
Last activity: 23 Nov 2019 21:17 EST
Urgent !! Help on installing Pega 8.3 Personal Edition
Hi everyone,
I was installing Pega 8.3 Personal Edition in my personal laptop while installing im facing these errors
Encountered database error attempting to load UDF library onto PostgreSQL, clean schema before running again.
[java] *****************************************************************************************************
[java] Exception in thread "main" org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: cannot use PL/Java before successfully completing its setup
[java] Hint: Check the log for messages closely preceding this one, detailing what step of setup failed and what will be needed, probably setting one of the "pljava." configuration variables, to complete the setup. If there is not enough help in the log, try again with different settings for "log_min_messages" or "log_error_verbosity".
while installing Plsql .sql command in Postgres i encountered a excpetion
can anybody know how to fix ?