
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 1 Mar 2023 9:38 EST
Ask the Expert and give us your feedback on Pega Express
Our Pega Express team of @BanditaJoarder, @RalphBooth, @JoanDuTriou @JoshSultanik and @AnthonyKirkham will be on hand to answer any questions you have about Pega Express, and also to receive your feedback.
What do you like, what you not like, and what do you want to see more of?
We love to hear from our community. We love to learn about your challenges and successes, and how we can help by continuing to evolve our delivery approach.
Session: 9th December 2022 to 31st January 2023
Make sure to Follow and Favorite for updates!
Meet Your Experts:
The Pega Express team of Bandita Joarder, Ralph Booth, Joan du Triou, Josh Sultanik and Anthony Kirkham are passionate about helping everyone deliver Pega projects in the best way possible. With a combined 35 years’ plus Pega experience, they have developed and refined our delivery approach, Pega Express, using input from the field, product, partners and our clients, to help drive successful outcomes.
Ask the Expert Rules
- Follow the Pega Support Center's Rules of Engagement
- This is not a Live Chat - Our Experts will reply to your questions over the course of the session
- Questions should be clearly and succinctly expressed
- Questions should be of interest to many others in the audience
- Have fun!
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Everyone - this board is open for questions, feedback, or sharing your stories and hearing from our wider community. Pease feel free to post here.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hey @AnthonyKirkham I know the team are excited ahead of Pega Express month starting... almost only a week away! how can everyone learn more about the events, the blogs coming and how to engage over the course of January?!
Anthony Kirkham

Pegasystems Inc.
@RalphBooth- glad you asked :-).
The good news is that everything is in one place on our dedicated Pega Express page. We are releasing blogs and videos throughout January and you can read / watch them any time at your leisure. We've also got a couple of live events at the end of the month - one targeted at our Business Architect community, and another for our Certified LSAs, but anyone in the community is more than welcome to join us. We have some great content lined up for you all!
Ralph Booth

Pegasystems Inc.
@AnthonyKirkham thanks Anthony! really looking forward to the content dropping and seeing everyone's questions and feedback!
Updated: 4 Jan 2023 9:06 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
I am a big fan of the best practice of defining Minimum Lovable Products (MLP), which help accelerate time to value. I have personal experience of this concept working well and have helped clients to restructure their work and break down their ambitions into incremental MLP releases. However, to further the success in this area, are there any plans to provide further guidance on how clients should think of MLPs in the Discover phase? I am thinking along the lines of educating clients who are not used to an Agile approach what the benefits of an iterative approach to delivery are, so this can be cascaded through to the different stakeholders who would be involved in projects – reducing discussions on why we shouldn’t deliver everything at once and helping to manage expectations.
Anthony Kirkham Ralph Booth

Pegasystems Inc.
@belld2 This is an excellent insight and feedback, thank you. We do have some great content on Pega Community around this subject already (e.g. Minimum Lovable Product best practice). However I think we can do more here, and possibly add a slide deck / tool to the Pega Express Toolkit, so our community have a pre-prepared guidance that can use when discussing the benefits of iterative delivery over a big bang approach. So in answer to your question, we do now have plans to provide further guidance, although we will need a little time to determine exactly what form that takes.
This is exactly why we value everyone's input on this board, so thank you for contributing.
Ralph Booth

Pegasystems Inc.
@AnthonyKirkham thanks for the reply. I will keep my eyes out for more helpful content on this topic landing on Pega Express!

Pegasystems Inc.
@belld2 here is the new content - also posted below in case our audience misses it on this reply.
Darren Bell

Pegasystems Inc.
As a Client Success Manager understanding business value and seeing these being realised is key to success for clients. It is important in that it establishes a baseline for the business to realise the benefits once the application goes live. Ensuring that everything which is implemented is aligned to this business value needs to be in the minds of those delivering the solution and the product owner delivering the solution and those monitoring the successful benefits realised. Business value should be made transparent in all the activities involved in defining the solution and the delivering against it through the delivery cycle.
Anthony Kirkham Ralph Booth Josh Sultanik

Pegasystems Inc.
@IainTollemache thanks for this insight. Well said! I can see the theme of this thread so far is focusing on business value and business outcomes which really does underpin the success of a project, throughout the whole project.
Updated: 6 Jan 2023 3:38 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
As a Project Delivery Lead my favourite best practice is the focus on Business Outcomes; the reason being that during too many engagements in the past have focused malformed requirements which often lead the businesses down the path of optimizing how they have always worked rather than transforming their business via digital transformation. Being able to challenge the business and focus on the outcome rather than requirement has benefits to both the business and delivery due to the solution being closer to Pega out of the box technology or simplifying the solution which saves costs to delivery and ensures quicker business adoption and an earlier return on investment.
Marissa Rogers Josh Sultanik Anthony Kirkham

Pegasystems Inc.
@pinet Tim thank you for posting and sharing your experiences. Business Outcomes is a great best practice, and definitely helps focus the team, to ensure what they work on contributes to these business goals. The latest Pega Express month talks about how our best practices help contribute to ensuring we achieve those outcomes. Its worth a read: Business value: achieving outcomes with Pega Express™ | Pega

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Everyone - thanks to feedback on this thread (@belld2), we have introduced a new tool to the Pega Express Toolkit. We have created a new slide presentation that you can reuse to help you convey the value of delivering projects incrementally, rather than taking a big bang approach. You can find it here, filtered by the 'Discover' phase and 'Define your Minimum Lovable Product'. It's worth checking out all of our other tools as well - there is plenty of great content on our toolkit. If you spot something that you think could be improved, or a gap, please let us know on this thread or at [email protected].
Marissa Rogers Darren Bell

Pegasystems Inc.
Really liking the content in this new tool to articulate the value of the incremental approach - love to see the statistics and raw data to balance the emotional reaction that this can often raise. At the same time acknowledging that incremental delivery can have its own challenges. Then weighing those challenges against getting value out to the business quickly and incrementally - so whatever workarounds that are put in place can be prioritized and addressed as quickly as possible. 100% agree.
Perhaps the next 'increment' of the tool can include some additional emphasis on the Pega Express Value closest to my heart - Leverage the power of Pega. As a LSA - the technology and the power of Pega is the real differentiator for me. The platform has come so far recently in it's ability to be used out-of-the-box - making rapid, incremental delivery 100% possible.
Pretty brave making Pega Express Month the first month of the year - Well Done and a great way to kickoff 2023.
Cheers, Barry.
Anthony Kirkham Iain Tollemache

Pegasystems Inc.
@OKANBthanks for this, Barry. Glad it hits the mark. I'll take up your advice re the next iteration.
It's also interesting that we are hearing from a number of people that one value or best practice in particular resonates with them, and it varies from person to person, role to role. To me, that means that this evolution is having the desired effect, and making the best practices easier to digest and adopt.

Pegasystems Inc.
@AnthonyKirkham Pega Express month is building to an exciting conclusion, my favourite part is always the live events. Can you share a little more about the webinars please!
Updated: 19 Jan 2023 20:50 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
@RalphBooth - absolutely! The live events are the highlight of Pega Express Month.
First up, we have an event targeted at our LSA community. This is an opportunity to hear from, and ask our team about some of the flawed design and implementation patterns we sometimes see, and how to avoid them. You can sign up for the US/European time-friendly event on 23rd Jan or the APAC event on 25th Jan.
We then have an event targeted at Business Architects, when we talk about Pega Express values and how they can help BAs on their projects. This will be hosted to a US/European audience on 30th Jan and the replay will be available afterwards.
Updated: 23 Jan 2023 16:16 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
@AnthonyKirkham I am really looking forward to the event for Business Architects! I am expecting between 10 and 20 Business Architects and Product Owners to attend this from HMRC next Monday.It will be so good to hear from Brad, Anthony and Laura talk about Pega Express. I am sure there will be some great learnings and advice!
Super excited to help HMRC with streaming this event and get HMRC feedback afterwards !
Thanks Iain
Anthony Kirkham Ralph Booth

Pegasystems Inc.
Thank you to all who joined us for the first live event yesterday - it was amazingly well attended (500 of you!).
In one poll, we asked 'What are the most important responsibilities of a CLSA?'. It was an open answer and we had over 80 different responses. The most recurring answers were Design, Architecture and Reusability.
The event was targeted at our LSA community and it was an opportunity to hear from, and ask our team about some of the flawed design and implementation patterns we sometimes see, and how to avoid them. If you missed it and want the live experience, you can sign up for the follow up APAC event on 25th Jan.

Pegasystems Inc.
@AnthonyKirkham Thanks Anthony. For those who missed the webinar, we are hosting another live webinar on the same topics tonight at 7PM EST - APAC event on 25th Jan. The webinar covered the technical aspects of architecture best practices such as designing for reuse, following object-oriented principles, designing for high performance, and pitfalls to avoid that may impact app performance, and security concerns, among other things. A recording will be made available for those unable to attend either of the live options. Josh Sultanik | Pega Express Director
Ralph Booth

Pegasystems Inc.
We had great attendance for our CLSA webinar in the second event today (APAC friendly time). Thank you to the ~100 who attended. We re-ran a poll asking 'What are the most important responsibilities of a CLSA?'. Again, it was an open answer and the most recurring answers were Design and Review, Governance and Data Model.
Ralph Booth

Pegasystems Inc.
@AnthonyKirkham @JoshSultanik sounds like the live events were a big success! how can those that missed them catch up on them?
Updated: 5 Feb 2023 21:18 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
@RalphBooth The good news is that the recordings are available on the Support Centre:

FreeAlliance.com LLC
@AnthonyKirkham - Hi Anthony - I have a few clarifications on the Pega Scrum Sizing Tool, available under the Pega Express Toolkit. Is this is right forum to pose those clarifications?

Pegasystems Inc.
@SoumyaC6982 Hello - you can post questions here if you like, or email [email protected] and we can answer your questions via email. This article here, on the Pega Express toolkit, may also help provide guidance (you may need to log in to Pega Community to access the tool).

Pegasystems Inc.
Thank you to everyone who took part in our Ask the Expert session on Pega Express and especially to our experts @BanditaJoarder @RalphBooth @AnthonyKirkham @JoshSultanik @JoanDuTriou
If you have any further Pega Express questions, you can ask a new question and make sure to tag it with the product Pega Express so our experts will be notified and can come help you out!
Keep an eye on our Ask the Expert homepage for our upcoming sessions and set up notifications for the Support Tag "Ask the Expert" to be alerted when new sessions begin!