
Last activity: 2 Mar 2017 1:40 EST
Tracking changes in decision tables
Is there a way to track changes in decision table rules? The changes are not limited to just returned values. Changes could be in the input columns as well.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Well a Decision Table is a rule and as such, the history record of said rule should show you all previous versions. Just click on the pencil icon to display the previous version you need and check differences.

That's true but what I need is an ability to report on the changes. We need to know when a parameter (input or output) was changed and what was that change. Based on this info, there has to be an analysis of cases which used this changed parameter value.

Pegasystems Inc.
Do you mean that you need to track the change in logic of the Decision Table; or track when the inputs of a particular Decision table have changed ?

I need to track the change in the inputs as well as output of the decision table. Say I have a table (on n rows) with properties x and y as input.
and there is row like x=A && y=B returns C. I would like to know if any of A,B and C changes (for any of the n rows in that table). This would give me a starting point to analyse my cases which followed this changed decision table.

Hi NALIN001,
As per my understanding you need to only check if there is any chage in input as well as output properties but not the LOGIC,
I think for this we can use Declare Trigger or Declare On change and call Activity to log all required changes to a Pagelist for reporting purposes

Declarative rules are not allowed to be created in declarative classes. This error message appears -"Declarative rules cannot be declared on a declarive class".

Well i am not really sure i never worked on such requirement but i think we can trace the Pega activity which is saving the changes in History table and if it is not a Final activity we can possibly modify it as per our requirements.

I am still looking for ideas to handle this. Please help

Pegasystems Inc.
May be below link will be helpful

Hi, for this topic, is there any more information?
the link is good but not helpful for the decision table. as NALIN001 mentioned "This error message appears -"Declarative rules cannot be declared on a declarive class".

Pegasystems Inc.
I found this during my search on PDN: How to correct the Cannot be a Declarative Target warning for Declare Expression rules
Can you please take a look and let us know if this helps?

thanks for the info. that is not same issue. the article is for individual property. The one we discussed is for the Declare rule apply to another declare rule.
This comment has been branched out as a new node and the new thread can be followed here

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Again!
Thank you for the reply to let us know your specific requirement. To increase the visibility for this question, we have created a new post: Ideas to handle this error message -"Declarative rules cannot be declared on a declarive class"
Please update this post for any information I have missed and continue the discussion!