
Last activity: 28 Jan 2019 5:02 EST
Correction: How to refer a property from Page in Field Value
Hi all ,
there is a post which is already closed: https://community1.pega.com/community/product-support/question/how-refer-property-page-field-value#comment-form
with a comment :
You can only refer properties from primary page. You cannot refer page.property in field value as far as i know.
I want to correct this , maybe at that time it was not possible but there is a way to do that ( tested with Pega 7.2):
In label control give the value as :
<%=tools.getLocalizedTextForString(".pyCaption", "YourFieldValueName" +"\t"+ tools.findPage("PageName").getString("Prop1") +"\t"+ tools.findPage("PageName").getString("Prop2")) %>
In the Field Value give your text like that
Here comes the first part {1} here comes the second part {2}
If you have more Parameters just add like that ...
+"\t"+ tools.findPage("PageName").getString("Prop3") and soon.
I hope this will help for other users...
Thanks and best regards