
Sensiple Software Solutions
Last activity: 11 Oct 2017 2:51 EDT
Transition between Process Steps in different stages
This is my requirement,
I'm performing the First step of stage(Stage A).After completing that step it will go to next stage(Stage B)using change stage.Okay..Well!
Here, when completing last step of this stage(Stage B) it should go to Second step of previous stage (Stage A).
How to implement this requirement?!
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
It sounds like you are able to do the first step of changing the stage. To go to the second step on the change back you could probably do the following.
Update the start when condition on the step to have a condition that would evaluate to true only if it wasn't already processed. Then if you do a change stage back to the first it should skip it based on that behavior.

Sensiple Software Solutions
Hi Rowland,
Im not able to find the start when condition for step in a case life cycle.
Could you help me to find this.

J.P. Morgan Services India PVT Ltd
I believe on basis of some conditions only you want the case to reach step 2.
to achieve this we have step validation as well, which we can configure at on the configure view of that step.

Sensiple Software Solutions
Hi Neha,
I'm aware of what you are will only prevents the user from transition to next step and it validates the fields on a form.I need to a transition from a particular step in one stage to another step in different stage
Mahesh Thanneru

Northbridge Insurance
You can use change stage to move across stages and Skip step when/ uncheck launch on re-entry if you dont want a particular step to be executed on renentering that stage.

Sensiple Software Solutions
Hi Anudeep,
Suggest me where can I find the Skip Step When option.
It will be helpful if you reply with a screen shot .

Pegasystems Inc.
It should be on the right hand configuration panel when you select a process. Which Pega version are you using?

Sensiple Software Solutions
Im using Pega 7.2.1.Yeah..I know the Start When condition for each process.But i need to go back to the previous process step in a stage

Sensiple Software Solutions
In this case life cycle,I need to go back to the arrow marked step.after completing the last step in that stage.

Pegasystems Inc.
Using pxChangeStage API and putting a when rule on first process/step in target stage should solve this issue.
Could you help me understand better, where exactly are you facing issue?
You just need to make logic in that when rule smart enough (based on some property) so that it evaluates true only when coming from the last step of source stage.

Sensiple Software Solutions
Consider the case life cycle in attachments.
Here I'm in Define solution step in solution design stage and it has Yes or No Buttons.
Condition 1:If I select Yes it should go to next stage Query response.Okay with that.
Condition 2:If I select No it should go to next step in the same stage.No issue with that.
Condition 3:Now selecting Yes in solution design stage advances to the Query response stage.After performing last step Response review it has to go to Estimate effort step in Solution design stage.This is my case flow and I'm facing issue with this.
Do I have to modify the case life cycle or stick with the same?!
Hope this could help you to understand better.tried so!