
Knowledge Expert
Last activity: 21 Jan 2019 3:45 EST
Tracking changes to Data table which is delegated
Hi All ,
I have a requirement where I need to store infiormation of te chnages done by users for a data table which is delegated . changes like who updated it ? ,if value is changed then from what previous value to new value ? who deleted it ? who added new entry ?
I have read posts related to field level auditing for data class and I have followed all the steps in that post but still I cannot find history details in history-Data class
Steps followed by me
1) Created TrackSecurityChanges Declare trigger in prod ruleset which is delegated
2) pyTrackSecuritychanges Data transform with all Data table fields I want to track
Is there something i am missing ? when i traced , I also couldnt see these rules run , i could seeonly those run from baseclass
any suggestion is appreciated
thanks in advance