tools.sendFile API is not working for large TIF images in Chrome and Edge
We have this existing functionality which retrieves the images from external storage server to Pega. we are using Connect REST to get the image and we are using below java code to download the file from response. This is working on IE but it is not working on Edge for large TIF images. With IE gone , we dont have a workaround. Did anyone else face the same issue? we are upgrading to Pega 8.7.1 version from 7.1.8 in a week but the issue exists with both the versions. Appreciate if someone can help on this issue.
String downloadFileName=tools.getParamValue("downloadFileName"); String ByteStream=tools.getParamValue("ByteStream"); byte[] data = ByteStream.getBytes(); String sErrorMessage = tools.sendFile(data,downloadFileName, false, null, true);
if (sErrorMessage != null){ tools.getThread().getThreadPage().putString("pyXMLStream", sErrorMessage); }