Last activity: 9 Feb 2020 4:32 EST
User work form
What is user work form?
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Pegasystems Inc.
It is a place holder HTML FRAGMENT called by most of our existing HARNESSes. You can use to customize your application with an extra JavaScript for example if needed.
Pegasystems Inc.
You can add custom client-side validation scripts or error messages on an application-wide by overriding the HTML fragment rule UserWorkForm, which is included in the fragment WorkFormStandard, which in turn is included in the HTML code for every user form.
Pegasystems Inc.
Userworkform is the HTML (containing style ,script)fragment that is loaded whenever a userform is loaded that is any section. So whenever any UI is loaded, it will be loaded at last so any change made in it will get affected overriding other styles or script
Prasad Yadagiri
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Bhargav,
Userform is an HTML fragment rule which generally used to load the extra styles that need to be picked at run time and need to call custom javascript functions according to your requirement. Please find the below article for the user-work forms.
Thank you
One more question how to call user work form into our section?
Goldman Sachs Group Inc
HI @BhargavP2852,
UserWorkForm will be loaded every time the screen is refreshed.You don't have to call it anywhere because WorkFormStandard will be called on every load and WorkFormStandard includes UserWorkForm.
However if you want to call UserWorkFrom in your non auto-generated section add the below code in the HTML source.
<pega:include name="UserWorkForm"/>
Hope this helps.
Aaseya IT Services Pvt.Ltd
UserWorkForm is a HTML Fragment rule that accepts customized Scripts to be executed during the loading of screen. The scripts can be any type, for example in order to customize the Busy Indicator in your application, you can include a script with customized gif image. Similarly we can customize many things. UserWorkForm always loads during the launch of harness and Refreshing of section.