
Bradesco Seguros SA
Last activity: 23 Sep 2024 11:31 EDT
Transition between different design frameworks, UIKIT, and Theme Cosmos
Hello everyone! I hope you're doing well.
We are seeking guidance regarding the transition between different design frameworks, UIKIT, and Theme Cosmos.
Currently, we have several applications using UIKIT, while others are using Theme Cosmos. We've concluded that it's not yet the right time to completely abandon the traditional UI in favor of Constellation. However, we're facing the challenge of integrating resources between these different frameworks, such as enabling a UIKIT application to utilize functionalities of a Theme Cosmos, and we're uncertain about the next steps. We would like to know what the most effective strategy would be for the growth of these applications, considering that most companies have multiple applications in UIKIT, while new ones are being developed with Theme Cosmos.
We appreciate your help in advance.