
State of New Jersey
Last activity: 16 Oct 2018 12:03 EDT
Updating a specification using View/Edit in Microsoft word link is not working
I am not able to view or update the specification through View/Edit in Microsoft word link on the specification rule.
I am using Pega 7.1.7 with Microsoft Word 2016.
I would appreciate for any suggestion on how to mitigate this issue.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Do you have any additional details you can provide on error messages, maybe put some screenshots in the post to show the steps you are taking and the result, etc? This may be more of a tech support question, but if you could provide just a little bit more info someone may be able to help you. With the info provided, it's hard to know where to start.

State of New Jersey
Thanks for response.
Steps taken:
1. Accessed the specification from Designer Studio-> Application Profile
2. Clicked on the link View/Edit in Microsoft Word
3. The system does not react
Please see the attached screen shot below. Please let me know if you need any further info on this.
Sai kishore Kandoori

Pegasystems Inc.
Thank is how I would approach it. Hope this helps.
1) Take a look at the compatibility info (if it makes sense to you perhaps you can fix the problem yourself). It looks like the key issue could be 32 bit or 64 bit Word and installation of Silverlight. Do others you work with have this same setup and does it work for them?
2) Take a look at the workaround option if you need to make progress now (workaround: edit the attachments for the specification rule directly)
3) Open a Help Desk ticket with your company and/or an SR with Pega for more help on figuring out the issue.
Here is the additional info for you...
Key notes from below 2 links below: (1) Word 2016 is not listed as compatible (could just be a timing issue), (2) 32 bit Word versions are compatible for Pega 7.1.7 but not 64 bit
Workaround Option - add/edit attachments directly from specification rule
Thank is how I would approach it. Hope this helps.
1) Take a look at the compatibility info (if it makes sense to you perhaps you can fix the problem yourself). It looks like the key issue could be 32 bit or 64 bit Word and installation of Silverlight. Do others you work with have this same setup and does it work for them?
2) Take a look at the workaround option if you need to make progress now (workaround: edit the attachments for the specification rule directly)
3) Open a Help Desk ticket with your company and/or an SR with Pega for more help on figuring out the issue.
Here is the additional info for you...
Key notes from below 2 links below: (1) Word 2016 is not listed as compatible (could just be a timing issue), (2) 32 bit Word versions are compatible for Pega 7.1.7 but not 64 bit
Workaround Option - add/edit attachments directly from specification rule
See the attached screenshots, this is from version 7.1.9 but it shows that you can upload and edit Word documents as attachments to Specifications and can indicate that they should be used as the description.

State of New Jersey
Hi David,
My colleagues have the same issue. What I can see from the link you provided I can see that MS 2016 version is not in the list of compatible versions.
based on the fact that MS 2016 is not supported please let me know if I still need to create a SR or if our helpdesk will need to install a lower version in my machine to make this work. Your response will be appreciated.

Pegasystems Inc.
My suggestion would be to start with your help desk and see if you can find a compatible setup with their help. First thing I would check is if Word 2016 is setup for 64 bit or 32 bit. That should be under File - Account - About Microsoft Word.
FYI - I am currently using Word 2013, 32 bit version.

State of New Jersey
Thanks Dave-. I checked the version and it is 32 bit. It seems the 2016 version is not compatible regardless of the version. I might need to request a lower version to be installed. Also please let me know if MS word 2016 will be supported in 7.2.x.

Pegasystems Inc.
The implementation of this feature changed as of 7.1.8. Below is a snippet from the platform support guide as well as links for you.
Microsoft Office Support in Pega 7.1.8 and later
Pega 7 has migrated to file-based integration with Microsoft Office and productivity software suites. Beginning in version 7.1.8, Pega 7 supports any version of MS Office that can read and interpret .docx, .xlsx, and .csv files. Any 32-bit version of MS Office which supports these file formats can be used.
NOTE: The 64-bit versions of Microsoft Office are not supported.

Some fields can be locked, so they are never updated even when someone issues an update field command. For example, if you use a field to enter the current date on the day the document was created, you do not want to update this field each time you open the document. Microsoft 70-412 VCE
Some fields are updated from fields in the Field dialog box. Selecting this checkbox will add \! Change the code string for this field. You can manually type the rate in the code string if it finds it easier to return to the Field dialog box.
If the field you want to block does not include \! Switch as part of the syntax, here's another way: Click the field and press Ctrl + F11. To make sure that the field is locked, right-click it; the Update Field command is not available in the menu that appears.

After you have linked information from other applications into your documents, you may want to someday review those links to see which applications your document is dependent upon. How you do this depends on the version of Word you are using.
- If you are using Word 2007, click the Office button, click Prepare, and finally click Edit Links to Files.
- If you are using Word 2010, display the File tab of the ribbon, click Info, and finally click Edit Links to Files.
Regardless of which version you are using, Word displays the Links dialog box. (If the option to edit links is not available, it means that Word doesn't think there are any links in the current document.) (See Figure 1.)
After you have linked information from other applications into your documents, you may want to someday review those links to see which applications your document is dependent upon. How you do this depends on the version of Word you are using.
- If you are using Word 2007, click the Office button, click Prepare, and finally click Edit Links to Files.
- If you are using Word 2010, display the File tab of the ribbon, click Info, and finally click Edit Links to Files.
Regardless of which version you are using, Word displays the Links dialog box. (If the option to edit links is not available, it means that Word doesn't think there are any links in the current document.) (See Figure 1.)
Figure 1. The Links dialog box.
The Links dialog box lists all the objects linked to your document. From the dialog box you can do the following:
- Manually update the linked information by selecting it and then clicking on the Update Now button.
- Change the source from which linked information is derived by selecting the link and then clicking on the Change Source button. (This displays another dialog box in which you can specify the new file location.)
- Break a document link by selecting the link and then clicking on the Break Link button.
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