Verification link already triggered before it arrives in email
I configured verification email link as below:
which is Pega Rest service. It takes a token parameter and calls another API to validate the url. On click of the link customer email is verified in the database. However, I observe the link is already clicked before it arrive in the email.
I think Pega uses the link from the correspondence rule and run it internally, this is causing issues as the link is no longer active. I run the tracer and I see the service run just after emai is sent. Here's how I configured correspondence fragment rule:
{% tools.putSaveValue("PublicLinkURL",pega_procom_pegaprocomutilities.getPublicLinkURL());
Click HERE <a href='{$save(PublicLinkURL)}/{MyTempWork.pyNote NORMAL}'> LINK </a>
where MyTempWork.pyNote is "api/auth/v1/verifyemail/{customerId)/{token}"
Any help why Pega is running the link internally and how to avoid it?