
Ernst and Young
Last activity: 2 Jan 2019 15:08 EST
Validate a Calendar Rule in Pega
In our Application , there is a data Table that maintains User Name, User Work Location and Calendar Name as distinct Columns. SLA for individual workobjects is based on the Calendar Rule across different location for the respective Uses. The Calendar Column holds values like AUS_NSW, US_Default etc., and there are 15 defined Calendar Rules in the Application.
The rows in this data Table is populated through External Integration. (via File Listener CSV File Upload ). CSV File placed in the location, the File Listener picks up the file, creates workobject in Pega for that request and commits the Changes to the Data Table . This is working perfectly fine.
Requirement : How to validate the Calendar Column against the Existing Calendar Rules in Our Pega Application, before committing the Changes to Data Table ? If the Incoming File contains a Calendar Name that does not exist in our Application, how to show error message ? How to validate the Calendar Rule in Data Table ?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****