
Medical Mutual
Last activity: 15 Aug 2016 16:12 EDT
When/How does a user take ownership of work from a workbasket?
Hello All,
We are currently using Pega v6.3 SP1 and are in the process of upgrading to PRPC v7.2. I am currently working on a requirement to understand Pega OOB functionality and best practices in regards to when/how users view and take ownership of work. Specifically, I want the following questions answered for PRPC v 7.2 -
1. When/how does a work object move from a workbasket to a user's work list i.e. gets assigned to the user's worklist? (i.e. Does it happen automatically when they open a work object from a workbasket or the contact history or search by Interaction/Service Intent ID?)
2. If the transfer happens upon "update" of a work object, what constitutes an update? (i.e. It doesn't change upon updating notes, so when does it happen?)
3. What is best practice for allowing a user to move a work object to a resolved state? (i.e. How should the user know that clicking submit will resolve the work object rather than taking them to the next step in the process?)
Any related information/ help will be much appreciated!
***Updated by Moderator: Lochan. Removed user added helpme and Ask the Expert tags. Apologies for confusion, shouldn't have been an end-user option; updated Categories***