Upgrade Estimator - Application Scanning is in progress - Stuck at 15%
Pega 7.2 application migrating a 5.5 application. The upgrade estimator did work when we have run it previously last two months. When we ran it last, the browser was closed before the calculation was done. In the log we are seeing this error:
2017-05-03 14:12:28,538 [ WebContainer : 8] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ CheckCM:02.01.01] ( internal.mgmt.Executable) ERROR cr1dsvpps015.gcs.frb.org|c1gbm01l1.rb.win.frb.org|Rule-Connect-SOAP.Data-PostUpgradeIssue-ServicesService-.TyGetDataForFilters C1gbm01 - Exception
com.pega.pegarules.pub.services.ResourceUnavailableException: SOAP service failed