
Troubleshooting Output File Template
How can I troubleshooting output file template execution inside an action flow? Unlike the email treatment I do no see a mechanism for testing the template.
I have a file template in an action flow, the NBA framework is returning the expected action.
To validate that the action flow attached to the action is performed correctly I am using an email treatment. I am receiving the email as expected but the file is not being created.
The repository rule indicates that there is connection to the folder, and also write permissions. I am using a path inside the pega installation, where Pega has write permissions /opt/tomcat/Pega/PegaMKTFileTreatments.
I am triggering the NBA by using a RT-Event.
There are not errors in Pega logs.
Thanks in advance
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Accepted Solution

One thing to note is that the file content will not be created until the Template has been finalized. Since you are using a Real Time Event to trigger Actions, you should either configure a finalization schedule (on the Finalize tab) or go to the File templates landing page and use the Finalize menu option.
Also, if you expand the Template's row in the File templates landing page you will see a display of the staged record count. You could check that to confirm that records are being staged for the Template.
In case you haven't seen it, the Pega Marketing 8.4 User Guide has a chapter on Templates with information about Template Finalization. Here's the link to the guide:

often the actual error can be found from the dataflow page. If you can trace the running sequence and identify the actual flow being used, that would give the real reason why. There are other debug class you can turn on, but check on the data flow page first.
For example OOTB batch data flow used is: CDHWriteFileFromDB (8.4): goto Decisioning>>Decisions>>Data flows>>(Batch Processing, Real time processing, etc).
Good luck!

There are not errors in data flow page. My data flow is ProcessFromEventSource that is a OOTB DF for RT-Events in CDH
Any other advise?

Looking at the activity HandleMktEvents from the ProcessFromEventSource RT flow, program runs were initiated through agent, you may want to check the batch data flows related to those program runs.

I do not have DF configured in the Batch, do you have any guide or article about what DF has to be configured for the File Template component to work?

I do not think you need to configure anything, system will take care of itself as part of campaign run:

The repository and file name should be configured when creating a File Output Template.
I have tried both Pega's default repository and also creating a new file repository, non of them have worked for me.
Is there any log I can review or way to trace this component?
Accepted Solution

One thing to note is that the file content will not be created until the Template has been finalized. Since you are using a Real Time Event to trigger Actions, you should either configure a finalization schedule (on the Finalize tab) or go to the File templates landing page and use the Finalize menu option.
Also, if you expand the Template's row in the File templates landing page you will see a display of the staged record count. You could check that to confirm that records are being staged for the Template.
In case you haven't seen it, the Pega Marketing 8.4 User Guide has a chapter on Templates with information about Template Finalization. Here's the link to the guide:

That works, the finalize concept was not clear to me in the guide in regards to trigger the file creation your explanation help me more to understand it .
Questions related to the topic:
- With CDH/PegaMkt moving from outbound campaigns to 1:1 Engagement, what is the best template finalization strategy if the outbound interaction is started with the NBA Framework by receiving a RT-Event?
- What API or activity can I invoke to finalize the file from a job scheduler If finalize after each run is not set?
Let me know if you prefer those questions to be added as new “Pega Collaboration Question” and close this one.
Thanks again and best regards.

I recommend you use the scheduled finalization option. The File Template's Finalization tab has options for configuring the schedule. Once this is configured (and the template is checked in), Pega Marketing will finalize the template on that schedule. You don't need to configure the Job Scheduler yourself.