33916 | 887602 | Corrected local action discard error | Cancelling a local action configured on a case was generating a data view error in Constellation. This has been resolved by adding a safe check for dataInContext in getResultsFromDataPage. | User Experience |
INC-B34026 | 886875 | Corrected displayFieldNameInValidationMsg error text | When any field with required property was added to a dynamic layout and the DSS displayFieldNameInValidationMsg was set to true, the required field name was appended without a space in the error message below the field. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B34603 | 887555 | Field visibility condition check added for duplicate form fields | When the same field was configured twice in the same Constellation view with different visibility conditions, formFieldsMap was overriding the fieldC11n for the visible field with the non-visible field and not submitting in the form data. To correct this, the getEditableFormFieldsReferenceList has been modified to check during submit whether any duplicate field references are present, and replace the existing non-visible field with the visible field. | User Experience |
INC-B34653 | 892590 | Templates updated for non-editable Field group displays | After configuring a repeating view for embedded data and configuring the inner view to have another table, the embedded tables were truncated in the UI. This has been corrected by updating the FieldGroupTemplate rendering to use Details UI components and templates when read/display only. | User Experience |
INC-B34688 | 887198 | Improved accessibility for case breadcrumb | To improve accessibility, alt text has been added to the caret right icon (">") which appears between the grandparent case ID and the parent case ID in the case breadcrumb shown in the header of a grandchild case. | User Experience |
INC-B35246 | 895013 | Pega "busy" spinner updated to CSS | To improve security, the handling of the "busy" spinner image has been modified from background-image: url(data:"base64Content") to a CSS file which references a static image file hosted on the webserver. | User Experience |
INC-B35455 | 889002 | Corrected aria-label for setTodayCell | The pzpega_ui_calendar.js file has been updated to correct a typo in the aria-label for the "setTodayCell" function which interfered with accessibility. | User Experience |
INC-B35504 | 888529 | Filters cleared after Theme-Cosmos search | After opening the Theme-Cosmos portal and performing a search which opened a new tab, changing the filters and closing the tab carried the filter revisions to the next search from the portal. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B35736 | 886820 | Corrected Constellation AM/PM handling for en_HK locale | When using en_HK locale in the operator context with Constellation, the AM/PM drop down did not work, the control only captured time in PM, and the date time value submitted was 12 hours behind the actual time. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B35776 | 888180 | Server-side validation error specifies field | The Constellation error banner for server-side validations has been updated to display the name of the required field needing attention. | User Experience |
INC-B35788 | 886625 | Additional Info displayed correctly | When no text was configured for the additional info of the "pyNote" property, the UI was inconsistent displaying the information symbol beside the property. This was traced to the paragraph-handler.ts is not resolving the values in the instructions text correctly, and has been resolved. | User Experience |
INC-B36109 | 889437 | Constellation Case in traditional app opens in correct UI | When reusing a Constellation Case Type from an existing application in a traditional UI application, the case opened in an incorrect UI and the view was not displayed correctly. This has been resolved with an update to ensure the correct harness is generated. | User Experience |
INC-B36290 | 897179 | Field groups correctly collapse | Field groups configured as collapsible were not collapsable at runtime in Constellation. This has been corrected by updating the Details UI components. | User Experience |
INC-B36334 | 890402 | Corrected drag/drop issue in repeating list | After adding an embedded data table with several columns to a repeating list in Constellation, performing a row drag/drop operation on any of the rows caused the row to get stuck if it was dropped outside of the table. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B36442 | 889451 | Corrected pyDirtyCheckConfirm resize issue | After making an entry in the Rich Text Editor area and clicking cancel without saving so the dirty dialog popup appears, resizing the portal caused the dirty popup to become distorted. This has been resolved with an update to set the minumum width and height of the modal dialog. | User Experience |
INC-B36536 | 889170 | Corrected accessibility for report case ID links | The case ID column links of a report were not accessible via keyboard in the pxReportWidgetGridAndChartSection section. This has been corrected by adding the enter key action on the table configuration level to work with accessibility tab keys. | User Experience |
INC-B36542 | 892938 | View-only components displayed correctly | After creating a custom component to show images in horizontal view with embedded data -> show as Field group -> mode readonly, the fields were rendered editable after update. This has been corrected by updating the handling for the displayModeEnabled parameter. | User Experience |
INC-B36909 | 899318 | InlineDashboard correctly loaded | After creating a hybrid application and adding a landing page to the portal using the InlineDashboard template, the InlineDashboard was not loaded at runtime. This has been corrected by updating the loading logic to account for templates. | User Experience |
INC-B37456 | 893962 | Updated handling to persist response for reuse | On property change, the refresh action was being triggered to fire a data transform and calculate a value. A custom component button then saved the form data using save assignment and launched another local action. Attempting to access the calculated data from the earlier step did not work as the save was made in a different thread. This has been resolved by updating the handling so the data is available. | User Experience |
INC-B37492 | 890068 | Mandatory validation control returns to Rich Text Editor | The mandatory validation control was not directing back to the Rich Text Editor (RTE) fields as expected when using a form containing both Text Input and Rich Text Editor fields. Both types were required for submission, however if the Text Input was filled in but the Rich Text Editor field was blank, clicking submit caused the validation to incorrectly focus on the Text Input field instead of returning to the Rich Text Editor field. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B37817 | 891862 | Attachment correctly deleted from modal | After adding any attachment and minimizing the modal in Constellation, the attachment could not be deleted after opening the modal again. This was an issue with the deleteModal method of the modal component losing its reference after being minimized, and has been resolved by reassigning the deleteFile method when the component is remounted. | User Experience |
INC-B38146 | 897095 | Corrected accessibility for semantic tab layout | An 'aria-selected = 'true'' element was appended to the first dynamic layout when using semantic tab layout. This is not used in this area, and has been resolved by removing the aria-selected attribute from the header. | User Experience |
INC-B38679 | 891946 | Corrected unnecessary attachment validation call | Attachment validation was being called in Constellation when no attachment was present. This has been resolved. | User Experience |
INC-B39185 | 890692 | Attachment error correctly cleared | If a 'when' condition in the attachment widget was used to prevent a file attachment of a specific category, the error message was shown and the upload of the document stopped but clearing the document did not clear the error message with it. This has been corrected with an update to ensure the http error messages are cleared on file upload cancel. | User Experience |
INC-B39897 | 892598 | Color contrast increased for recents | The color contrast when the display window is contracted has been improved for greater accessibility for the RecordID in the pyRecentWorkContent section. | User Experience |
INC-B40151 | 891844 | Check added for blank name in file attachment |
It was possible to attach a filename and edit its name to be only spaces and the extension type when using Constellation. This has been resolved with a validation check which will trim an edited fileName to remove the extra spaces in the string and check if the string is empty or not in updateFileDetails function. | User Experience |
INC-B40374 | 891044 | Corrected currency symbol alignment | The "$" character was distorted and not aligned properly if there was a validation error in the Currency control. As a workaround the "Reserve space for label" checkbox under the presentation tab of the property panel could be checked to avoid this. To resolve this, a wrapper span has been added for the currency symbol. | User Experience |
INC-B41138 | 892305 | Modal window will not minimize on open of additional modal | After configuring a table to allow users to add a records to it through a modal window and including it in the case's Create modal, adding more than 1 record generated an Out of Bounds error when clicking submit. Investigation showed that when an embedded data modal was launched from the Create case modal, the parent modal was getting minimized. This caused the table to be unmounted and lose state. This has been resolved with an update to ensure the modal does not minimize on open of another modal. | User Experience |
INC-B41300 | 892921 | File size check added for edited file name in upload | If a file was uploaded that exceeded the size limit set in pyMaxDragDropAttachSizeMB, changing the name of the file on the Constellation upload component enabled the "Attach Files" button and allowed the upload, which then failed due to the size. This has been resolved by adding a max size check to the edit file component to validate the size before allowing the process to continue. | User Experience |
INC-B41841 | 895784 | Corrected reorder and delete actions for editable table | After update, reordering the record or deleting an entry of an editable table using an embedded page list was not working in Constellation. This was an unintended side effect of work done to enhance the efficiency of handling list actions by introducing a state machine that stores page instructions for each list page based on user interactions, and was caused by a refresh being triggered before the page instruction is inserted into the state machine during delete or reorder. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B42014 | 898781 | Updated accessibility for hidden case icon | After the child work object is resolved, navigating back to the parent case displayed a hierarchical table listing all work objects, including any parent-child relationships, in a tabular format with an expand/collapse icon to allow users to view or hide child cases when they are present. The child work object correctly did not show the expand/collapse icon when the case was resolved, but the screen reader continued to interpret and read the expand/collapse functionality even though it was hidden. This has been resolved by adding aria-hidden ='true' so the expand/collapse icon will not be read by the screen reader when it is not visible. | User Experience |
INC-B42224 | 895663 | Updated handling for retrieving fieldLabel | The error banner entry for required validation on an embedded page list of case was missing the fieldLabel. This has been resolved with an update to fetch the label from inheritedProps if the label is undefined in configProps. | User Experience |
INC-B42360 | 896511 | WebEmbed first load improvement | The first load of the WebEmbed Channel was taking an excessive amount of time. This has been resolved by modifying the scope of the data page d_pzbuiltonapproutingtable from requestor to node level in order to improve performance. | User Experience |
INC-B43500 | 897112 | Updated handling for datetime dirty check | When datetime controls were used in a dropdown contained in an editable table, the dirty check popup appeared even when no changes were made. This has been resolved by updating the dirty validation check handling on the initial load. | User Experience |
INC-B43831 | 898825 | Focus corrected for save button after refresh | When using a Theme-Cosmos application, entering details in a case form and clicking on the save button shifted the focus back to header title after the refresh. This has been resolved with the updated function focusPrevElement in pzpega_ui_doc_focus js to return focus to the save button as expected. | User Experience |
INC-B439 | 849514 | Updated handling for focus styling | Clicking on the recent tag and then clicking on the left menu bar resulted in both displaying the blue styling indicating focus. This was caused by similar styling for the focused and current menu item: the fixed navigation menu item was set blue because it is focused, while the main navigation item was blue because it was marked as the current/selected one. This has been resolved with an update for current item styling when a fixed navigation item has focus selected so only one menu item will have blue styling applied. | User Experience |
INC-B44029 | 897456 | Embedded Data visibility condition evaluated properly | On clicking on Add+ to add a new record for suppliers, all fields were visible including one without a value which had a condition to be not be visible if blank. This has been resolved by updating the handling to return the value as an empty string if there is no property in the given custom data or redux store so it is correctly evaluated. | User Experience |
INC-B44248 | 899008 | Screen reader working for autocomplete in modal dialog | After adding an autocomplete inside a modal dialog pop up window, the expanded autocomplete input fields were not being announced when navigating through the options. Investigation showed that when the modal was opened, the modal div contained "aria-modal=true" which prevented the screen reader from reading the list items due to them not being part of the modal. This has been resolved by removing the aria-modal designation from the parent modal when there is autocomplete focus. | User Experience |
INC-B44592 | 897286 | Updated ListView-fields localization | Localization has been added for messages in ListView-fields when using Constellation, including the "New records have been added" indicator which prompts users to refresh their view. | User Experience |
INC-B44790 | 898125 | Improved accessibility for menu with disabled item | Accessibility has been updated for a menu that contains a disabled item by updating the parent element from the role of presentation to the role of menu. | User Experience |
INC-B44801 | 898174 | Updated handling for generating UPDATE Page Instructions with RefreshData | After configuring a data transform to update the page and set property values when the value picklist in the form was updated, the conditional display of the picklist value change was not showing in the UI or intermittently showing as blank. Investigation showed the components were not being rendered before the time of generation due to the skipStateUpdate flag being set to true. This was caused by the asynchronous nature of REDUX state updates not merging the pagelist changes to redux, and has been resolved by setting the skipReduxState flag to false. | User Experience |
INC-B45462 | 897222 | Corrected openInTab of datatypes | After configuring the "Open in tab" functionality in the Constellation UI on data instances, clicking on the data instance link on the same portal opened the data instance, but hovering on the link and clicking 'open in new tab' displayed the user portal instead of opening the data instance. This has been resolved by updating the handling of the Object.keys to avoid improper URL formation. | User Experience |
INC-B45685 | 899014 | Updated HTML file download handling for Constellation | When an HTML file was attached, it did not render properly when opened or downloaded. This was traced to the handling for unspecified attachments. While there was a workaround of manually ensuring the attachments use the .HTML extension, this has been resolved. | User Experience |
INC-B45828 | 897716 | Refined refresh call handling for rapid selection | Previous work was performed to resolve an issue where choosing multiselect options quickly caused the Check Refresh call to fail and already checked items were getting unchecked and then checked again after a successful refresh call. This work has been refined to additionally remove an unwanted check against canceling refresh calls when a caseWide action is included. | User Experience |
INC-B47340 | 897315 | Corrected tag handling for dynamic layout Title field | When any tag (Eg: Title (<span class="required-star">*</span>) or Title (<span>asd</span>)) was added to the Title (header type = Fieldset) of a dynamic layout with a required control, the inline error message on tabbing out had the word "Required" added - Eg: "LabelRequired value cannot be blank". If the Title was changed to Field Value with the same tag added to the rule, the tags were seen as plain text and the error message was correctly rendered. This was an unintended side effect of previous work on displayFieldNameInValidationMsg and has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B47381 | 897246 | Date combobox updated for accessibility | The date picker dropdown default value for no selection " - -" was being announced as "dash dash" by JAWS. For improved accessibility, this has been updated with the caption "Select". | User Experience |
INC-B6783 | 859366 | Improved accessibility for login error message | JAWS was not reading the error message if incorrect credentials were entered on the login page. This has been resolved by adding the alert role and aria live attributes to the error div. | User Experience |
INC-B6817 | 863636 | Improved accessibility for optimized table filter checkboxes | Accessible labels have been added for checkboxes present in the column filter overlay in an optimized table. | User Experience |
INC-B7171 | 867919 | User ID handling updated for CaseOperator | The CaseOperator widget for Constellation has been updated to properly handle and persist referencedUsers lists to ensure IDs are correctly reflected for updates. | User Experience |
INC-B9039 | 860662 | Updated SessionTimer X button click behavior | When the popup box was counting down the seconds remaining, clicking on the cross button to close the popup rather than clicking on the OK button caused the entire session to be terminated immediately instead of the expected behavior of the cross button behaving the same as the OK button. The pxSessionTimer function has been updated to resolve this. | User Experience |