Pega NBAA 7.21 to 7.4 upgrade
Our application is currently built on NBAA 7.21 FW which is on top of NBAM FW. The application stack in the implementation guides of NBAA 7.21 is completely different to what we have currently. The legacy upgrade guide of NBAA 7.21 instructs to built an app that's similar to what we have in place.
So, my question is What is the recommended approach to do the upgrade to NBAA 7.4? Should we do the legacy upgrade like it was done before by installing NBAA FW on top of NBAM or should we go ahead and upgrade NBAA 7.21 to NBAA 7.4 where NBAA is a part of CRM suite.
Any thoughts/inputs are appreciated. Attached the app stack of built on apps of our current application and app stack that's present in 7.21 guides.
Mythili Reddy
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags***