Upgrading NBAA 7.31Pega marketing 7.4 to CDH/CS 8.7 with standalone NBAA
We are planning to upgrade our application from Pega/Marketing 7.4, nbaa 7.3.1 to Pega CDH, CRM/CS 8.7.
While we did find some details on the usage of NBAA in 8.7 CS/CRM but please let us know if there is any documentation explaining upgrade details of NBAA 7.3.1 to 8.7 CS and how it can be configured with CDH 8.7 as we are planning 2 stacks one for CRM/CS , one for CDH;
We are esp. keen to understand the usage of standalone NBAA as mentioned in https://docs-previous.pega.com/pega-next-best-action-advisor-implementation-guide/87/pega-next-best-action-advisor-implementation-scenarios [Client wish to continue with their non-Pega CS application and use Pega for NBAA/CDH parts only]
Also we understand embedded cassandra is deprecated in 8.7 but our application uses embedded cassandra for the decision data store.
What steps need to be undertaken for switching from embedded to external cassandra, esp with regards to existing data present in embedded cassandra in Pega 7.x?
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***