
Tata Consultancy Services
Last activity: 1 Mar 2016 9:56 EST
Values becoming null whenever i move a workobject from workbasket to worklist.
On click of getnextcase button im getting a workobject and moving the same to current operator worklist. There some properties i have populated in both PC_ASSIGN_WORKBASKET and PC_ASSIGN_WORKLIST.
Before moving the WO to worklist i have checked the data in database, in PC_ASSIGN_WORKBASKET the exposed properties have values, but when i move the same to current operator worklist the values becoming null.
Even i set the values for the exposed peoperties in newdefaults activity at assign- level.
iam using utility shape to call the activity where routing takes place. (As there is no UI associated to it , we are not using assignment shape)
Please help on this.
Sravan Kumar K