Unable to add external dll to pega robot studio version 19.1.119
I have external an application dll, unable to add dll component into code. Getting some error. Please help me in this
I have external an application dll, unable to add dll component into code. Getting some error. Please help me in this
Accepted Solution
@BaratamR If you are wanting to use something from an external library in a Pega Robotics automation, it must either be a Static method (or property or event) or a Component. This message indicates your assembly does not contain either. If you want to use it within a script, then place it in the %AppData%\Pegasystems\PublicAssemblies folder and you may reference it from there. Be sure to include any of its referenced assemblies there as well.
Accepted Solution
@BaratamR If you are wanting to use something from an external library in a Pega Robotics automation, it must either be a Static method (or property or event) or a Component. This message indicates your assembly does not contain either. If you want to use it within a script, then place it in the %AppData%\Pegasystems\PublicAssemblies folder and you may reference it from there. Be sure to include any of its referenced assemblies there as well.
@ThomasSasnett Above mentioned dll is Component only. i want to use as Component only and its not showing in .net component dropdown.
@BaratamR If you are able to provide the source code for your DLL, I am happy to take a look at it. One thing you will need to ensure is that the assembly is targeted for .Net 4.8. Once you build it, place it and any of its references (if they are external to .Net) into the %AppData%\Pegasystems\PublicAssemblies folder.
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