Pega Infinity™ includes an industry-standard patch release process to simplify and maintain high-quality releases. Several cumulative patches are released a year for each release stream. The Resolved Issues page contains information about client-reported issues that have been addressed for the specific release.
For a complete set of the Resolved Issues for this release, download the PDF attachment at the bottom of this page. (Note that you must be logged in to access the attachment.)
Low-code Application Development
Case Management
23.1.2 Patch Resolved Issues for Case Management
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-270931 | 837884 | Virus check available for Survey | A call virus check activity has been made available for uploading files through Pega Survey. | Case Management |
INC-A19066 | 848292 | Corrected process model export | Exporting a process model to an external format such as XPDL or BPEL was generating an empty export.xml file. This was traced to an error in checking the type of the parameter sResultXML, and has been resolved. | Case Management |
INC-A20546 | 834824 | Corrected post-cancel Create focus | After navigating to create a case using the Create Menu, selecting Cancel and Delete on the confirmation modal dialog did not return the focus to the Create menu as expected. This has been corrected. | Case Management |
INC-A22781 INC-B2703 |
840710 852717 |
FlowDependency page handling updated | In Activity pxCheckFlowDependencies step 16.5, a call to System-Queue-FlowDependency.pzSpawnQueueItemForFlowDependency is used to create and then remove a page named pyQueuePage of context System-Queue-FlowDependency. However, since the name of the primary page during the QP Execution is also pyQueuePage, the Page-remove step does not remove the page because it has the same name as the primary page. This has been resolved by replacing all the references to pyQueuePage with pyFlowDepQueuePage in the pzSpawnQueueItemForFlowDependency activity so the FlowDependency page will be created and removed as expected. | Case Management |
INC-A23925 | 839190 | Improved security for potential cross-site scripting | Cross-site scripting protections have been updated for the case type rule name. | Case Management |
INC-A25815 INC-B9264 |
846229 860244 |
Corrected logic for finding application routing table | BuiltOnAppRoutesReportDefinition was not fetching the latest routing table for the application if the table was saved in a different ruleset. This was traced to routing tables in all rulesets being considered instead of only the top ruleset in the application ruleset stack, and has been resolved by updating the logic to use the correct application context. | Case Management |
INC-A26232 | 840733 | Added missing property for case opened by inbound email | A runtime error was seen on the dispute transaction page of a case created via inbound email indicating an undefined property, pyWorkPage.pyRelatedWorkList(1).pyRelatedWorkClass. This has been resolved by adding the property pyRelatedWorkClass for the Java step of GetRelatedWork. | Case Management |
INC-A27598 | 846859 | Attachments documentation updated | The documentation for Extension points and supporting Rules for attachments has been updated to specify that when using pzMultiFilePath control along with pyMaxDragDropAttachSizeMB setting, it is required to have section pzAttachFileDDFileList in the UI. | Case Management |
INC-A28485 | 848580 | Updated handling for pyFlowData clipboard with Tree Navigation | When using TreeNavigation7/ TreeNavigation in screenflow, navigating the case generated clipboard errors from pyFlowData. This has been resolved by updating the parameter handling in pxShowSubFlowData and adding the local variable flowStepPage. | Case Management |
INC-A28980 | 848771 | Updated logic for SaveAllAttachmentsDD | When using an Attach File button configured to call the pyAttachContent local action followed by a refresh of the current section, the optimistic locking refresh message was not shown as expected and the transaction committed stale data to the database. The section contained a table to display the attachments based on a property that refers to D_AttachmentList, and investigation showed that the file upload component pzSaveAllAttachmentsDD was updating the pxUpdateDateTime property to currentdatetime. This was traced to previous work done in pzSaveAllAttachmentsDD, and has been resolved. | Case Management |
INC-B1330 | 853747 | Display customized error messages on attachment widget | Support has been added to show customized error messages on the attachment widget if the upload fails. The following activities have been updated: CallVirusCheck - to include MessageOnUploadFailure parameter pySaveFileContent - to include MessageOnUploadFailure parameter pzUploadAndSaveFile [Data-WorkAttach-File-Temp] - updated to send a parameter MessageOnUploadFailure to messages pyVirusScanFail / pyUploadFailed |
Case Management |
INC-B3745 | 855112 | Updated Traditional UI Coexistence handling for migration | After creating a casetype in Theme Cosmos and referring to the same in Constellation using Traditional UI Coexistence, the data portal was not launched until the assets for the traditional UI were generated again. This was traced to an issue with the key name check, and has been resolved. | Case Management |
INC-B4211 | 853837 | Improved performance for GetAssociatedTags | The report definition pyGetAssociatedTags had a performance warning. This report uses a join on the "Data-Social-Tag" class with the "pxLinkedRefTO" column of the "pr_link_work_tag" table, but no index was being used. This has been resolved by adding an index to the table pr_link_work_tag for the columns pxLinkedRefTo and pxLinkedRefFrom. | Case Management |
INC-B4796 | 857204 | Repaired Disqualify this action from bulk processing | After update, using "Disqualify this action from bulk processing" was not working. This was an inadvertent side effect of work done to the pzPreBulkProcessModal activity to consider context, and was caused by the pyGetRelevantActions activity hardcoding the class as Work- when adding the Transfer Assignment flow action. This has been resolved by removing the hard-coding and modifying the pzPreBulkProcessModal activity condition to check the hierarchy of the class. | Case Management |
INC-B4827 | 857863 | GetStageList activity updated for improved backwards compatibility | After upgrading from Pega 7 to Pega Infinity '23, using the activity method@pxExecuteAnActivity(CaseTempPage,"pzGetStageList") to get a case stage list did not return all of the stages defined in a case type as expected, but instead current stages were skipped and stages were returned without the case current stage. This was traced to a difference in handling due to the introduction of the pyIsInitializationStage property in Pega 8 which is used to retrieve the stages list. In order to improve backwards compatibility, the 'when' condition param.skipCurrentStage==true has been added in step 7 of the pzGetStageList activity to check if the current stage needs to be skipped. | Case Management |
INC-B5511 | 855878 | Invalid file uploads correctly removed from server | When performing a file upload through the profile picture on the user portal configured on Theme Cosmos, the file was uploaded to the server's temporary location despite failing validation and throwing an invalid file error message on the screen. This has been resolved by passing the necessary parameter as true to the uploadFile function to remove the invalid file from static content storage once the file information is read. | Case Management |
INC-B597 | 853721 | Corrected reassignment issues for flow with dash in the name | Routing cases or assignments was not working correctly if the flow name contained a dash "-" character. This was a missed use case for SaveAs, and has been corrected. | Case Management |
Cloud Services
23.1.2 Resolved Issues for Cloud Services
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-A21157 | 838676 | Updated authorization handling for reindexing requestors | The execution of a column population job was stuck and not progressing. Investigation showed the required authentication for the reindexing requestors was missing for the use case of an imported archive containing a class that contained an externally mapped property that was the target of a declarative expression whose value was retrieved from a Data Page load activity. This has been corrected. | Cloud Services |
INC-A22654 | 834880 | Corrected comparison for resuming rules upgrade schema | After update, a difference detected in the file and file was preventing resuming the update after an error. This was traced to a trailing space at the end of the driver class property in the file, and has been resolved with an update to trim trailing blanks when comparing properties. | Cloud Services |
INC-B8226 | 859449 | Updated DDL generation to remove view comments | After creating a custom package and installing it to a higher environment, the DDL for automatic Installation did not work in DB2. Investigation showed that if a view is created prefaced with a comment, DB2 will return that comment as well when the view's select query is requested and the export process will include that comment in the metadata. There is a step in the export to check that the select statement includes a "create view as" statement at the beginning, and if it is missing, it is appended. This causes an invalid query as shown in the schema export. This has been resolved by filtering comments out of the view statements. | Cloud Services |
Conversational Channels
23.1.2 Resolved Issues for Conversational Channels
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-A10994 | 842378 | Email manager supports rich text | Rich text support has been added for the email manager. | Conversational Channels |
INC-A21693 | 845714 | Inbound email handling updated for disabled NLP | An OutOfBound Exception was being thrown during the InboundEmail interaction case creation. This was traced to a customization of CPMSetDataEntities which removed the reference to the data transform SendFeedbackToNLP used to execute the activity CSSendFeedbackToNLP. Because natural language processing analysis was skipped, TASummaryID was not present and the history record fetch failed. This was due to the system assuming NLP is always enabled, which is not a valid assumption. To resolve this, an update has been made to check for pyMode (Inbound/Outbound) instead of of pyTASummaryID to determine inbound emails. | Conversational Channels |
INC-A25002 | 845062 | Corrected attachment visibility property handling for deferred load | The email interaction flow was going into an error state when wrapping up an Interaction case. This was traced to the pyPostEmailContent for attachments visibility using an auto-populated property value instead of the correct data page value when pyDeferLoadEmails was true. This has been resolved by changing the visibility condition to 'always' for the attachments dynamic layout in pyPostEmailContent and pyPostEmailContentV2. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B2077 | 851933 | Corrected mimetype addition for reply emails | Email attachments were displayed with additional extensions and ppt and excel documents were not recognized as expected. This has been resolved by refining previous work around missing file type extension on email processing to ensure the pzCreateInteractionReply activity only adds mimetype when the attachment doesn't have any. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B4724 | 860571 | Updated CTI connection handling | A user was intermittently not automatically connected to the Computer Telephony Integration (CTI). This has been resolved with an update to add the element to activesub map if activesubscriptionnew is undefined. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B7955 | 858642 | Updated requestor handling for OnDeliveryStatusChange extension | When simultaneous chat was initiated, the queue position / updated queue position were not displayed when one chat was accepted. When calling the escalate command, the login link button was not shown in the messaging widget. Investigation showed there were exceptions generated from the pyOnDeliveryStatusChange' activity extension which affected delivery status updates for messages on the CSR side. This was traced to the parent requestor being destroyed too early, and has been resolved by updating the background processing mode to use a separate requestor. | Conversational Channels |
INC-B949 | 858124 | ParseReplyMail regex updated | When a plain text email reply matched the regex from ParseReplyMail in the body, the message was truncated unexpectedly from that point. This has been resolved by modifying the regex. | Conversational Channels |
Data Integration
23.1.2 Resolved Issues for Data Integration
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-237044 | 744186 | Documentation updated for manually generating and applying the DDL | The Deployment documentation has been updated to clarify steps for generating and applying DDL for an upgrade if you do not want the upgrade to automatically apply the changes. | Data Integration |
INC-267735 | 830293 | Resolved PageCannotBeSerializedForPassivationException error | Non-serializable java object values were being left behind on the thread parameter page as a result of parsing the SOAP response XML. This caused a PageCannotBeSerializedForPassivationException when the requestor attempted to serialize the parameter page. To correct this, code has been added to the Rule-Connect-SOAP Invoke and InvokeAxis2 activities and the ParseRuleUtils java module to clean up the parameter page after executing the connector or parse rule. | Data Integration |
INC-A10091 | 835782 | Updated pxConvertPageToString for converting JSON | Discrepancies were seen in the output of pxConvertPageToString depending on whether the CasePage was JSON or XML when there were “Ref” properties that referenced data pages. Investigation showed there was an issue the prevented page properties that used "refer to data page" from showing in JSON. This has been resolved with the addition of a new pxConvertPageToString function to accept the parameter if reference properties should also be expanded to support JSON references to datapage. | Data Integration |
INC-A12208 | 822334 | Added null pointer handling for external database table mapping | A runtime error was generated while trying to map PEGA class with view in an external database using a JDBC connection. This was traced to a null pointer exception caused by data.internal.access.mssql.SQLGeneratorMssql.getSchemaName, and has been resolved with an update which handles the null pointer exception and logs an informative error message indicating the absence of the default schema. |
Data Integration |
INC-A12214 | 826259 | Resolved timeout errors when using MSGraph | Sites which upgraded to MSGraph and blocked the default SMTP host were experiencing extraneous connection timeout notices related to the SendEmailNotification and SemSImpleEmailMessage activities due to an unused legacy connection call made by the JavaEmailClient constructor during the process of converting MSGraph messages to MimeMessages. To resolve this, the variable JavaEmailProfile::skipConnect has been introduced to skip the call in the JavaEmailClient constructor for sites configured to use MSGraph. | Data Integration |
INC-A13631 INC-A10142 |
851004 846590 |
Additional tools added for diagnosing BLOB issues | In order to assist with diagnosing corrupted BLOB issues which are not recoverable with the PegaCBU tool and fixBLOB utility, additional DSS settings have been added to the Pega-Engline ruleset with default value of false: * validateOrphanPageListIndexEncoding: When true, avoid adding orphaned page list indexes which are referred from a page and print DirectStreamEncoderV7SkipTargetedEncoding. * skipTargetedEncoding: when true, skip targeted encoding. Try to re-encode if any exception is encountered during encode process and correct the issue only if the debug logger StorageStreamCommonImplDiagnosis is enabled and the DSS has the value true. Log additional information only when DirectStreamEncoderV7Diagnosis debugger is enabled. |
Data Integration |
INC-A16919 INC-A15380 |
839467 839969 |
Documentation updated for REST API date format conversion | Effective with Pega version 8.8, DX APIs started emitting date/time in ISO format and the Clipboard started supporting ISO date/time formats. Information about this behavior change has been added to the ISO date/datetime API documentation for the Clipboard behavior. | Data Integration |
INC-A17736 | 830589 | Security updated for debug logging | Potentially sensitive information could be logged when Debug was enabled for the RestConnector class. This has been addressed with an update which will mask the information. | Data Integration |
INC-A18106 INC-A1570 INC-A25696 |
839069 835728 844705 |
Archived pegasocial-document display as expected | Attachments were not displaying for pegasocial-document archived cases. This has been corrected. | Data Integration |
INC-A20809 | 837406 | Corrected Date Range control change event timing | When a Date Range control was configured with a refresh section or post action on change, three separate network requests were sent to the server. If there was an attempted interaction with the Date range control while waiting for a response from the server, the date range control stoped functioning. On clicking the date input, the calendar opened and closed right away. This has been resolved with an update which will fire the change event on the start and end dates only when the value changes, and the extra change event on StartInput which is causing the third network call has been removed. | Data Integration |
INC-A20996 | 840038 | REST connector supports lax redirects | Support has been added to allow enabling lax redirecting for the REST connector by adding handling for a blank or null host for lax redirects and corresponding tests. | Data Integration |
INC-A21302 | 837797 | Added apostrophe handling in locale strings | Creating a home field property that contained ' (apostrophe) resulted in a blank screen when converted to the French locale. This has been resolved by sanitizing variables that are used for string values in the file. | Data Integration |
INC-A21896 | 860642 | Extra logging added for session timeout issues | Additional diagnostic logging has been added to trace changes to the redirectURI in order to investigate issues with session timeout not working and reporting "Redirected too many times". | Data Integration |
INC-A21970 | 839356 | Corrected manually entered date handling for ko_KR | Manually entering a calendar date in the "ko_KR" locale generated an error indicating it was not a valid date value. Selecting a date from the calendar picker worked as expected. This was caused by the handling for the separator and has been resolved. | Data Integration |
INC-A22151 | 839793 | Support added for multiple apostrophes in the name fields | If more than 1 apostrophe was given in the First name and Last Name parameters, every subsequent apostrophe after the first was getting converted to "'".This has been resolved by updating pzhandlebars_helpers.js to prevent the ANCI format. | Data Integration |
INC-A22454 | 843848 | Corrected en_NL localization issues | After update, the DateTime field with calendar and decimal field were not working in the case manager portal when using the "en_NL" locale. This was traced to a change in the underlying JDK version used, where discrepancies in data returned are seen with JDK 8 and JDK 11. To resolve this, a locale XML file has been added, en_NL.xml, which returns the needed data irrespective of the underlying JDK version. | Data Integration |
INC-A23582 | 839331 | Optimized grid filter works when sorting disabled | After update, attempting to perform filtering of the columns across all tables of an optimized grid with the 'enable sort' option in the column disabled was unexpectedly showing the funnel icon instead of setting icon (3 dots). This was due to design changes in table filters and sort, and has been resolved with an update to pzpega_ui_template_grid_helpers which will show the filter icon in the menu item for an optimized grid. | Data Integration |
INC-A2376 | 842776 | Passivation handling updated for data page serialization | A very high count of ClassCastException errors were generated in the Pega Diagnostic Center (PDC) when trying to passivate an editable D_GetRequestType data page which has a backlink to an autopopulated property on a read-only datapage. This has been resolved. | Data Integration |
INC-A24163 | 838212 | Case Archival documentation updated | Documentation has been updated to specify that Case archiving is available for on-premises and Cloud Choice clients for only the following databases: PostgreSQL, Oracle, and MS SQL. | Data Integration |
INC-A24244 | 841164 | "Today" flag in DateTime picker set to local time zone | The default date in the DateTime picker was displayed based on the timezone configured in the operator profile, but the flag and Today option was showing based on GMT. This has been corrected with an update to show the triangle on Today's date based on the user selected time zone. | Data Integration |
INC-A25464 | 846989 | Expunger updated for use with CloudK environments | Archived cases were not deleted from secondary database as expected, and the error "Skipping expunge, environment is not running in the Pega Cloud." was generated. This was caused by Expunger using a validation logic which was only valid for Cuttyhunk-based environments. This has been resolved by updating Expunger validation for use in CloudK environments. | Data Integration |
INC-A25973 INC-A14410 |
846836 836506 |
URLs in archived cases can be opened | A URL attached to a case could not be clicked to open after the case was archived. Investigation showed the Link-Attachment instance of Note and URL were archived so attachments were visible, but the Data-WorkAttach-Note and Data-WorkAttach-URL instances were not moved to file storage so the attachments of those types could not be opened. This has been corrected with an update to support archival attachments of type Data-WorkAttach-Note & Data-WorkAttach-URL. | Data Integration |
INC-A26768 | 843355 | Improved Client for Windows sync performance | The delta sync in Pega Client for Windows was very slow when posting multiple cases to the server. Investigation showed there was an SQL query being called twice in each delta sync, and this has been corrected to improve performance. | Data Integration |
INC-A26836 | 846726 | Additional time zones supported for GMT conversion in en_US localization | Support has been added for converting the Singapore, Auckland, and Sydney time zones to GMT through the FormatDateTime(strDateTime, strPattern, strTimeZone, strLocale) function when using the en_US locale file. | Data Integration |
INC-A28040 INC-A24588 |
848515 847167 |
Corrected clipboard context for append and map | The mapping of a page list was incorrect when placed under a single page. This was traced to an error in the way the clipboard context was being formed in case of append and map to steps, and has been resolved by updating the order in which clipboard context is saved. | Data Integration |
INC-A28342 | 850916 | View renders when embedded property is empty | When a table view on Work-A was sourced from DataPage (sourced from Report) defined on Work-B and Work-B had an embedded SinglePage property on Data-X, the view failed when property Data-X.Prop1 was empty. When the property had value, the view displayed correctly. This has been resolved by updating the handling in the PagePropertyRenderer component which registered the child components of Scalar list values as form fields. Note that only optimized properties will be supported for being added as columns. | Data Integration |
INC-A28382 INC-A27118 |
851459 863523 |
Pega-Social attachment retrieval updated | An update has been made to recover Pega-Social documents which were not archived properly by using a hybrid approach to fetch the Rich Text attachment from the primary database if it is not present in secondary storage. | Data Integration |
INC-A28634 | 853539 | Handling added for DateTime transform error | After update, the date was changed by one day while mapping a property of the type Date (in connectREST) into a DateTime. This was traced to the DateTime losing a day during the JSON transform and has been corrected. | Data Integration |
INC-A28710 | 844458 | Updated child thread cleanup | After upgrade from Pega version 7.1 to Pega version 8.7, information from one case was carried over to the next and the error "Existing entry overwritten for WORK-OBJECT-PAY xx-xxxx" was logged, where the object identified was from the original case. This was traced to thread destruction not occurring correctly, and has been resolved by updating the API so that if any children are detected while cleaning up the parent thread, those children will also be cleaned up. The use of parameterized data pages is also recommended in order to ensure the page being used is related to the case at hand. | Data Integration |
INC-A3880 | 812961 | Date field usage clarified | To avoid input issues, the usage details of the pxDateTimeisPastOrFuture function have been updated to explicitly state that 0000 is not a valid year for the input. | Data Integration |
INC-A3999 | 842869 | Defer load logic updated for continuation of queue | The add criteria button was not bringing up autocomplete when configuring the engagement policy. This was traced to having multiple defer loads set for a section, and was caused by navigating to the home page before all of the deferred sections were loaded. The deferload queue is locked first, and when the defer-loaded section/layout is loaded, the queue is unlocked and proceeds to process the next item in the queue. In this case, one of the deferload-section network calls returned an error response on switching to the Home tab, and the queue did not unlock. To resolve this, an update has been made to unlock the defer load queue if the DOM is stale due to thread/context. | Data Integration |
INC-A9470 | 840510 | Updated time zone handling for pyGetStartOrEndDate | The pyGetStartOrEndDate function gave an incorrect result when triggered at 11:00 AM. This was identified as an issue with the date formatting function formatInternalDate in the function pyGetStartOrEndDate which considers the GMT timezone for formatting the date. The output was correct for @DateTimeUtils.pyGetStartOrEndDate("currentmonth",false,true), but @DateTimeUtils.pyGetStartOrEndDate("currentmonth",true,true) returned the last day of the previous month instead of the 1st of the current month if the expression was tested before 11AM AEST. This has been corrected. | Data Integration |
INC-A9934 INC-B11385 |
828446 862306 |
Extension of Pulse classes archived correctly | On enabling the Archival strategy, classes created under PegaSocial-Post were not indexed and purged as expected. This has been resolved with an update to archive Pulse messages which are descendants instances of PegaSocial-Post. | Data Integration |
INC-B1415 | 849381 | Corrected index update on table row deletion | When a table row was deleted in Constellation, the data in the rows below the deleted row was cleared and replaced with default values. This was traced to the ref index of the row being incorrectly updated, and has been corrected. | Data Integration |
INC-B2237 | 849819 | Corrected CSV export | After update, attempting to import users and departments failed with the error "You lack access required to execute @baseclass.pxExportDataRecords". This was traced to recent work which replaced pzGetLocaleListSeperator with pyGetLocaleListSeparator and included a security update which unchecked the 'Allow invocation from browser' checkbox for pxConvertResultsToCSV. In order to preserve backwards compatibility, the security tab on pxConvertResultsToCSV has been updated, and pzGetLocalSeperator has been reintroduced as a wrapper that calls the new pyGetLocaleSeparator. | Data Integration |
INC-B2525 INC-B7923 |
857096 860266 |
Corrected authentication request at startup | After update, the error "Only authenticated client may start this activity: RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY @BASECLASS PZGETALLCHANNELS" appeared at startup. This was caused by an unneeded attempt to authenticate and has been resolve | Data Integration |
INC-B2674 INC-A29202 |
850228 849705 |
Support added for retrieving archived Data-Corr-PhoneText attachments | After archiving a case, attempting to open attachments of type "Phone text" generated an error. This has been resolved by modifying the activity pzDownloadArchivedFile to show Data-Corr-PhoneText attachments. | Data Integration |
INC-B3046 | 854536 | Added logging for Rule exceptions | Additional logging has been added to assist with diagnosing Rule Not Found exceptions. | Data Integration |
INC-B3098 | 855805 | Corrected table edit for parameterized datapage | After creating a table view with a read-only data page, adding a column in the edit view and then editing that column in the table resulted in the new value being replaced with the old value after clicking outside the area. Investigation showed that the fetchData function of DataAPI did not have the dataViewParameters parameter when using a table sourced from a parameterized datapage, causing the call to fail and the table to display the old values. This has been corrected. | Data Integration |
INC-B3212 | 856511 | Pop-up handling updated when applying filters | Issues were seen in Constellation popovers when applying filters. This has been resolved by updating the event handler. | Data Integration |
INC-B5284 | 859690 | Corrected thread pool not terminating at shutdown | The Pega application was not shutting down gracefully following Apache Tomcat shutdown. This was traced to a thread pool that generated non-daemon threads not closing properly, preventing the JVM from termination. This has been corrected. | Data Integration |
INC-B5423 | 855885 | Added failsafe to Redux ClipboardPage for missing reference | A context switch generated the exception "Caused by: external.clipboard.StacklessUnsupportedOperationException: Because lightweight clipboard mode is enabled, execution has failed. Message : Property is a reference or autopopulate property and is currently not supported by redux. on property reference". This has been resolved by adding support to Redux ClipboardPage so it sets a value for the reference property when one is not present. | Data Integration |
INC-B5671 | 858590 | JSch updated | The JSch (Java Secure Channel) library has been updated to the latest version. | Data Integration |
INC-B6098 | 861338 | Corrected validation behavior for append and map to step | When a new data transform was created with save as, an existing validation removed elements if a new child element was added to an append and map to step. This was a missed use case, and has been resolved with an update to the 'when' condition for the JSON data transform appendMapTo validation rule such that all elements remain intact when a new child element is added. | Data Integration |
INC-B6471 | 856974 | Updated DateTime control for locale th_TH | When using the DateTime control for the th_TH (Thai) locale, attempting to select 29/9/2567 (2024) resulted in the correct property in the clipboard value after Save, but the UI displayed 28/02/2567 instead of 29/02/2567. This has been resolved by updating pzpega_ui_formatDateTime to improve the calculation of isThaiSolarAndLeapYear and also consider 28th Feb and 1st March. | Data Integration |
INC-B6997 INC-B11585 |
858043 861418 |
Correction for en_ZA currency separator | When using the “en_ZA” locale with boolean properties mapped to currency control on screen, the decimal separator “,” was displayed as “.” at runtime, and refreshing the screen increased the value by adding a zero. This was traced to the java 8 version picking up "." instead of "," even though the platform engine layer was using ",". Due to this inconsistency the additional zero was added for every refresh. This has been resolved by updating the handling for the en_ZA currency conversion issue in JDK 8. | Data Integration |
Decision Management
23.1.2 Resolved Issues for Decision Management
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-249244 | 764244 | Prompt class value correctly propagated to ConditionBuilder page | When opening the expression builder from source (right) expression field in the Data Join property panel, the wrong page context was used by the expression builder. This was due to previous work which changed the promptclass parameter such that the primary class used by the Expression Builder is now the primary class of the strategy instead of the appliesToClass of the component or page selected in the data join component. To resolve this, a data transform has been added to propagate the prompt class value from the Component page to the ConditionBuilder page. | Decision Management |
INC-A11680 | 839841 | Updated handling for empty PropositionCache | No offers were delivered to customers as Strategy was not importing any offers. Investigation showed the Proposition cache was being refreshed from two different classes which resulted in an empty cache. This has been resolved by checking if cache data is empty or not, and if so, the cache will be refreshed with the correct application context. | Decision Management |
INC-A12433 | 826521 | ADM node threads set to max 10 | Previously, the number of ADM node threads was auto-populated based on the calculation "CPU count * 2 - 1". However, in some environments this allowed as many as 200 threads. While the higher number of threads can help ADM in reducing the archiving job processing time, there were scenarios where memory issues were seen. To address this, the calculation now has an added ceiling of 10 threads set in the availableProcessors variable in AdmServiceConfiguration. This value may be configured locally. | Decision Management |
INC-A12911 INC-B3007 INC-B899 |
829353 854256 852879 |
ADM model queuing criteria updated | Model Factories were being updated continuously without any changes to the ADM model or when there were no model responses to update. Due to the continuous update, table space was filling and performance issues were seen. This was traced to the Factory table not showing data for the model keys but there were records in the scoring table on Cassandra side, causing unwanted queries to be issued for these 'phantom' models. To resolve this, an update has been made so models are only queued for update by the ADM service when both the time interval is met and new training data is found. | Decision Management |
INC-A1479 | 833876 | Ignore case option enabled for Pulse operator search | Operator search in Pulse was not working for SRS elastic search but worked as expected with an embedded elastic search configuration. This was caused by the SRS elastic search system using a case-sensitive query. There is a workaround of extending the rule 'pySearchContextPosts' RD from 'PegaSocial-Message' class, and in filter condition, selecting the 'ignore case' check box for 'pyActor', but this has been resolved by enabling the ignore case option from the setting in report filter for pysearchcontextposts report of PegaSocial-Message. | Decision Management |
INC-A18248 | 842173 | DSS added for expressionCompatibilityMode | After upgrade, expression conditions which checked for blank values were failing. This was due to a change in behavior in the more recent Pega releases where blank and 0 are evaluated as different values for properties such as TrueFalse, Decimal and Integer. In order to improve backwards compatibility, the DSS "decision/strategy/expressionCompatibilityMode" has been added. When set to "true" expressions are handled by SSA programs so that they work similarly to the previous behavior of evaluating blank as equal to 0. When set to "false" or unset, the expression evaluation will use the current behavior. | Decision Management |
INC-A18449 | 842357 | Case statuse reflected accurately on data migration pipeline | The data migration pipeline showed import case creation failed despite it being created successfully in the candidate environment. This was traced to the service to create the import case returning a time-out error, which was caused by the work object not being committed until it encounters an assignment or a wait shape in the final stage. To resolve this, a wait shape has been added at the beginning in the first flow of the data import case so that the work object is committed as soon as it is created and the service signals the successful creation of the case back to the caller. | Decision Management |
INC-A20805 | 839851 | Tumbling Time Window made more resilient | Some of the Actions and/or treatments were not showing up in the Action Aggregate report, but were showing up in the Interaction History. Investigation showed the events for certain offers remained in the tumbling window for an excessive amount of time when the distribution of records was based on an aggregate partition key and partitions contained varying amounts of records from a few million to a billion. This was traced to some scenarios where the tumbling time window's timestore data could be lost, for example when expanding the Cassandra cluster, and has been resolved with an update to emit records stuck in the window on the very next incoming event. | Decision Management |
INC-A21199 INC-B1892 |
846499 852564 |
Check added for CDH instance | A PEGA0161 Adaptive Models alert was generated when there was no CDH instance involved. Investigation showed this was related to checking whether the pxHandleResponses dataflow was up because the javascript was placed into the Pega-DecisionScience ruleset. To resolve this, a check has been added to determine whether a DDS node is available for decisioning along with validating if the system has at least one prediction. | Decision Management |
INC-A22208 | 856550 | Optimized proposition filter saving process | On a site with a very large number of proposition filters, check in was taking an excessive amount of time after each rule change. To improve performance, the process of validating a proposition filter has been optimized and the cache will only be refreshed once instead of for every action to avoid rebuilding the proposition cache unnecessarily. | Decision Management |
INC-A22506 | 836043 | Updated SanitizedLogicString hash for InstancesCount | Given two actions where each had a specific criteria using a HasInPageListWhen function but with different comparison operator (> 0 vs = 0), only one function was generated in the internal method cache. This produced incorrect results for legacy execution / explain mode and decision funnel due to the result being the same for both actions, and has been resolved by updating the pzSanitizedLogicString hash by including pyInstancesCountValue. | Decision Management |
INC-A22995 INC-B8955 |
838394 860972 |
Performance improvements for compiling globally optimized strategies | Compiling changes to the GOS_NBA_TOPLEVEL optimized strategies was taking an excessive amount of time. This has been addressed by implementing ForEach SSA compile time optimization. | Decision Management |
INC-A24206 INC-A27923 INC-A29521 INC-B14538 |
838628 844359 846251 865345 |
Handling updated for DDS service shutdown | If a node scale down happened while a resumable batch dataflow run was in progress, the DDS save operation failed with the error "dsm.dnode.api.ExceptionWithInputRecord: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: DdsPrpcConversionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Shutdown in progress". This was traced to an explicit check for shutdown in progress in the DDS save operation, and has been corrected. In addition, Cassandra sessions will also be cleaned up during DDS service shutdown when the dataflow service is already stopped. | Decision Management |
INC-A24708 | 859852 | Updated partition handling to resolve thread contention | A contention lock was occurring in the Postgres database after a campaign run in the second wait dataflow. This has been addressed by improving the partitions assignment mechanism including shuffling. | Decision Management |
INC-A25200 | 843992 | Overhead of DSMClipboardPage size and keySet methods reduced | The DSMClipboardPage implementation was using the keySet method which utilized a ConcurrentHashMap iterator each time to walk through all the key properties defined in the class, regardless of whether they were actually assigned or not, in order to figure out how many of them were actually present in the actual page. To improve performance, an update has been made so that keySet walks only assigned properties and avoids creating an extra iterator. | Decision Management |
INC-A25668 | 840994 | Corrected decision data reference validation | Strategy Validation was missing for the decision data reference on strategy save. This has been corrected. | Decision Management |
INC-A25749 | 840885 | Performance improvements for Value Finder | Very large runs of Value Finder were becoming stuck, generating errors, and causing the dataflow heap to be overwhelmed. To address this, updates have been made to improve the performance and memory requirements of the Value Finder activity including reducing the number of columns for customer group discovery, improvements to core group discovery algorithm, decoupling stage statistics and customer group discovery, down-sampling for customer group discovery, and minor improvements to the Value Finder simulation post-processing activity. | Decision Management |
INC-A26904 | 846308 | Updated access check for Private Post attachments | Attachments were not visible or available for download when using the “Private Post” option. Investigation showed the GetAttachmentReference activity was failing when calling pzIsPrivatePostAccessCheck, and this has been resolved by changing the parameter handling for the access check. | Decision Management |
INC-A27229 | 849877 | Updated Prediction Studio email digest generation | After configuring Prediction Studio to send an email digest, notifications appeared but the email was not sent. An AccessDeniedException error was generated. Investigation traced this to insufficient permissions to create a file in the environment, which was due to the system attempting to create a CSV file as part of the email generation process. To resolve this, the activity has been updated to use only stream to generate the notification and not create the file. | Decision Management |
INC-A27774 | 844424 | Updated error handling for record parsing | If an invalid record was found and then a connection error was encountered during file browsing, the file data set failed during parsing of the records during retry. This was traced to an error in the file dataset implementation where the dataset retried the previous failed record instead of skipping it, and has been corrected. | Decision Management |
INC-A28311 | 858443 | Bind markers correctly used for TTL | When the time to live (TTL) was configured through a property, the related prepared statement issued by the Decision Data Store (DDS) dataset was not using bind markers and specified the actual TTL value in the statement. This caused unnecessary duplicate prepared statements in Cassandra and led to performance issues. This has been resolved by updating the Decision Data Store software development kit to a version that corrected bind markers used for TTLs. | Decision Management |
INC-A29495 | 846297 | Sharable link security updated | Cross-site scripting protections have been updated for sharable links. | Decision Management |
INC-A29620 | 849931 | Updated Interaction History error logging to assist debugging | The Decision Funnel simulation returned empty reports. Investigation showed that the data flow used to synchronize simulation data to the database was failing due to an incorrect Interaction History (IH) configuration. When the IH configuration contained duplicated entries, the Visual Business Director (VBD) browse failed with a cryptic stack trace. To resolve this, the IH Data Transform configuration problem will be properly logged so the Decision Funnel VBD -> database synchronization data flow is evident and can be restarted if needed. | Decision Management |
INC-A29641 | 849292 | Added conditional rule handling and exception catch for Globally Optimized Strategies | While saving the GOS strategy, the exception "StrategyParserRuntimeException: Optimization failed to parse "XXXX" using IL parser because The type ILListType<ILPageRecordType[pageClass=XX-Data-Customer, typeRoot=BASECLASS]> is not supported in this context" was generated. This has been resolved with an update which will ignore unresolvable descendants rules when parsing an external-sub-strategy component. If the SSAUnsupportedExprException error is encountered, the system will catch it and fall back to legacy execution. | Decision Management |
INC-A29685 INC-A29685 INC-B7366 |
849542 851569 859034 |
Corrected PropositionFilter simulation/explain calculation | After update, proposition filter conditions that referenced a property on a page in a page list and which were referenced directly in a comparison caused an error in decision funnel execution. This was traced to an error in the PropositionFilter simulation/explain mode which was not retrieving the actual value, and has been corrected. Note: re-save / re-validate the PropositionFilter rules after updating to this version to ensure they are incorporating the corrected function. | Decision Management |
INC-A3886 | 838150 | ALT attribute information updated for attached file icons | When a document was attached, the default alt text was "Document type icon" regardless of the type of extension on the file. This has been updated for better accessibility with added field values and a decision table for alt text for attachments. | Decision Management |
INC-A8663 | 819138 | Null check added to Interaction History initialization | During initialization of the Interaction History cache, a list of both empty and populated subject IDs was included. This led to the Interaction History failing to load when it tried to process a record with a empty ID for the subject, which then created an issue with the data flow run. To resolve this, a null check has been added to the initialization so Interactions with empty subject IDs will not be included. | Decision Management |
INC-B11364 INC-B11973 |
861191 861582 |
Proposition cache properly refreshed | No campaign offers were delivered to customers. This was traced to the cache not being refreshed and the system pulse of type PROP not being not triggered, and was caused by previous work done to correct the proposition cache being refreshed from incorrect context. This has been resolved by updating the handling in pyReloadPropositionCache to remove a 'when' condition so the cache is properly refreshed. | Decision Management |
INC-B14031 | 863717 | Corrected event strategy logic for HandleResponses | After update, the pxHandleResponses dataflow was generating a different number of output properties in its event strategies. Investigation traced this to the updated configuration of the pxWaitForResponses and pxWaitForResponseExpiry strategies; the addition of the new property pyOutcomeWeight had the unexpected result of clearing the state of the pxHandleResponses data flow run, where both Event Strategies are used. This has been resolved by correcting the event strategy logic to add the property while preserving the data for pxWaitForResponses and pxWaitForResponseExpiry. | Decision Management |
INC-B1559 | 854682 | Updated handling for Decision Data Store table consistency level | After changing the Decision Data Store table consistency level to Strong, the dataset operation started failing after restart with the exception "InconsistentTableSchemaException: Table with different schema is already registered in [data] table group". Investigation showed that when instantiating the DDS data set, the consistency level of the table was retrieved from the schema repository if the table was already registered. To resolve this, an update has been made to use the consistency level from the Data-Admin-DDS-Table record instead of a default value if the table schema is already registered for use. | Decision Management |
INC-B2518 | 857073 | DSS added for VDB thread management | Visual Business Director (VBD) queries were not returning any result. This was traced to distributed operations (node -> node) reaching their time to live (TTL) thresholds, and has been addressed by introducing new dynamic system settings to manage the rest server and rest client thread pools. The DSS settings vbd/restServerWorkerThreads and vbd/restClientProxyThreads aer used to ensure the VBD-embedded REST server uses enough resources to be able to handle remote bucket operations in a timely manner. In addition, the retry mechanism of the bucket operation service has been improved. | Decision Management |
INC-B2833 INC-B5407 |
850408 856635 |
Updates to improve performance for tumbling windows | Event Strategies with tumbling window, on a pulse method, were loading all expired groups from Cassandra and loading all aggregates and windows for these keys into memory. This was all done at once without a chunking mechanism, leading to a performance issue that could make nodes appear unhealthy and a process for expiring old windows which required it be repeated from the beginning if a failure was encountered. To improve this, updates have been made to immediately address performance by implementing quota handling for Tumbling Asynchronous windows (both optimized and not optimized). The amount of timeout entries (time -> list of group keys) read from the time store is not currently limited, but there is a limit on the amount of timeouts that will be processed, which limits the number of groups that will be read from the Cassandra. Additional refinements and improvements will be made available in a future release. | Decision Management |
INC-B4317 | 860366 | Updated visibility condition for Pulse | In a configuration where internal Pulse and external Pulse messages are displayed separately, if a case was kept open by a user who needed access to only external comments and another user worked on the case in parallel and typed in internal comments, those internal comments were visible to external users. To resolve this, the pyCanPublishC11nMessage 'when' condition has been added in the pzPublishC11nMessage declare trigger rule, and should be set as .pyIsPrivate != true. | Decision Management |
INC-B4799 | 856539 | Condition label supports hyphen | Support has been added for non-standard labels such as "E-1" or "C-23" attached to condition rows in proposition filters. | Decision Management |
INC-B4904 INC-B3492 |
854714 858115 |
Corrected context for nested data transform | After update, data ingestion failures failed for a dataflow with a data transform shape which internally called data transforms based on embedded properties. Investigation showed that the context was not getting set correctly for the embedded data transform dataflow when it referenced a nested data transform, which was traced to the platform clipboard taking the class of the step page by default and only falling back to the class name from the argument when it's not available. This was a missed use case for resolving a data transform in DSM clipboard, and has been resolved. | Decision Management |
INC-B5742 | 856017 | Updated handling of authenticated anonymous user in FUA | A globally optimized strategy compilation for Customer Decision Hub was failing on first use assembly (FUA) due to an authentication error when using OAuth 2.0. The errors "operator does not exist" and "UnauthenticatedThreadException: Could not authenticate thread with access group" were generated. To resolve this, an update has been made so than an anonymous user session (e.g. request from a REST call) which is already authenticated will skip the step to also verify the user ID in the database. | Decision Management |
INC-B6754 | 860073 | Service limits pushed to PDC | The Service health limits tab was not available in the Customer Decision Hub (CDH) and Decisioning Usage landing page of the Pega Diagnostic Center (PDC). Whenever the CDH application is created, the SR class is automatically created in the format (AppId-SR). In one of the when conditions, there is a check whether the first part of the SR class == AppId; If true, the metrics are collected, and if false they are skipped. In this issue, the SR class was in different format. This has been resolved by updating the 'when' condition to proceed with the data collection. | Decision Management |
INC-B8855 INC-B12414 |
860356 863028 |
Adaptive Decision Manager (ADM) configuration updates | In order to improve Adaptive Decision Manager (ADM) model migration, updates have been made to batch size, thread count, and partitioning. - Batch size on the ADM Migration data flow has now by default been set to 5 - This batch size is also configurable through the DSS 'decision/adm/service/migration/batchSize' if required - pyADMFactory data set now has a partitioning key defined which will allow the export data flow to run across the tier (as opposed to only on one node) |
Decision Management |
INC-B9189 | 860542 | Updated Lz4 jar for Kafka Topics | After update, using Kafka Topic to send and receive messages generated the error "org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException: Received exception when fetching the next record". This has been resolved by updating the lz4-java version. | Decision Management |
Low-Code Application Development
23.1.2 Resolved Issues for Low-Code Application Development
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-A17989 | 832062 | Corrected logic for conditional validations | A When rule should be used in a Validate rule that requires a combination of conditions such as "A AND B OR C". The When rule will also allow you to choose how the condition should be evaluated - "(A AND B) OR C" or "A AND (B OR C)". When multiple conditions are added directly in the Validate rule, they should use all ANDs or all ORs. In some scenarios the validate rule form allowed a combination of AND/OR conditions to be configured even though it is not a supported configuration, creating unexpected results. To address this, an update has been made so the validate rule can only be created with all ANDs or all ORs, and not a combination. When modifying one condition then all conditions will be updated. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-A19242 INC-B3572 |
835343 852226 |
Added check for pyInterestPageClass during validation | Given subflows executed on an embedded page of a different class which had some assignments displayed through the front end using DXAPI, a PEGA_API_001 / HTTP 400 error was generated on submit of the screen. A trace showed that the page data was being validated against pyWorkPage, which was a different class to where the embedded subflow/assignments was defined. This has been resolved by adding logic to check for the pyInterestPageClass and consider it while opening the flow action. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-A23480 | 849329 | Rule actions updated for Siteminder compatibility |
Attempting to discard private edits on a rule generated a "403 Forbidden" error. This was caused by an interaction with Siteminder, and has been resolved by updating a number of actions including checkout rule, discard rule, expression builder and open rule within rule so as to not trigger Siteminder. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-A25287 | 848378 | Updated service export directory access for download | After update, the Usage Validation Utility (UVU) reports were generated but could not be downloaded. A 404 error was generated. This has been resolved by updating the access to the service export directory. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-A25488 | 841099 | Logic updated to find unique rules for summary | When a branch had two rules of different types with the same name and same class, the API returned the wrong number of rules without unit tests. This was due to pxInsName being considered while finding out the number of rules that have Pega units. Since there can be multiple rules in a branch with same pxInsName but different type(pxObjClass), the logic has been enhanced to consider type along with pxInsName to identify a rule uniquely. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-A26750 | 845997 | DSS expanded to allow missing properties for @when rules | Beginning with Pega version 8, the way properties are read off of legacy clipboard pages in the context of declaratives was changed. The current behavior is that an empty property is defined as missing and will throw the MissingPropertyException. This was a change in behavior from Pega version 7, where MissingPropertyExceptions were only generated when the property was not present on the page. In order to better support backwards compatibility for upgrades, the DSS "DecisionTable/ObtainValue/AllowMissingProperties" has been added. When this is set to true, decision tree processing will continue even if a referenced property is not present on the clipboard. To expand the use of this DSS, the ObtainValue function has been updated to allow missing properties for decision table @when rules based on the DSS value. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-A27961 | 848507 | StageHistory updated when stage is restarted | After implementing an email listener which consumes a rejection response and processes it to resume flow action on a case, attempting to restart the stage with a local action caused a new pxStageHistory entry to be added instead of updating the existing entry. This was a missed use case, and has been resolved with a modification that will update the stage history record instead of creating a new stage history record when the same stage is restarted. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-A30094 | 847620 | Increased record count returned by ConfigurationsForSet | The maximum number of records retrieved by the ConfigurationsForSet report used to fetch the list of configuration settings has been increased from 500 to 9999 to ensure all settings are listed. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-A30185 | 850454 | Updated handling for masked PII data | After creating a Connect Generative AI rule type with a Mask Sensitive data filter to mask any identified PII data in the user prompt, the response data did not unmask the PII as expected. This has been corrected. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B1439 | 854177 | Test case count logic updated | After update, incorrect test case numbers were shown in the summary of test case reports when compared to the drill down. This was an inadvertent side effect of work done regarding test cases from removed rulesets, and has been resolved by updating the logic. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B3467 | 855566 | Security updated for showGrid | Cross-site scripting protections have been updated for showGrid. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B3573 | 857913 | Improved backwards compatibility for decision tables | After upgrading Pega 7 to Pega 8, a null pointer exception occurred when evaluating a decision table. This was traced to the engine rule classes expecting the parameter page in a different format, and has been resolved by updating the @Utilities.pxEvaluateDecisionTable() function to add a new parameter page with the existing data and call the rule engine file for the data transform execution. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B4251 INC-B6712 |
854403 856893 |
Modified case usage data agent | The execution of PushDailyCaseData was returning more than 3 million rows which were then attempted to be added to clipboard in a report. This caused memory to get full and cause node instability which resulted in cases being carried over to the next day. This has been resolved by updating the group-by clause for a report definition to improve the handling. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B6162 | 856163 | DSS added for AllowMissingProperties functionality | A goal seek error occurred after update when using the Property-Map-DecisionTable method when the AllowMissingProperties option was not checked. This was due to the system looking for the property referenced in the decision table and returning false. Beginning with Pega 8, allowMissingProperties must be checked to handle any missing properties in the decision table. This is a change in behavior from Pega 7 where the functionality worked even though AllowMissingProperties was not checked. For better backwards compatibility, the DSS "DecisionTable/ObtainValue/AllowMissingProperties" has been added in the PEGA-RULES ruleset. When true, this DSS will have the same effect as having AllowMissingProperties checked. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B6698 | 858697 | CheckFieldSecurity updated to handle custom Transfer Assignment | After update, a Transfer Assignment local action for transferring an assignment to an operator or a workqueue was no longer working and the error "One or more inputs are invalid" was generated. This was traced to work done as part of the page instruction field security which was failing in this use case due to the added pyAssignment page properties on the content copy page, and has been resolved by updating the logic for the pzCheckFieldSecurity activity. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B7822 |
860124 |
Code added to break infinite loop related to AssignedToMyStaff | Agents were getting stuck suddenly. Investigation showed that this was due to pxAssignedToMyStaff, which when called while listing operators reporting to the current operator can cause long running interaction including a scenario where a manager reported to themself, generating an infinite loop. This has been resolved with an update which will break the loop if a manager reports to themself or if there is a recursion in the team structure. | Low-Code App Development |
INC-B9321 | 859616 | Support added for custom assignment name with TaskLabel | After update, a configuration of the Assign-Worklist Data Transform that used pxTaskLabel to set a custom value for the assignment name and override the one set in the flow process for the assignment shape was no longer working. This was due to changes in the system to use pxFlow from work to fill Assignments details in the response. To resolve this, the pzSetAssignmentsList activity has been modified to use assignment page pxTaskLabel if it is not null, and otherwise use pyWorkPage.pxFlow().pyLastFlowStepLabel. | Low-Code App Development |
23.1.2 Resolved Issues for Mobile
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-A13899 | 835367 | Sync error message properly displayed on mobile | An empty message was shown on mobile if there was a sync error. Investigation showed this happened when the work object was being processed in the browser at the same time as on the mobile device, and was caused by the ErrorSync record being assigned an empty value. This has been resolved by updating the handling to preserve the error and display it. | Mobile |
INC-A26432 | 844846 | Corrected signature capture for offline mobile app | After update, the signature capture in the Pega Infinity Mobile Client (PIMC) worked on the first offline use, but subsequent uses were not capturing the signature correctly. Investigation showed the drag gestures were not received by the control but rather passed to the outer UI controls after the first use, and this has been corrected. | Mobile |
INC-B1391 | 849158 | Offline mobile app skips pre-processing | Pagelist contents were not stored to the Pega server when using an offline mobile app even after synchronization. This was a missed use case for not needing to perform pre-processing activities configured in the flow action when the assignment is submitted from an offline mobile client, and has been resolved by modifying the offline mobile app code to send an extra boolean parameter "skipPreProcessing" as true. This parameter works with the added 'when' condition to skip the pre-processing flow when the assignment submit action is performed from the offline mobile application. | Mobile |
Project Delivery
23.1.2 Resolved Issues for Project Delivery
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-A19189 | 831855 | JDBC driver information updated in the Platform Support Guide | The JDBC section in the Platform Support Guide has been updated to specify that the installation process should use the latest JDBC driver that is certified/compatible with the java version and database version. | Project Delivery |
INC-A24094 | 841764 | DX API documentation updated for preserving special characters | Documentation for the DX API has been updated to clarify that when using special characters like '%3D' (which are not be escaped) in query parameters, encodeURIComponent must be used in order to prevent escaping the characters when building a request. | Project Delivery |
INC-A25486 | 842095 | Virtual Report documentation updated | The documentation for using virtual reports in Activities has been updated to specify that non-autogenerated controls must be used for virtual report definitions. For Rich Text Editor, use the pxRichTextEditor control. | Project Delivery |
INC-A26631 | 843036 | Documentation clarified for MS Graph configuration | The documentation for configuring OAuth 2.0 authentication for sending and receiving emails by using Microsoft Graph has been updated to clarify that the permission type must be Application. | Project Delivery |
INC-B5790 | 860629 | Local Actions in offline mode documentation updated | The documentation for Local Actions in offline mode has been updated to make special note of the need to define the Flow Action Rule on the same class as the Case Type. If the Flow Action Rule is defined on a different class, the Offline Processing Engine cannot find the rule at runtime. | Project Delivery |
23.1.2 Resolved Issues for Reporting
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-232228 | 859236 | Focus correctly set for keyboard navigation with filters | Clicking on edit filters in the reports and using the keyboard to navigate was not correctly setting focus. This has been resolved by adding the necessary CSS in pyReportEditorStyling. | Reporting |
INC-250429 | 769342 | Report editor pagination link made accessible | JAWS was not correctly reading the report editor pagination link. This has been resolved by updating the page link to include aria-label with "Page #" and the href to enable tabbing through page numbers. | Reporting |
INC-263976 | 807242 | Corrected unneeded decimal localization for Dutch locale | When using the Dutch locale (nl_NL), the progress chart in a section showed 100% complete as "1,0". Investigation showed the chart control center label "percentage" setting was localized too early during the pxFormatValue -> pxFormatNumber call. This transformed "1.0" to "1,0" which then failed to be converted to a percent. This has been resolved by updating the appendFormattedString in AbstractJsonDataGenerator to avoid localizing for this specific situation as the final percentage value will be localized afterward. | Reporting |
INC-A15578 | 827995 | Corrected button visibility for inline custom filter section | When using a report definition with an inline custom filter section, performing a refresh caused the inline section's apply and clear buttons to disappear. This has been resolved by removing a second visibility condition on the dynamic layout in the pyDefaultCustomFilterApplyCancel section. | Reporting |
INC-A20951 | 853545 | Updated pyCompactStylesforPDF to ensure expected font handling | Adding font families for Chinese characters in PDFs was not generating the expected results. This was traced to pyCompactStylesforPDF not picking up the correct font family due to PD4ML ignoring the first CSS from the file, and has been resolved by adding "#{}" in the beginning of this file to get the styles/fonts picked in the generated PDF. | Reporting |
INC-A21986 | 859198 | Corrected security registration for Report Next Page | Report Next Page was not working when clicked.This has been resolved by registering pzdoGridAction in the pzBACActivityRegistration section. | Reporting |
INC-A22659 INC-B7687 |
835683 858571 |
CountOfCases activity added to collect secondary storage statistics | The pyCountOfCases activity has been added to the Work- class of the Pega search executor to count distinct instances for archival and live data. | Reporting |
INC-A23823 INC-266591 |
842756 797868 |
Permissions updated for Landing Page | The Show Data option was generating a "403 Forbidden" error after performing a refresh in the Chart Actions drop down of the Landing Page. This has been resolved by adding the needed registration code in the pzBACActivityRegistration section. | Reporting |
INC-A24184 INC-B1888 |
852582 859921 |
DSS added to support indexing data page retrieved automatically | After migration to Cloud services, a nested custom data page was not being indexed. Investigation showed the data was stored in the ClipboardPage but SRS was not trying to check it. To resolve this, a DSS has been added to enable/disable indexing data retrieved automatically from a data page. This setting is available during serialization to JSON in the MetadataCollectorSettings field 'indexDataRetrievedAutomatically', and the default value is 'false' to disable this feature. | Reporting |
INC-A24283 | 838831 | Updated date range picker filters in Insights | After configuring an Insight with Date or DateTime as a filter, using the Date Range picker type to narrow down the results retrieved with the preselected date values was not working. This has been resolved by updating the DateRange picker condition to use the BTW function to calculate the dates. | Reporting |
INC-A26127 | 852923 | Adjusted handling for archival purging | Running the ArchivalUsingPipeline process to archive data to secondary storage was generating the error "Exception occurred during purge attempt for live indexes" in the purging phase of Archival. When an case type hierarchy has parent case type and child case types, the search and reporting setting for a child case type in the case type rule is disabled. Due to this, the purger phase in the case archival job was failing when it tried to delete an index on the work class of child case type which did not exist. To resolve this, an error filter has been applied to ignore the error code ERR_INVALID_ENTITY_NAME from the deleteIndexes search API. | Reporting |
INC-A27657 INC-A25829 INC-A26791 INC-A25829 INC-A22348 INC-B7391 |
842820 842753 843247 842736 836526 859076 |
Report display corrected | Display issues were seen after update when viewing reports, including the "Review Report" table not being properly placed in the white box. This has been resolved by modifying the format of the container to noHeader in the DisplayReport harness. | Reporting |
INC-A28875 | 847770 | Corrected SRS serialization error | During the serialization process for external search and reporting, the stack trace error "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: [Indexer][Data model] Cannot find data model for entity" was generated. This has been resolved by removing an unnecessary conditional check | Reporting |
INC-A4701 | 823047 | Updated logic for embedded search | Embedded search was not working for ABAC(one of + Page group). This was traced to the open-work-by-handle failing the Access Control Policy, and has been resolved. | Reporting |
INC-A7619 | 822614 | Added null pointer check for IncremenatlIndexer | Search index was not working and items were moved to the broken items queue due to null pointer exceptions seen in the pyFTSIncremenatlIndexer queue processor. This has been resolved by adding a null check to the RemovePOIFiles method to avoid exceptions during delete. | Reporting |
INC-B10344 | 861539 | Correct column name shown when exporting Grouped results | An incorrect column name was being shown when exporting Grouped results to Excel. To resolve this, if a column is 'Grouped by' and is a column in the table, export to Excel will ignore the column in the table so its header label should not appear and cause misalignment. | Reporting |
INC-B10398 | 860905 | Resolved unregistered Report Explorer request | A 403 error was displayed when clicking on select values for datetime properties in Report Explorer when pyblockunregisteredrequests is true. This has been resolved by registering pzGetCustomPropsForTreeGrid in pzBACActivityRegistration. | Reporting |
INC-B10661 | 861214 | DSS added for indexing timeout to prevent node restart | It was possible for a bulk reindexing process on a class with millions of records to time out and cause a node to be marked as unhealthy and be restarted. Because processing was not completed, the utility nodes would attempt to reprocess the same items and the duplicate entries in the pySASBatchIndexProcessor queue could cause the stream service's disk space to become full. To address this, the DSS indexer/srs/bulkGenerationTimeoutInSeconds has been created to set the timeout for bulk generation. If it will take longer then the limit, then bulk generation will be stopped with an error. With the timeout, nodes will not be marked as unhealthy and termination will not occur. The type of error will identify the need to use the DSS indexer/srs/partitioningConfiguration to make indexing possible. | Reporting |
INC-B10861 | 860900 | Improved security for DisplayReport | Cross-site scripting protections have been updated for the DisplayReport activity. | Reporting |
INC-B1903 INC-A24595 INC-A27741 INC-B5459 |
850285 838036 848060 857458 |
PD4ML updated | PD4ML has been updated to version v4.0.19 to correct layout issues and improve security. | Reporting |
INC-B2629 | 850883 | Corrected custom report display for "right to left" locales | When using an Arabic locale, the columns section did not appear for custom reports and the UI was not displaying correctly. Investigation showed the application styling was not correctly considering the "Right to Left" settings, and this has been corrected by updating the pyReportEditorStyling CSS. | Reporting |
INC-B3466 | 851644 | Report Editor security updated | Cross-site scripting protections have been updated for the Report Editor. | Reporting |
INC-B3603 | 859203 | Worklist Counts enabled for non-Theme Cosmos applications | Worklist Counts were not updating on the Dashboard. This was due to a property which pointed to a Theme Cosmos Declare Expression that was not in the ruleset stack for UI-Kit, and has been resolved by creating a WorklistOpenCount Declare expression which is accessible for non-Theme Cosmos applications. | Reporting |
INC-B4356 | 858243 | Removed redundant PDF file extension on download | When a PDF was generated and added using PDF smart shape, a redundant extension was added when the PDF was downloaded from preview. This was traced to pxcreatepdf adding the extension to the filename when it already existed, and has been resolved. | Reporting |
INC-B4773 | 859140 | Restored Rich Text Editor plugin | After update, an error was thrown in the browser console indicating CKEditor was missing two plugins, causing the form to be corrupted from the end user's side. This was an unintended side effect of security work, and has been resolved by restoring the needed plugin. | Reporting |
INC-B5953 | 854704 | Insights updated to use operator time zone | Insights was showing EST when the case data had the correct GMT Value for the UK locale. This has been resolved by updating Insights to consider the operator time zone. | Reporting |
INC-B7368 | 861657 | Max records override for Export to Excel | Exporting to Excel from an Insight was capped at 5000 records for export. To address this, an update has been made to override max records in pzUpdateSystemSettings in case of export to Excel. | Reporting |
INC-B972 | 850881 | Corrected Report Editor properties display | Stylings in the pyReportEditorStyling CSS have been updated to correct an issue with property values overlapping in the Report Editor edit filter dropdown. | Reporting |
23.1.2 Resolved Issues for Security
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-A21299 | 844728 | Added handling for null pointer error in dependent roles | An intermittent null pointer error was seen when working with dependent roles. This has been resolved with an update to SecurityAnalysisForSecurityAdministratorsTask.getCurrentSecurityTaskDetails(). | Security |
INC-A2894 | 856621 | Rule-Obj-Access-Deny replicated to all nodes | An update has been made to ensure the Rule-Obj-Access-Deny rule is synced to all nodes in a multi-node environment. | Security |
INC-B423 | 851164 | Corrected iOS SAML SSO handling | A blank screen was being shown after successful authentication using SAML SSO on an iOS device. This was traced to the iOS Safari browser sending the CSP report starting with "type":"csp-violation" instead of "csp-report", and has been resolved by updating the CSPReport method in | Security |
INC-B5680 | 855469 | Added temporary context for CDK rotation | When the Customer Data Key (CDK) expired, trying to rotate the key during non-admin user session context generated the error "You are not authorized to create, modify, or lock instance SYSTEM-DATAENCRYPTION-CDK". This was due to the user role not having access for CDK class, and has been resolved by temporarily assigning System-DataEncryption-CDK access to non-admin user to acquire the lock successfully. | Security |
INC-B6306 | 858239 | Resolved runtime exception for OAuth2 | A runtime exception was generated when trying to log in with OAuth2, specifying "Unable to fetch token page using key ac_pega-authorizationcode-openid profile email". Investigation traced this to an additional space character added after email in the key, and it has been resolved by adding trim to the scope while constructing the key. | Security |
INC-B948 | 861639 | Value List supported for headers in token profile | When using a JWT profile as authentication schema within Authentication Profile, running the REST connector with authentication profile generated the error "Access token endpoint invocation failed". To address this, support has been added for a Value List for headers in token profile. | Security |
System Administration
23.1.2 Resolved Issues for System Administration
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-B4713 INC-239397 INC-A27908 INC-B9531 INC-B11862 |
853176 814347 862494 862003 862020 |
Corrected property handling in Rule Assembly | A large number of Rule Assembly alerts were being generated which were affecting performance. This was traced to the assembly not being correctly saved to the database due to the value of the ExplictMetadataIsReliable property being set as false for one DependentRuleInfo. This value handling has been corrected. | System Administration |
INC-272335 | 817908 | Run in background lockconfig made available | The pyLockTimeout field, which specifies how long queue processor activity should attempt to lock, was not available from the SendBackground shape despite having fields listed. An update has been made to include Timeout to acquire lock in RunInBackground shape. | System Administration |
INC-A20994 | 833168 | Added 'when' check for SyncToConstellation | After update, the error "<pxExceptionMessage>The service URL NONE/v860/ping does not start with a protocol and" was generated from failed queue items due to missing configuration requirements. This has been resolved by adding a 'when' condition for the pySyncToConstellation to check if the URL is valid so that a call to the queue processor is not triggered unnecessarily. | System Administration |
INC-A23287 | 838600 | MonitoredShutDown thread close added | Shutdown tasks are sometimes unable to shutdown the executorServices (which hold executing threads for Agents, Job Schedulers and Async Services Executor) within the 5 minute time limit, causing system hang. To address this, an executor pull shutdown has been added to mitigate hanging threads after shutdown is completed and a thread dump will be generated. | System Administration |
INC-A5927 INC-B1862 |
822048 851202 |
Corrected SOAP Service outbound message signing | The system was signing the body element of outbound messages for the SOAP Service despite the specified outbound signing elements. This has been corrected. | System Administration |
INC-B1033 | 855350 | Agent runs on correct day after restart | When an agent was configured to run daily on one background node at a time using America/New York timezone, if the scheduled run time was after 7pm EST time and there was a restart the agent was instead scheduled for the next day. This has been resolved with an update to ensure an agent in a different time zone is not skipped. | System Administration |
INC-B5310 | 857909 | Database save stack trace added | StackTraces_DBSaveOperations has been added to debug logging in order to enable printing a stack trace for database save operations. | System Administration |
INC-B5743 INC-B2491 |
855813 855147 |
System pulse logging updated | After deploying a ruleset versioning update, the new rules were not being picked up by the queue processor and the system runtime context continued to be the previous ruleset version. This type of issue occurs when the SystemPulse fails to propagate the latest version of the rule to all nodes in the cluster, leading the system to utilize the existing version of the rule. In order to capture whether the deployed rules are propagated to all the nodes in the cluster, additional diagnostic log messages have been added. These loggers handle defined rule update pulse types for diagnostic information, CACHE, RFDEL, IMPRT, CLDEC, PURGE, DSMST, and are based on the environment's production level and DASS: systempulse/rulesUpdate/logAcknowledgement/enabled. Logging has been enabled by default for production level >= 4 (i.e. PRE-PROD or PROD) and disabled by default for lower environments. | System Administration |
INC-B6072 | 859622 | Logging added for userClaims | Additional logging has been added in order to assist in debugging issues with "derive operatorId from claim". | System Administration |
INC-B6892 INC-A11374 |
859163 835753 |
Added null partition value handling for DelayedItemsDataFlowService | After upgrade from Pega 7 to Pega 8, ORA-00936 "missing expression" errors were generated by DelayedItemsDataFlowService. This error occurred while reading delayed items from the database, and was due to there being more than 25 nodes splitting the work and the additional partitions having a null value. To resolve this, the condition has been updated to avoid generating an SQLException for null partitions during processing. | System Administration |
INC-B9892 | 859875 | Revised handling for Queue Processor loading | In order to ensure application logic is correctly applied to messages based on the order in which items are processed after node shutdown or restart, an update has been made to sort by timeforprocessing in ascending order when reading from the data.pr_sys_delayed_queue. | System Administration |
User Experience
23.1.2 Resolved Issues for User Experience
Ticket # | Issue # | Title | Description | Product Area |
INC-A28455 INC-B1980 |
846235 852502 |
Corrected ConfigManager text wrap | After update, table headers were wrapping when the filter icon was visible on the optimized table column header in the ConfigManager even when there was empty space available for the text. This has been resolved by removing the width :100% from pzColumnFilterIcon div. | User Experience |
INC-243030 INC-A30138 |
757696 849939 |
Focus Indicator shows for Expand/Collapse Headers on skin | Changes to the onFocus of Expand/Collapse Headers on the skin rule were not reflected on the Case Manager portal. This has been resolved with a modification which will change the tab index for the main div instead of the inside div. | User Experience |
INC-244187 | 756162 | Image annotation registered with BAC | Annotation of an image not working in the user portal, but did work when the user had access to Developer Studio. This has been resolved by registering the activity in the pyAnnotateArea section for BAC. | User Experience |
INC-251607 INC-246272 |
772995 772991 |
Updated accessibility for text area character count | JAWS was reading the remaining character count of a text box multiple times before all other content on the tab. This was due to the attribute aria-live="assertive", and has been addressed by updating webwb_pzpega_ui_template_textarea.js to add a new condition in the template to handle aria-live and aria-atomic attributes for Macintosh and Iphone devices. | User Experience |
INC-272382 | 803082 | Corrected accessibility for removing item from Multi-select list | After selecting multiple values from a multi-select list control, using arrows and backspace to remove the first item looked like it was removed but the value was retained in the backend. Investigation showed that when accessing the list this way, the value was not removed from the clipboard. Using the mouse to click and then backspace did remove the value as expected. This has been resolved by updating the handling to be consistent. | User Experience |
INC-A15224 | 845731 | Google Map reuse flow updated | After update, the Marker Info section map control was not loading. This was traced to a local configuration which was reusing the Google Map object, and has been resolved by updating the pypega_map_googlegis and pzpega_ui_addressmap files to better support the Google Map reuse flow. | User Experience |
INC-A15513 | 835897 | Added handling for empty caseNavigation menu | The Summary Panel was not expanding after being collapsed on the Case View when the caseNavigation menu item was empty. This was traced to a customization for CaseNavigation which selected "Separator" as the type. In this scenario, when toggleSummaryPanel executed on click of the icon to toggle the summary panel, an undefined error was generated due to navList resolving to an empty array. As using CaseNavigation without a navigation item is not supported, an update has been made to handle this configuration by overriding the template and removing the existing menu. | User Experience |
INC-A16713 | 838129 | Corrected duplicate header announcement | The accessibility popup dialog was announcing the heading twice. This has been corrected by changing aria-labelledby to aria-describedby in the modal wrapper Dialog_Title. | User Experience |
INC-A16740 | 834704 | AJAX tab names display special characters correctly | Tab names containing special characters were not displayed as expected when using an AJAX container. This has been resolved. | User Experience |
INC-A16975 | 837510 | Handling added for data pages with parameters containing ampersand | A 400 HTTP error was generated when using the getPageDataAsync PCore API to retrieve a page type data page by passing a data page parameter value containing an ampersand (&). A 500 HTTP error was generated when using the getPageDataAsync PCore API for retrieving a page type data page by passing a data page parameter value containing ampersand URL encoded. This has been resolved by updating the handling for decoding the input/parameter value to avoid error codes 400 & 500 when the URI contains encoded values. | User Experience |
INC-A17922 | 836583 | Handling updated for case in review mode | When moving a case from one stage into another where the target stage contained a process which was not executed by the operator, the local actions at stage level could not be selected anymore and the message "Uncaught TypeError: m.caseInfo.assignments[0].actions is undefined" appeared. Investigation showed that in the failing case, the actions were not present in the openLocalAction API with the result that the local action modal did not appear on the screen. To resolve this, a condition has been added to the openLocalAction API so that if a case is in review mode, the step to save the assignment will not be executed. | User Experience |
INC-A19025 | 836168 | Logo appears in Constellation | After uploading the logo from the channels, the logo was not visible in the staging and production environment. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-A19688 | 834232 | CaseID correctly displayed as Tab title when case is opened in new Tab | When case was opened in a new tab, the case ID was not displayed in the Tab title. Instead, the portal name "User portal" was displayed. When case was opened in the same tab, the case ID was correctly displayed as Tab title. This was a missed use case in actionrouter.js for the portalCategory when a case was opened in a new tab, and has been resolved by updating the condition to check for formFactorIframe. | User Experience |
INC-A2171 | 840608 | File Upload shows correct icons after file deletion | After uploading several valid files of different file types (e.g. png and pdf), deleting one of the files caused the preceding file to get the icon of the deleted file so the file and the icon no longer matched. There was previous work done to resolve this which added an ID property to the element to keep the type and icon aligned. This update addresses a casing difference where the frontend FileInput component uses "id" but "ID" is being passed in DX components by passing a redundant "id" property to keep the IDs in sync. | User Experience |
INC-A22304 | 844745 | Added check for Mashup field values | After upgrade, gadget file contents were executed during Mashup but nothing happened after that call. This has been resolved by adding an undefined check for field values list. | User Experience |
INC-A22337 | 835526 | Corrected focus issue when link control is present in table | When an optimized table contained a link element, hovering over the link changed the tab-index to 0 which incorrectly allowed the link to be focusable by tab. When a link was not present, the cells were correctly only able to be navigated to via the arrow keys.This has been corrected by adding a condition to prevent changes of tab-index inside the table. | User Experience |
INC-A22668 | 836767 | Corrected Stakeholder field display issues | After adding additional properties to the pyPartyDetails view, editing the Stakeholder widget caused the fields to be distorted on the UI, but decreasing the zoom level adjusted the fields. This has been resolved by adding a scroll to the area. After clicking the “View All” link in the stakeholder widget to edit a stakeholder action, the Stakeholders popup window was displayed behind the View All window, making the Stakeholders popup window uneditable. This has been resolved. | User Experience |
INC-A22887 INC-A28410 |
837057 845758 |
Modal heading coding corrected | Visual headings in modal dialogs were coded as 'span' instead of the HTML heading. This has been corrected by changing span to the h2 tag for modal heading in pzmodalheader, and modifying aria-labelledby to aria-describedby in the template form for improved accessibility. | User Experience |
INC-A22948 | 838970 | Localization corrected for pyStatus work value with special characters | The pyCaption value for an optimized grid was not being localized when the pyStatuswork value contained parentheses. This was due to special characters in table cell values being encoded using the crossScriptingFilter stringUtils API, and has been resolved by using restoreFilteredString to restore the encoded characters and use the result to get the localized string. | User Experience |
INC-A23674 | 840618 | Improved accessibility for expanded/collapsed My Worklist | In order for the pyWorkItemOwnerDropDown section to function like a menu and allow JAWS to read the expand/collapse state of the "menu", myWorkListWidgetExpandCollapse has been added to the section to handle the aria-expanded attribute on the My Worklist widget header. | User Experience |
INC-A23976 INC-A29658 INC-A27981 |
843308 846643 851948 |
Rich Text Editor security updated | Cross-site scripting protections have been updated for the Rich Text Editor control. | User Experience |
INC-A24410 INC-A25518 |
839448 841323 |
Corrected container handling for open-Assignment | After opening an assignment, performing an optional action involving a PDF smart shape, and then closing the assignment, the assignment could not be opened again even by clicking on 'GO'. Investigation showed that due to the previous container holding old values, the open-Assignment Action was activating the container instead of having a DX API call. This has been resolved with an added action to remove the previous container when a case is in review mode after launching the optional process action. | User Experience |
INC-A24454 | 842618 | Arabic text displayed correctly in Insights | Arabic text set in one Insight dashboard was being displayed as encoded characters when the Insight was viewed in other dashboards.This has been resolved by updating the encoding mechanism in the pzLaunchView control to handle non-ASCII characters. | User Experience |
INC-A24769 | 844809 | Email and phone length validation updated for Constellation | Max length validation has been added for the Constellation email and phone number fields. | User Experience |
INC-A24973 | 845795 | Handling added for default attachments category | When the default FILE category for attachments was deleted and custom attachment categories were present, no default category was selected even if there was only one category. To resolve this, an update has been made to set the default category to be the first category in the categories call response if the 'File' category is not present in the response. | User Experience |
INC-A25061 | 844841 | Corrected double validation message for Pin to Space | After update, the validation message appeared twice on the Pin to Space screen when attempting to proceed without adding a space. This has been resolved by updating the pin modal template. | User Experience |
INC-A25293 | 841837 | Resolved MashUp URL issue | Cross-site scripting filters have been updated to add validation for context URL when using MashUp. | User Experience |
INC-A25458 | 844988 | Localization corrections and Update Wizard enhancements | Missing localizations were causing HTTP 400 network errors. In versions of Pega prior to this release, the Upgrade Wizard created the localization rule for associated properties and the JSON was user-generated. With this update, the Upgrade Wizard has been improved to make sure the associated properties (i.e. local list) will have their localization rule created with JSON containing its values and this JSON will be generated by wizard itself. In addition, the "Quick links" and "My Tasks" labels were not localized in the self-service portal. This was due to an error in the locale reference for pyHome1 in pxDependencies, and has been resolved. | User Experience |
INC-A25954 | 849139 | Corrected Constellation localization for zh_CN | When using the Simplified Chinese locale (zh_CN) in Constellation, the ruleset was localized but the system was still displaying in English. This was traced to an issue where the userLocale and baseLocale evaluated as the same due to a condition failure, and has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-A26261 | 846445 | Corrected window focus when using escape key | Focus was lost on any control when the escape key was pressed. This was caused by an error in the handling of keyboard accessibility for the left navigation panel, and has been resolved by updating the listener for the "Esc" key so it is only implemented on the sidebar and not on the entire window. | User Experience |
INC-A26464 | 850096 | Hierarchical table control click handler updated | After navigating to 'Hierarchical table' in UI gallery, repeatedly expanding and collapsing different rows intermittently caused the expand and collapse to stop working for some of the rows. In hierarchical tables, rows are reused from a pool based on pagination size. Because of this reusing, the click handler, which is removed from a row used as a lowermost child, is not reattached upon reuse, causing the expandable icon to freeze. To resolve this issue, the clickHandler has been re-attached in the updateStyle method, which is triggered by onAllocatePathForDomObjects. | User Experience |
INC-A27074 | 842655 | Upload file hover shows selected filename | When using the Upload functionality to upload the files, the Filepath control still showed the message 'No FIle Chosen' after choosing the file and hovering on the selected file using the mouse. This is a difference in behavior from Pega 7, where the mouse hover showed 'Filename' after selecting the file. To restore the previous behavior, a setTitle function onchange has been added to dynamically set the title based on the value for the filePath control. | User Experience |
INC-A27168 | 848163 | Opening a Case ID in Theme Cosmos report made consistent | Clicking on a row inside of a report will open the case in the same tab, but the case will open in a new tab if the Case ID is the primary column. Investigation showed the "oafunc" attribute can have values such as "openAssignment" which was not handled for reports. To resolve this, openAssignmentInNewTab functionality has been implemented in the pz-cosmos-ui-utils.js file for openAssignment action. This is used as the value for the "oafunc" attribute to open work objects in a new tab that are rendered as children in a tree in summary type reports. In addition, the handling has been updated for the "pzRDWinTitle" control file for openAssignment action | User Experience |
INC-A27720 | 842344 | Corrected accessibility for Create Menu focus | When using keyboard or JAWS, the initial focus was not on the intended element when creating a case using the Create Menu. This was traced to the busy indicator stealing focus, and has been resolved. | User Experience |
INC-A27891 | 844345 | Updated missed use case for dirty check pop-up | A dirty check pop-up window was shown on the screen even if no changes had been made when there was a date control set with display mode as dropdown list. This was an inadvertent side effect of previous work on the dirty popup, and the missed use case of the dropdown date input has now been added to resolve this issue. | User Experience |
INC-A28301 | 845237 | Updated handling for Worklist to Worklist transfer assignment | After transferring an assignment from the worklist to a workqueue or from a workqueue to a worklist, the user is taken back to the Review mode in Constellation. When transferring an assignment from a worklist to another worklist while in Perform mode, the assignment was transferred but the user was not taken back to the Review section as expected. Investigation showed the Go button and assignment staying in Perform mode is dependent on canPerform flag coming from DXAPI team, and in this use case where the user had access to both work queues, the canPerform flag was being set as 'true'. To make the behavior consistent, the assignment will be moved to Review mode for all scenarios. | User Experience |
INC-A28881 INC-A21162 |
844536 840837 |
Updated context handling for drag and drop in repeating dynamic layout | After update, adding a new list Item in a repeating dynamic layout and reordering it with drag and drop only reflected the changes after save. This has ben resolved with an update to ensure the proper harness context on drag in the webwb_pzpega_ui_rubaxa_sortable js file. |
User Experience |
INC-A28933 | 846176 | Focus corrected for Assignment title | After update, when an assignment launched the focus briefly went to the Assignment Title and then immediately moved to the top of the DOM instead of remaining on the title even though pySetFocusOnAssignmentTitle was set to 'true'. This was a missed use case in previous work done to set focus on the header text when harnesses are launched which allowed the focus on the assignment title to be overridden, and has been resolved. | User Experience |
INC-A29862 | 845450 | Corrected Japanese translation for password requirements | In pzDuplicateIDPwdCharacters, the English content says no more than four consecutive characters can be from the operator name, but the Japanese translation indicated no more than three characters. This has been corrected. |
User Experience |
INC-A30043 INC-B1528 |
846379 849162 |
Corrected handling for visibility expression | A client-side visible expression was not working as expected if a when condition or custom condition with multiple fields was used. This was traced to an issue with the isReadable check from the IS_NULL/IS_NOT_NULL condition in getExpressionText function, and has been corrected by updating the expression logic used for comparisons to an empty string. | User Experience |
INC-A30118 | 856486 | Validation error banner made accessible | JAWS was not reading the server level validation error messages generated by pyCaseErrorSection. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B1089 | 853155 | Corrected anchor alignment during scroll | The smart info anchor icon or tip icon was misaligned when scrolling on the main page. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B1362 | 857264 | Corrected Rich Text Editor generating dirty pop-up without changes | When Rich Text Editor was present in the section and the first editable field, clicking the Close button generated a dirty pop-up asking to save the work object even though there were no changes made. Investigation showed this was caused by the cancel/close process adding a new line to the Rich Text, and has been resolved by adding trim to remove the unwanted spaces. | User Experience |
INC-B1797 | 858557 | Corrected flow container context handling for error messages | Error messages related to validation were not removed automatically during screen refresh and carried over from one screen to another screen even after the validation was corrected and the case was successfully submitted from the previous screen. This was due to all of the cases (tabs) being rendered in a flow container which resulted in page messages being pushed to the FlowContainer context (ex. app/primary_3) instead of the active container item context. This has been resolved with an update to populate page errors in the activecontainer context. | User Experience |
INC-B2079 | 851902 | Constellation preview pane updates correctly after action | When using Constellation, hovering over a case ID in worklist and clicking preview opened the preview slider with all the actions, but the preview pane was not refreshing after using the withdraw local action to resolve the case. As a result, local actions were still available and the additional tabs based on status were not displayed. This has been resolved by adding a deleteCaseSummary action for updating the assignments. | User Experience |
INC-B2416 | 851223 | Sort buttons localized | Localization has been added for the Sort Ascending and Sort Descending buttons in a table. | User Experience |
INC-B2984 | 851894 | Corrected labels in stage chevrons not showing ellipsis | An issue with the default case stage chevron not displaying an ellipsis when the window size was adjusted to a point where the label outgrows the size of the chevron has been resolved by updating the CSS. | User Experience |
INC-B3093 | 853105 | GetNextWork opens traditional case directly | GetNextWork was unexpectedly opening a case in a popup. This was traced to the case being created in Theme Cosmos and displayed in Constellation, and was caused by pzCreateDetails not being able to get the needed component to render traditional iframe. To resolve this, an update has been made to override pzCreateDetails for traditional cases to get the proper component details for display. | User Experience |
INC-B3472 | 857117 | Handled overflow for maximized toolbar display | Content screens and the text rich toolbar were overlapping when the content toolbar was maximized. This has been resolved by adding handling for the overflow of the rich text editor. | User Experience |
INC-B3991 | 851409 | Corrected secondary button styling | After update, the secondary button was set to use a dark background which making it difficult to distinguish it from the primary button. This was an unintended side effect of work done to address another issue and has been resolved by updating the CSS for the secondary button. | User Experience |
INC-B4304 | 853851 | Created view can be set in personalized table | The created view could not be set as the default view in the personalize table layout on dashboard. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B4498 | 856073 | Validation banner errors displayed for embedded data | After update, some Constellation assignment steps were showing errors in a banner at the top of the page as well as showing the same errors against the associated fields. Other assignment pages were only showing errors against the associated fields with no summary panel at the top of the page. Investigation showed the errors in a banner were not being displayed when the field being validated was embedded to more that 1 level, and this has been resolved with an update to getValidationErrorMessages which will recursively retrieve all property error messages. | User Experience |
INC-B4596 | 856233 | Updated attribute on Preview button | The Preview button seen when focusing/hovering on a case ID would intermittently not activate the Preview Panel when the Enter key was pressed, for example after being previously closed with the cancel button. This has been resolved by adding a "type='button'" attribute to Preview button element. | User Experience |
INC-B4878 | 854226 | Search string clears correctly after use | After entering a search string on the user portal, the entered string persisted on the results page and when returning to the home page. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B5390 | 857132 | Corrected timezone "today" handling | The default current / today's date was set to an incorrect day on any date picker icon. This was traced to "today" being picked based on UTC time, and has been resolved by updating the timezone handling. | User Experience |
INC-B5845 | 858835 | Corrected time picker error in right-to-left locales | When using a 24H time format in a right-to-left locale such as Arabic or Hebrew, once a time field contained a value that value could not be changed using the time picker and a javascript error appeared in the console. This has been corrected. | User Experience |
INC-B6680 | 859909 | Updated handling for negative integer in field label | If a negative integer value was entered in a field label, the HTML formatting showed special characters when it was used in a dynamic layout. This has been corrected by updating the HTML handling. | User Experience |
INC-B6733 | 856294 | Corrected custom logo for Constellation | Uploading a custom logo with Constellation created a broken image on the portal. This has been resolved by adding no-store as caching policy to prevent this issue. | User Experience |
INC-B7247 | 856626 | Corrected Insights data issue | After update, using Insights only returned claims that were Resolved-Completed or Resolved-Disallowed instead of the expected view of all claim data. This has been corrected by updating the handling for undefined RHS value. | User Experience |
INC-B777 | 851907 | Updated secondary button validation message handling | When attempting to submit without filling in a mandatory field, the error message was appearing on the field but also intermittently on the top of the screen.This has been resolved by updating the handling for validation errors shown for secondary button actions. | User Experience |